Sarah Palin Quits

Talk about having an ego. If it suits u and makes u feel better about yourself, then good for u. Maybe that's why u weren't accepted by your local Deaf community. Who wants to accept someone who puts them down? I sure wouldn't!

Maybe that's why Palin is quitting..she is tired of people putting her down.
Interesting to see MSM and bloggers continue to attack Palin. What do they fear?:cool2:
Behold! :shock: A 75-post count newbie, new in June 2009! This is my thread, just like your classroom is your classroom, which you can teach whatever you want, but in my thread, I'm always right. :D And when I'm wrong, I gladly admit it. :cool2: And several of you are hijacking my thread. The comment of mine was that all quotes need to be cited and someone else picked on my swing on deaf culture and critical thinking skills. So, were your comments over the top? Yeah, for a newbie. But, you know what? I'm a nice guy, okay . . . pek1 is in lower case and I do like pm's, even when I'm right . . . :giggle: I'll cut you some slack and say I shouldn't have taken that swing only if you stick around and help some of the people here with their grammar. I do have some names of those who need help, but, if you've been reading this entire thread, you've seen plenty of examples and you can charge them whatever amount you want so they, too, can write correctly. :bowlol: Now that you can tell I'm really being sarcastic, it would be okay for the waders to be brought out. :laugh2: I had fun writing that smart mouth comment, including the one about deaf culture and couldn't stop myself. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
My comments were directed at you and your added notes, after your article. I don't dodge the messenger. I stood in front of you, facing you. Who knows where the sarcasm starts? Since this is your thread, I guess it is a tribute to Palin. Let me change my tone here....
What a marvelous leader Sarah Palin has become. She is our only hope for world dominance, so our grandchildren's grandchildren can call anywhere in the world the good old USA. :wave:
i hate her, and her's daughter. Oh.shoot i forget what her's daughter's name.

mostly time, i always say Sarah is a whore, who care? soo.

Why do you say such awful things? Why would you hate her daughter? What did she do to you? Why do you call Sarah a whore?
I respect Palin. Calling her names and hating on her is a bit harsh. I don't hate any politicians. In fact, I find it difficult to hate anyone. I hate things, like arrogance, eliteism, stubbornness....
I can't believe the number of dumbasses that I see that are expecting miracles and big changes overnight from Obama. People, it takes TIME! You also have to factor in the bad economy which began BEFORE Obama took office.

Obama is the President, NOT the MESSIAH! He can't perform miracles like you would expect a messiah to do. :roll: There is a huge difference between a president and a messiah. He, however, can do things to improve things, and eventually things will be a lot better than it is right now, it just is going to take time and we need to be patient...and we, as American citizens, have to do our part too. We can't just sit on our asses and do nothing and expect one person to change EVERYTHING overnight. We gotta pitch in too.

And, as much as I would love to have a female president someday, I would never vote for Palin in a million years and even if I was offered a zillion dollars! She's nothing but a barbie doll with no want her so they can jack off to her in their living rooms while she's giving speeches on TV. Ick!

Whats wrong with you?
I respect Palin. Calling her names and hating on her is a bit harsh. I don't hate any politicians. In fact, I find it difficult to hate anyone. I hate things, like arrogance, eliteism, stubbornness....

I agree with you 100%, those who say they hated Bush or hate Palin or Obama or Gore really have no business voting in the first place, hate is a very harsh word which tells you more about the person who said it rather than the person it was used for. They sound like they're still in third grade. I agree that Obama is for things I am against like pro-abortion but I don't hate him. I didn't vote for him, but I will support him as president. Also, anybody who now says he is the best president ever has got to be kidding. We can only know that at the end of his first term, then decide.
I agree...we can't decide if Obama is the best president ever until at the end of his first term.
In less than 3 months, he has managed to raise the deficit to $1.8 trillion dollars (so far), several times more than Bush's first year in office. So, yeah, that pretty much sets the tone on how good this president is which is....abysmal! He's already on track to be the worst president evah!
What if the economy is booming and we are in less debt then we were under Bush's era by the end of his first term? Will he still be considered the worst president then?
What if the economy is booming and we are in less debt then we were under Bush's era by the end of his first term? Will he still be considered the worst president then?
Not much point in debating a party voter. The entire top 10 Presidents on kokonut's list are all Elephants.
Interesting to see MSM and bloggers continue to attack Palin. What do they fear?:cool2:

LOL!!!! You are hilarious!

Last night, I watched Fox news with Hannity and he was looking so ANGRY saying it's unfair that Palin gets attacks all the time but ignores that HE himself has spent countless hours ATTACKING Obama by associating him to Ayers and Chicago mob and so on.

