Right place or not...

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Jun 18, 2003
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I'm not sure where to post this -- But since I got harassed by someone about a few posts I've made on this Forum...I feel it's time that I made this announcement and that I will no longer post my actual and h-o-n-e-s-t answers to any 'help or suggest posts'. Only in Threads that aren't related to children or families. If I have, I will simply PM the person who posted.
I would say denial is playing a major role in this and doesn't accept the fact that the stuff that has been happening are all lies and what I've said is the total truth and that person doesn't want to accept it. Not my problem, it's that person's.

I know I have rights to Speak My Mind, but not without getting harassed, I am insulted.

If You Have Any Replies You Wish To Say -- PM me, don't post it in here, ok? So it is kept between the Replier and myself, with no prying eyes! :lol:

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just laugh at them, since they are the one who get pissed off at someone else's opinion.
hermit ITs not the poeple its someone that i know and i agree with waterrats too, If u can't handle her getting thigns off her chest then do urself a favor look in the mirror its U thats causing the plm NOT waterrats U chose to be an AZZ SO live with it ! and learn to talk to someone in the PM and dont be causing and threatening them u will get yr sorry azz banned and uw on't be allowed to come into the forum belive me it will happen So learn to stuff it and live with the fact it already is in the open Deaf community internationally wide WILL make a heap of shyt for u !
javapride said:
hermit ITs not the poeple its someone that i know and i agree with waterrats too, If u can't handle her getting thigns off her chest then do urself a favor look in the mirror its U thats causing the plm NOT waterrats U chose to be an AZZ SO live with it ! and learn to talk to someone in the PM and dont be causing and threatening them u will get yr sorry azz banned and uw on't be allowed to come into the forum belive me it will happen So learn to stuff it and live with the fact it already is in the open Deaf community internationally wide WILL make a heap of shyt for u !

huh? I think you have misunderstanded me. I told her to just laugh at whoever is harassing her.

dont jump the conclusion if you dont understand what i am talking about. :roll:
Hermit of ozark said:
just laugh at them, since they are the one who get pissed off at someone else's opinion.
:rofl: *laughing my ass off* Hehehe!
Hermit of ozark said:
just laugh at them, since they are the one who get pissed off at someone else's opinion.

Yeah, you may laugh at them, but it's no laughing matter. :roll:

They should get a frigging life -- :lol:
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WaterRats13 said:
I'm not sure where to post this -- But since I got harassed by someone about a few posts I've made on this Forum...I feel it's time that I made this announcement and that I will no longer post my actual and h-o-n-e-s-t answers to any 'help or suggest posts'. Only in Threads that aren't related to children or families. If I have, I will simply PM the person who posted.
I would say denial is playing a major role in this and doesn't accept the fact that the stuff that has been happening are all lies and what I've said is the total truth and that person doesn't want to accept it. Not my problem, it's that person's.

I know I have rights to Speak My Mind, but not without getting harassed, I am insulted.

If You Have Any Replies You Wish To Say -- PM me, don't post it in here, ok? So it is kept between the Replier and myself, with no prying eyes! :lol:

Why are u being harrassed? someone in here or what?....If someone in here then report that to Alex...
You have every right to say whats on your mind in here so just ignore that person is all. Maybe i dont know the whole situation with you, i probably missed the boat so....
Yes, I'm agree with Defee.

Don't let anyone to hurt you. Do is SMART & look on you, not worry how they hurt you by PM. If you feel being hurt by PM then forward those PM to Alex. What I did once, it helps.

If you received phone calls like this (terror phone calls) so call the police.

I know how you feel, and believe me when I say this, YOU're not the only one who is being harrassed by someone....If this person continue to harrassing you, then report this to the owner and I'm sure he will put an ' end ' to this....

Calm down JavaPride, dont jump the conclusion if you don't understand what that person was trying to say!
I totally agree with Defee.

In fact, I love your speak your mind on this board. I hope you can ignore whoever have been harrassing you.

