Shooting at Ft Hood; 7 dead, 20+wounded

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Why do people assume that all Muslims invoke the "Praise Allah" stuff, then go on murderous rampages? I mean, there have certainly been Christians that have uttered "Forgive me Father" before they killed someone. Why is it that when a Muslim does it, he is killing FOR his religion?

I personally cannot see this thread staying open with rhetoric based on words uttered by a madman. We will keep coming back to HIS religion.

I call it a racist tendency.

people already do that as far as christians. That when a christian does something awful, people immediately blame his religion. Sad but true.
I don't understand why we have politics but we can't discuss religion. It's hard to discuss it when some things go hand in hand .. why don't you shut down politics as well?

Because regardless of what we profess to believe in, it still boil down to the human elements. People still kill. People still steal. People still lie. They just justify it in their own means..

Like I said, it's easy to cite anything or take anything out of context to justify your own actions. That's why we have secular laws, so people don't fudge it with religion.
no, but when politic talk about homeschooling and such.. I do NOT want a secular law that require all kids to go to public school. People have to speak on their religious behalf why they should have the rights to homeschool. I do not want blindfold on people's religious beliefs.
no, but when politic talk about homeschooling and such.. I do NOT want a secular law that require all kids to go to public school. People have to speak on their religious behalf why they should have the rights to homeschool. I do not want blindfold on people's religious beliefs.

That's why we claim "freedom of religion" when we don't want to subject kids to that. There is a clause for that, and people DO use it. I means... take a look at Lancaster....
secular can be a belief on it own anyway. Not many people don't want secular law forced on them because some of the laws can go against their beliefs.
Why do people assume that all Muslims invoke the "Praise Allah" stuff, then go on murderous rampages? I mean, there have certainly been Christians that have uttered "Forgive me Father" before they killed someone. Why is it that when a Muslim does it, he is killing FOR his religion?

I personally cannot see this thread staying open with rhetoric based on words uttered by a madman. We will keep coming back to HIS religion.

I call it a racist tendency.

Some make that assumption out of ignorance. Others make that assumption because of an irrational fear of what they do not know. Some are simply racist bigots looking for someone who is a bit different to point a finger at. Create enough attention toward the Muslims, and no one is looking at the wrongs committed by the Christians.
secular can be a belief on it own anyway. Not many people don't want secular law forced on them because some of the laws can go against their beliefs.

Secular law is not founded on a religious principle or doctrine. It is religiously neutral.
Psychiatrists can have mental health and "wrong thinking" issues. Hasan should have taken heed to "physician, heal thyself."

I know. I remember there was a thread about a psychiartrist who clearly had a severe case of ocd (hoarding) a few weeks ago. But that's not my point here.

I'd have said the same thing about others regardless of their professions who helped others by doing charities. If I had known someone like John Wayne Gacey before his crimes were discovered but only on a superfical basis, my reaction would have been the same. He often dressed as a clown to entertain children at hospitals and worked with the Jaycees to make the world a better place. I would have had a difficult time reconciling a caring clown with the guy who murdered and buried people in his crawl space.
Some make that assumption out of ignorance. Others make that assumption because of an irrational fear of what they do not know. Some are simply racist bigots looking for someone who is a bit different to point a finger at. Create enough attention toward the Muslims, and no one is looking at the wrongs committed by the Christians.

That's because, Muslims are growin' than before and no one is payin' attention to Christians much anymore. They don't label Christians as "terrorists" as we've read/heard of. Only Muslims they labeled them as "terrorists", because of 9/11 -- everythin' changed ever since that day. No body is interested in Christians, but them ( Muslims ).....
it is totally a very sad thing....and saying someone "shouldn't" serve or do
"whatever" as I have read on here is just as sad and hurtful...let us not go down the slope of hatred, too-
U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

It is not known whether the intelligence agencies informed the Army that one of its officers was seeking to connect with suspected al Qaeda figures, the officials said.

One senior lawmaker said the CIA had, so far, refused to brief the intelligence committees on what, if any, knowledge they had about Hasan’s efforts.

A fellow Army doctor who studied with Hasan, Val Finell, told ABC News, “We would frequently say he was a Muslim first and an American second. And that came out in just about everything he did at the University.

Finell said he and other Army doctors complained to superiors about Hasan’s statements.

“And we questioned how somebody could take an oath of office…be an officer in the military and swear allegiance to the constitution and to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic and have that type of conflict,” Finell told ABC News.

Yet at the same time we have an imam with whom Hasan associated and had his own ties to the 9/11 terrorists called Hasan a “hero,” a “man of conscience” who successfully resolved his own inner conflict of being Muslim and a member of the American armed forces. This happened once in Kuwait and it happened again just recently with the same deadly result with both men who were conflicted with their Muslim identity and going against their own own to serve and protect America. These things simply need to be contained and completely removed from such a situation.
Fort Hood Shooter Tried to Contact al Qaeda Terrorists, Officials Say - ABC News
Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists - Telegraph
If that's true, then Muslims have their own version of David Koresh. So what does that prove? I'd hate for people to base their opinion of Christianity based on someone like Jerry Falwell. He certainly doesn't represent all Christians. This imam doesn't represent all Muslims.
Not the same thing. This is fratricide in an entirely different set of situation and scenario. Contacting al Qaeda sure didn't help. Only thing is they have their loyalty placed above and beyond elsewhere and not of the oath they took upon becoming a military member. This will happen again.
Unfortunately, mass shootings are part of our lives now. :(
So, it's best to try and contain these things into the future by eliminating/reducing such chances.
If that's true, then Muslims have their own version of David Koresh. So what does that prove? I'd hate for people to base their opinion of Christianity based on someone like Jerry Falwell. He certainly doesn't represent all Christians. This imam doesn't represent all Muslims.
Well said. We could make claims about televangelists being representative of Christianity, but that is wrong; same as saying Muslims are terrorists based on a small portion of them that really are. Most Muslims are very peaceful, just as any other group. It is the bad apples that make the news.
Yet I don't see a massive outcry by Muslims condemning these acts whenever these things happen. And they do happen often against our own.
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