Hannity is a hypocrite. And so are you, you consistantly attack Obama all the time, never giving him a chance even though he is only been in office for less than 7 months! Yet you whined about Sarah Palin being attacked? The truth is she's NOT qualified, period. Her incoherent speeches have showed her lack of ability to lead.
Are you for real! I thought the phone call was VERY FUNNY! I do not like Sarah for a number of reasons! and I have posted it already ready! The video show she talking about hunting from a helicopter. The pranker said he never hunted from a helicopter before and Sarah said it would fun to go together! The woman want to wipe the wolves off her state and that one reason I hate her ! She also want to bring the women movement back to the dark age! How dare Sarah tell a rape victim she has to have the rapist baby if she get pregnant! Who TF does she think she is! Sarah is a dangerous derange person IMO! Darkdog you mean to tell me it is irrational for
a Jewish person to hate Hitler! I think you out your of God damn mind! I hate
Hitler and hope he is rotting in HELL! This what I mean by the people that follow Sarah Palin are braindead! How dare you either try to tell I should not hate a man that killed over 6 millions of my people! My uncle was a FBI man and went after anyone that worked with Hitler! For this I very proud of my uncle!
Did you notice the awkward laugh after he said that? Isn't the more reasonable explanation simply that she was trying to be tactful in an awkward situation? But hate leads people to bypass Occam's Razor and leap to a less logical and less reasonable conclusion. Why should anyone but fellow Palin haters take you seriously? That's why I say hate only leads to irrationality. Without it, you could have a much more powerful voice for your cause instead of just preaching to the bitter choir. You don't have to hate Governor Palin to make a rational argument against her policies or positions that can persuade non-haters. But if you're grasping at the straws for any weak "evidence" that you can spin to make her look bad, you're just limiting your power of persuasion to those who have already reached the same conclusion.

By the way, not hating someone does not mean giving up on pursuing justice or winning a war or whatever is necessary for a society to survive.

My position on hate is one based in experience that I have tested over time. Feel free to ignore it if you wish.
What if the economy is booming and we are in less debt then we were under Bush's era by the end of his first term? Will he still be considered the worst president then?
I really see no way the debt could end up lower at the end of his term than at any point during Bush's presidency. The CBO estimates for future deficits are several times worse than they ever were during the Bush years (or really any year since WWII). This year it's at $1.85 trillion, next year at $1.3 trillion, the year after at $900 billion, and so on. Here's a chart to visually show how bad it is.

Projected Deficit -

Obama can talk all he wants about a new era of responsibility or saving money through health care reform or whatever, but the facts are squarely against him. Of course, he doesn't need to fool the people who look into the facts.

As far as the growth of the economy, it will likely grow again. That's just the business cycle. However, the growth will occur despite his policies, not because of them. Cap and trade is particularly egregious, but there's also card check and healthcare reform.
Dems should be encouraging Palin to run. Than the democratic party victory in the next election would be guaranteed
Whats wrong with you?

She happens to be right. People are expecting too much of Obama. They expect him to deliver them from this mess we're in immediately, and in all reality, it will take more than his two terms to extricate this country from the mess it finds itself in.
Thank you for wrote from youtube without caption.
I enjoy to read this story make me big smile and light laughed but I am not sure this story is fact or hoax.
How they did find Gov Sarah Palin's phone number?

AVENGERS: Well, I hope for you. You know, we have a lot in common because personally one of my favourite activities is to hunt, too.

PALIN: Oh, very good. We should go hunting together.

AVENGERS: Exactly, we could try go hunting by helicopter like you did. I never did that. Like we say in French, on pourrait tuer des bebe phoque s, aussi [translation: we can kill baby seals also].

PALIN: Well, I think we could have a lot of fun together while we're getting work done. We can kill two birds with one stone that way.

AVENGERS: I just love killing those animals. Mmm, mmm, take away life, that is so fun. I'd really love to go, so long as we don't bring along Vice-President Cheney.

PALIN: No, I'll be a careful shot, yes.

Very funny.... they do not want to bring Dick Cheney.

We won't forget Dick Cheney was at hunting. Dick shot his buddy instead Quail.
I remember that Dick Cheney did not have hunting permit.

AVENGERS: Thank you very much. You know my wife Carla would love to meet you, even though you know she was a bit jealous that I was supposed to speak to you today.

PALIN: Well, give her a big hug for me.

AVENGERS: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model and she's so hot in bed. She even wrote a song for you.

PALIN: Oh my goodness, I didn't know that.

Very funny.....