The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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I cooked daily and kept the house sparkling clean during the relationship, but we're not together now. It's not even my house or my mess, I'm cleaning FOR my son. But it is getting overwhelming and I know I am enabling my ex to be a slob, I just don't want my son to suffer for his father's laziness (frustrated sigh)

:roll: Trust me I understand
Another beautiful day!! :dance2: LOVE IT! It is warm and so nice....but it will be cold on Sunday I think. :( It won't last anyway! Spring is COMING!!!! WHOOO!

And reminder! Clock change this Sunday! FORWARD an hour later! I know we will loose an hour sleep but hey...more daylight! YIPPPIIIE!
Wirelessly posted

I have a final exam tonight.
Our clocks don't change for another 2-3 weeks :) more sleep for us :giggle:
What a LONG day...

Woke up at 445 AM to get dressed so I can take my hubby to the train station at BWI airport since my SUV isnt working. Came back home, chilled and then left for work. Administered the state assessments to my students, taught a social studies lesson on economies (fun!!! yea right! ), went to the pool after work to swim laps, picked up my son, picked my hubby up, dropped him off at the gym, came home to cook dinner, prepare my son and my lunch, put the dishes away, get his and my clothes ready for tmw, fed the dog, picked my hubby up, ate dinner, and will soon give my son a bath. After after putting him to bed, I still have to do homework for my class. BUSY BUSY!!!
I can't wait until I move into my own apartment, I am living out of the trunk of my car during the week (thankfully I have NOC shifts so there is a bed for me in the client's house) because I cannot stand being at my former house during certain times of the day (nap & lunch for son). The house is a wreck and I am disgusted, I just spent 45 minutes cleaning up the sink area. I'd tell my ex to deal with it himself but I clean so my son will have a home sweet home (and dishes that are not crusty O_O)

Here is a small preview from my BB:

Trash is picked up, house is aired out, clothes are clean, son's room is organized, and I can rest now but I totally lost my appetite for the day :shock: I am bewildered at how one person can make this amount of mess in a day or two.

I would be a complete nervous wreck if my house became messy like that! I dont know how people can live like that. Ugh!
robbed? I'm more worried about sexual predator :ugh: ex is stupid for putting her at that kind of risk with an expensive purse.
I got new MacBook Pro today. Awesome. I have used it at first time since 2004. Wow! Better than my HP notebook.
8pm. I'm already sleepy! I'm gonna be a mess when the time changes for daylight savings.
Mah goodness, life has been hectic lately and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I am currently using my roomie's laptop in our apartment =) yep, I have my own place now and I am beyond thrilled! Just don't make loud noises or open the blinds (rubs head) I am currently recuperating o_O

I miss my fellow ADers!!

Is it odd that I'm having a handful of chips for breakfast? =)
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