Pig Latin Language


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May 9, 2008
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My teacher used it today on board. I forgotten what it written. But i couldn't understand pig latin! :pissed:

Have you read pig latin or spoke it?
Funny, when I interviewed Jim Klobuchar, former columnist for the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune, I asked him about it.

Update: I can't find the link, as it's probably way back in the archives, as that was during the fall of 2005 when I wrote the story.

pig latin - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Main Entry: pig latin
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized L
Date: 1938
: a jargon that is made by systematic alteration of English (as ipskay the ointjay for skip the joint)
Lol Yeah, I know some Pig Latin Language. but it is not real Language. especially kids creative Pig Latin and it is language game.

Ol-lay Eah-yay, Iay now-kay omesay igpay atinlay anguage-lay. ut-bay tiay siay ot-nay eal-ray Anguage-lay. specially-eay idskay reativecay Igpay Atinlay nday tiay siay anguage-lay ame-gay.

Pig Latin isn't really that difficult. It's a matter of rearranging the letters.

Basically, you take the first letter of a word and move it to the end... then add "ay". If the first letter is a vowel, then leave it alone and add "nay" to the end.
Eh? ... what is the purpose of Pig Latin?
People use it for many reasons.

Kids use it cuz they can talk in front of adults without them knowing what's being said.

Some use it to hint to others without being obvious in front of others.

For instance, Person A says something in front of Person B that might be considered offensive. Person C is standing there and decides to warn Person A without being obvious in front of Person B. So, Person C says... "ix-nay hat-tay ind-kay of-nay alk-tay".
People use it for many reasons.

Kids use it cuz they can talk in front of adults without them knowing what's being said.

Some use it to hint to others without being obvious in front of others.

For instance, Person A says something in front of Person B that might be considered offensive. Person C is standing there and decides to warn Person A without being obvious in front of Person B. So, Person C says... "ix-nay hat-tay ind-kay of-nay alk-tay".

Oh I see! like a code? But why teach that at school, I would think it's not appropriate teaching material?
Oh I see! like a code? But why teach that at school, I would think it's not appropriate teaching material?

I don't understand why it would have value in the educational setting, either.
This brings back memories as a kid growing up, my friends and I would speak Pig Latin. I forgot how now :giggle:
This brings back memories as a kid growing up, my friends and I would speak Pig Latin. I forgot how now :giggle:

Take the first letter of a word, move it to the end of the word, and add "ay" to it. Example: Aketay hetay irstfay etterlay, etc., etc.

Confusing, huh?:giggle:
Take the first letter of a word, move it to the end of the word, and add "ay" to it. Example: Aketay hetay irstfay etterlay, etc., etc.

Confusing, huh?:giggle:

HUH??? you don't make sense! :confused: then :io:

That is how you do pig latin. Try it on a piece of paper. Maybe it will make sense then.

Nah i ain't doing it, i have too much stuffs on my head from college. But i will watch you guys. :popcorn: