The Person Above Me Is...

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The person above me is kinky and cheerful
The person above me is a great friend of mine....
The person above me is someone special whom I'll get married to.... :D
^ The person above me will be my brother in law. :Ohno: Does that mean I have to put up with him for life? That's a scary thought.
The person above me worries too much!
The person above me roars throwing gears in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th gear and his heartbeat echoes his whole mind body and soul as he rips that checkered flag at 200 m.p.h. and the crowd screams like in times past at the Roman Colisuem all just for him. Victory with an arm raising fist. The checkered flag flows like The Land and The Home of the Brave !!!!! Go NASCAR !!!! Roars like that Lion with a Savage Roar !!!!!!!!!
The person above me is wrong. I only say what I need to say and no more. Have fun and Merry Christmas God Bless :)
the person above me is a thinker.
The person above me loves to surf the biggest wave!
The person above has a shiny halo. ;)

Edit: oops, I posted too late!
the person above me is a big cat lover
^ The person above me is a handsome man! ;)
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