Shooting at Ft Hood; 7 dead, 20+wounded

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This is really sad. My thoughts go out to the family of the victims.

Absolutely. It is another tragedy. No more, no less than any other tragedy that victims have suffered.
So were the victims of the Mei Lai massacre.

What a comparison. Hassan was on American soil and hadn't even been deployed yet. He couldn't possibly have been suffering from PTSD at this juncture. There is obviously no excuse for the actions of My Lai, but this is hardly comparable.
They are similar in that:

They both showed signs that they were ready to snap, and no one took steps to relieve them before those events occurred.

I still think they should had found a proper venue rather than taking it out on unarmed victims though.
What a comparison. Hassan was on American soil and hadn't even been deployed yet. He couldn't possibly have been suffering from PTSD at this juncture. There is obviously no excuse for the actions of My Lai, but this is hardly comparable.

How do you know he couldn't have suffered from PTSD? Are you saying the only trigger for PTSD is battle? How do you know the people who carried out the Mei Lai massacre were suffering from PTSD? There was never any mention of a diagnosis in the reports on such. And a soldier loosing control and killing innocent victims is a soldier loosing control and killing innocent victims. So, it is comparable. And you might want to check the news reports for other American soldiers that have gone over the brink and opened fire on their comrades.
The fact that Hassan perpetrated this act based on religion, sets these two incidents worlds apart.
They are similar in that:

They both showed signs that they were ready to snap, and no one took steps to relieve them before those events occurred.

I still think they should had found a proper venue rather than taking it out on unarmed victims though.

Agreed. The military tends to overlook the obvious fragile mental state of many. Until something like this happens. They need to start acting proactively in these cases.
The fact that Hassan perpetrated this act based on religion, sets these two incidents worlds apart.

Again, you don't know that it was on religion. You are making assumptions again.

How do you know the shooters in the Mei Lai massacre weren't muttering "God is Great." as they were blowing the heads off of innocent victims?
Agreed. The military tends to overlook the obvious fragile mental state of many. Until something like this happens. They need to start acting proactively in these cases.

Finally, something we do agree on!
His words, not mine.

Nope. He said nothing about his acts being based on religion. He simply voiced a phrase that is roughly interpreted as 'God is Great." No reference to any specific religion.
*sigh* it's a shame some people don't take the initiative to actually read/comprehend the news.
They are similar in that:

They both showed signs that they were ready to snap, and no one took steps to relieve them before those events occurred.

I still think they should had found a proper venue rather than taking it out on unarmed victims though.

yep. this is not first time it's happened.
The fact that Hassan perpetrated this act based on religion, sets these two incidents worlds apart.

wrong! Sorry but that's not a fact.
I don't understand why we have politics but we can't discuss religion. It's hard to discuss it when some things go hand in hand .. why don't you shut down politics as well?
because some people are too blind to see what is right in front of their faces
Slightly off topic but on a related note I recommend the book 5 People You Meet in Heaven. An excellent book that discusses lessons of life. It is about a soldier and his redemption.
Why do people assume that all Muslims invoke the "Praise Allah" stuff, then go on murderous rampages? I mean, there have certainly been Christians that have uttered "Forgive me Father" before they killed someone. Why is it that when a Muslim does it, he is killing FOR his religion?

I personally cannot see this thread staying open with rhetoric based on words uttered by a madman. We will keep coming back to HIS religion.

I call it a racist tendency.
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