The Person Above Me Is...

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Lol the person above me loves bulldogs...woof!
^ the person above me is my best friend. ;)
The person above me is waiting for santa claus to go to her house. See her avatar. :giggle:
The person above me is a good friend of mine ;)...
The person above me can't get over looking at the two adorable loving birds--:D
The person above me is someone I truly love and hopefully will get marry soon!
^ the person above me brought a birdie today. :mrgreen:
The person above me needs a pet!! :lol:
The person above isn't actually an angel. Did you know that?

Yup, it's true!
The person above me thinks he knows everything...
The person above me is the first person who send me a Christmas card. ;)
The person above me, Have lotsa lotsa butterflies trapped her home ???? :D
HAHAHHA..Indeed yes.. she is my daughter bossy sometimes.. LOL FACT truth.. cuz she is teen!
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The person above me, wonderful handmade xmas cards... I'll keep treasure it!
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