I enjoy reading your posts.
Put 'er there, Goldiegirly - now, remember, keep your chin up and high. The mission right now is just to give you a guilt trip with all the harassment, and don't buy into it. It's a desperate tactic when a person is scared.
Cheri i wasn't talking abt u nor anyone else I KNOW abt the situation Waterrats and i have been in IMS and i known her for 20 yrs ok?? please stop putting others down i know the situation inside and out :roll: jeez if u have a plm simple ingore me dont make comments abt me this is abt waterrats ok? thank you!
javapride said:
Cheri i wasn't talking abt u nor anyone else I KNOW abt the situation Waterrats and i have been in IMS and i known her for 20 yrs ok?? please stop putting others down i know the situation inside and out :roll: jeez if u have a plm simple ingore me dont make comments abt me this is abt waterrats ok? thank you!

oops someone have leaked out. :-o
Yea, I had to agree with WaterRat and Java... If you don't agree or being insulted to someone, and you pm to the Adminstration and if the Adminstration can't do anything, and you should PM to the person and discuss and settle down with hand shake. If you still can't, you need to zip your mouth and let it go. We all have different mind and different people, but there is nothing we can't to change everyone. So if you don't agree someone's parenting, someone's advice or something, then don't bring up and just let it go... If you still want to talk about, You need to PM to the person.
right crazymomma not worry :)

I let go abt that person she hasn't anyway,

Anyhow this is abt waterrats situation and she just made informative info to us abt her situation and i do not blame her :)

Keep yr chin up Waterrats all will be ok
javapride said:
Cheri i wasn't talking abt u nor anyone else I KNOW abt the situation Waterrats and i have been in IMS and i known her for 20 yrs ok?? please stop putting others down i know the situation inside and out :roll: jeez if u have a plm simple ingore me dont make comments abt me this is abt waterrats ok? thank you!

hmmm....Cheri?....*looking up and down*....I personally do not see Cheri's post in this thread.....

I think it would be a good idea to re-read my post once again, and I wasn't putting anyone down, you jumped all over this person because he/she had an opinion ,this is an open forum, anyone can post whatever is on their mind!

You need to calm down!
:roll: so far.. I haven't got any clue but if u guys want to solve problems then take it to PMS :mrgreen: or just ingore whoever is buggin u that's simple I can give u advice :)
angel my apolgies I mis read ur user name and cheri's cuz both ur face are very idental should have read the user name prior to typing my apologies and well I was explaining i have been involved and yes should ingore it yah but its not a laughing matter when it comes to kids and being threaten and harrassed, So forgive me for mis reading ur name,

and im calm and u do not need to tell me what to do, yr not my mother ok ??? thanks :thumbup:
WaterRats13 said:
I'm not sure where to post this -- But since I got harassed by someone about a few posts I've made on this Forum...I feel it's time that I made this announcement and that I will no longer post my actual and h-o-n-e-s-t answers to any 'help or suggest posts'. Only in Threads that aren't related to children or families. If I have, I will simply PM the person who posted.
I would say denial is playing a major role in this and doesn't accept the fact that the stuff that has been happening are all lies and what I've said is the total truth and that person doesn't want to accept it. Not my problem, it's that person's.

I know I have rights to Speak My Mind, but not without getting harassed, I am insulted.

If You Have Any Replies You Wish To Say -- PM me, don't post it in here, ok? So it is kept between the Replier and myself, with no prying eyes! :lol:


WaterRats -- after reading ur post here, i dont see why u should feel limited on making ur own personal posts however way u see it -- whoever that is harrassing u really have no right to be harrassing u over the posts u make on ur thoughts and whatever else they might be -- i enjoy reading ur posts and ur thoughts to some suggestions u might have in the parenting forum or in the help/suggestion threads that anyone might have posted -- ignore the person(s) who are harrassing u and live ur life the way u have always done :D *huggies*
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