Sarah Palin Quits

Then maybe those who criticize Palin fear the same from her if she does ever run for president..that she will run this country down to the ground. Everyone fears a politican one way or another.

Obama's already doing that. Palin couldn't do any worse except that she believes in fiscal responsibility, energy independence using our own resources which includes oil and gas, a strong military, democracy, freedom, less taxes, and so on. I see it as the opposite of Obama.
Got a chuckle out of that one. I could see the fear in those eyes if any Dems remotely encourage Palin to run for 2012.

Why ya'll so afraid?
I am not afraid. Problem is, she does not have a whole lot of experience, and she just stopped gaining any by quitting her job. Imagine a grizzled leader trying to take her seriously. However, I realize foreign opinions mean little to the Elephant party.

Unless you like higher taxes, which you will see. Right now I pay no income taxes. Need a job before they start to withhold.Unless you like less transparency, which is happening; unless you like higher record deficit which is starting beginning with $1.8 trillion dollars (several times higher than Bush' first year in office); Bush inherited the country running like a well oiled machine, not the current mess.unless you like seeing a president side with dictators and not democracy and the right to freedom, which is happening; I missed this. unless you like see the Federal Govt expand their programs when we don't have the money to pay for in the first place, which is in the works; I praise him for this. Anything to get this country back to being a place to work and play, not beg and borrow.unless you like the idea of maxing out on credit cards thinking its the solution to solve a debt problem A lot of people are doing that just to eat and feed their family.then OBAMA'S YOUR MAN!!

Otherwise, let's hope common sense will actually prevail this time.
More of the same? Lucky for me there are sounder thinkers in the voting booth. The "I got mine" party has been removed at last.
Obama's already doing that. Palin couldn't do any worse except that she believes in fiscal responsibility, energy independence using our own resources which includes oil and gas, a strong military, democracy, freedom, less taxes, and so on. I see it as the opposite of Obama.

U call this democracy??

Palin opposed state covered health and retiree benefits to same-sex partners of state employees.

Palin has stated that she supports a Federal Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage
Obama's already doing that. Palin couldn't do any worse except that she believes in fiscal responsibility, energy independence using our own resources which includes oil and gas, a strong military, democracy, freedom, less taxes, and so on. I see it as the opposite of Obama.
What is your solution? Assassination? Or just moan and whine for the next 3.5 years?
It's a fact that Obama had less political and executive (which was none) than Palin in 2008 election. If anything this past election showed what's possible nowadays for somebody to get elected, even if it means abandoning 2 years of senatorial duty just to run for office.

Good plan. Let's focus on Obama's lack of experience....:roll:
What is your solution? Assassination? Or just moan and whine for the next 3.5 years?

Unless you like a socialist of a president, higher taxes and a debt of several trillion dollars more at the end of his term that our kids and grandkids will have to figure out how to pay for it then he's your man, right?
GLBT isn't part of personal choice, it's part of gene and psychiatric.

That's your opinion. I see it differently from your view/opinion. :)

Please consider to check on psychiatric before you turn into against on GLBT, it's not big religion issue because not everyone has same or fair religion.
APA Help Center - Health & Emotional Wellness - "Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality"

Don't find any excuse that you or others are trying to against or mistreat on GLBT, it's just compare to black people in 1960's. Religious reason is out of question.

It's nothing to be wrong for politicians to support it.

It has nothin' to do with " against or mistreat ". I am more concerned WHAT it will affect this country. It has nothin' to do with " black or any color of skin ". I am talkin' about the " spirit of the time " and what's goin' to happen to our country when the laws become more lawlessness. I am seein' many breakin' laws nowdays. I am not sure, if you understand what I am sayin'. :hmm:
U call this democracy??

Palin opposed state covered health and retiree benefits to same-sex partners of state employees.

Palin has stated that she supports a Federal Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage

Obama is against same sex marriage. He seems to defend the "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA). Something about saving money, too.
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Obama defends DOMA in federal court. Says banning gay marriage is good for the federal budget. Invokes incest and marrying children.

Your point?
Actually, it would be good for this country if people were more supportive of LGBT issues.
As to the rest of your statement, the same can be said of the Republicans. :)

Then, more sick will come. Pestilence. New strain of virus. More problems will surface. It will not help America to get any better for people. :(
Obama is against same sex marriage. He seems to defend the "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA). Something about saving money, too.
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Obama defends DOMA in federal court. Says banning gay marriage is good for the federal budget. Invokes incest and marrying children.

Your point?

Do you think President Obama is against same sex marriage ? What do you think of this ?

The White House - Press Office - Presidential Proclamation - LGBT Pride Month
Unless you like a socialist of a president, higher taxes and a debt of several trillion dollars more at the end of his term that our kids and grandkids will have to figure out how to pay for it then he's your man, right?

He is my President. I never said I was a hardcore groupie of Obama. I just go with the flow. I had respect for Bush, even though the Iraq thing was a mistake, in my mind. We are not gonna move each other here. I am dug in; you are dug in. What is the point of this debate? You despise Obama. I have hope that things will improve. So it goes. I could research all over the internet for proof of Bush making our debt massive, but again, you are dug in, as am I. I wish to bow out of this. Next step is insults and personal attacks. I don't want to go there. Sorry you will have to tough it out for 3.5 looooooonnnnnnngggggggg years.
He is my President. I never said I was a hardcore groupie of Obama. I just go with the flow. I had respect for Bush, even though the Iraq thing was a mistake, in my mind. We are not gonna move each other here. I am dug in; you are dug in. What is the point of this debate? You despise Obama. I have hope that things will improve. So it goes. I could research all over the internet for proof of Bush making our debt massive, but again, you are dug in, as am I. I wish to bow out of this. Next step is insults and personal attacks. I don't want to go there. Sorry you will have to tough it out for 3.5 looooooonnnnnnngggggggg years.

Dispise Obama. No. Just that he is the wrong man for the job. His inexperience is already showing. That's all.

Um, I believe in fiscal responsibility in the govt. I dislike the massive deficit by Bush as do with Obama. Obama's already worse on the massive debt that's accumulating. Proof? It's all over the internet! it is again.


Bush last year in office was a little over $400 billion dollars in deficit versus Obama's first 3 months in office at $1.8 trillion dollars. That's 4 to 5 times worse!!

Better learn to recognize that money we don't have along with outrageous spending amounts are not compatable nor productive for the United States.
Dispise Obama. No. Just that he is the wrong man for the job. His inexperience is already showing. That's all.

Um, I believe in fiscal responsibility in the govt. I dislike the massive deficit by Bush as do with Obama. Obama's already worse on the massive debt that's accumulating. Proof? It's all over the internet! it is again.


Bush last year in office was a little over $400 billion dollars in deficit versus Obama's first 3 months in office at $1.8 trillion dollars. That's 4 to 5 times worse!!

Better learn to recognize that money we don't have along with outrageous spending amounts are not compatable nor productive for the United States.
The red is "projected" spending. Wonder what site you got this from, Ron Paul's? Notice the pretty plus spending until Bush was elected? As for experience, you are telling me that former governor Palin will have more experience by 2012 than Obama does right now? Enough that matters? As what; she just quit her job!
Oh well, I am not moved by your comments. Put me in the "fool" pool with the others. I would rather get back on our feet as a nation before I worry about anything else. Guess that makes me self centered. A Republican trait....
The red is "projected" spending. Wonder what site you got this from, Ron Paul's? Notice the pretty plus spending until Bush was elected? As for experience, you are telling me that former governor Palin will have more experience by 2012 than Obama does right now? Enough that matters? As what; she just quit her job!
Oh well, I am not moved by your comments. Put me in the "fool" pool with the others. I would rather get back on our feet as a nation before I worry about anything else. Guess that makes me self centered. A Republican trait....

Hey, psst ... Hi, SayWhatKid :wave: Koko is tellin' the truth. Yes, Obama is worse than Bush. I would like for you to research a little bit more about this one. I just found out that Palin just returned to her work. I am not sure, if I get that right information.
What do you mean that homosexual people are not sick ? Please, clarify it for me ? I want to understand what your opinion/view is on this. :)

Your own words: "Then, more sick will come. Pestilence. New strain of virus. More problems will surface. It will not help America to get any better for people."

How would not homosexual people make our country any better??

Being homosexual do not make you sick. It's part of lifestyle.

I personally met two mommies and they did not make their children a gay. Their kids are all straight, for one reason, they did not encourage them to be homosexual just simply because they are a homosexual. They let their children to be themselves for who they are. I already met some same-sex parents and they are just similar to heterosexual people. No difference. If I have my child is gay, let be so. I do not want to force him/her to be heterosexual or whatever it is, otherwise there will be no supportive in my future family. I met some people in various groups who are a gay and, to me, they are not that ill.

I don't see how would homosexual people will be sick that they "become" for, or try to make country worser. It's pitiful assumption...