no cussing club, would you still cussing or not?

...My My! Even today, even young kids are already cussing as early as 8-9 years old... Now ain't that a shame? cuz it goes back to the adults, that brought it up in the first place, and then kids get wind of it... then it is unrepairable.... or irreversible...
What can we expect when the "adults" behave worse than the 8-9 year olds? "Adults" bragging about using profanity--so immature. Some role models. :roll:
What can we expect when the "adults" behave worse than the 8-9 year olds? "Adults" bragging about using profanity--so immature. Some role models. :roll:

Uh-Oh... Reminds me of my Ex's niece, who cusses worse than anybody I knew.. or know... I hope someone one of these days washes her mouth out with soap, and water.... Like the old days.....

Here lick this soap young lady!
Uh-Oh... Reminds me of my Ex's niece, who cusses worse than anybody I knew.. or know... I hope someone one of these days washes her mouth out with soap, and water.... Like the old days.....

Here lick this soap young lady!

There you go again! For Gawd's sake....let it go!
People who salt their language with curse words forget that the words are expletives--words which convey an absurd meaning or no meaning at all. Cursing really only shows a lack of vocabulary to express what we want to . . . so we rant in words with no meaning.

I disagree.
One can have a massive vocabulary, and still 'cuss'. As I stated before, while there may -appear- to be a link, it is mainly coincidental.
I cringe whether on the outside or on the inside with embarrassment, whenever someone lets out the ‘f’ word or spewing a stream of other profanities. I think it’s repulsive.

I’m sure a lot of people, myself included would prefer if they use pseudo-profanity words instead. For example from Wiki: "gosh" used instead of "God", "darn" or "dang" instead of "damn", "heck" instead of "hell", "blimey" instead of "May God blind me!" and “blooming” instead of “bloody”.
I cringe whether on the outside or on the inside with embarrassment, whenever someone lets out the ‘f’ word or spewing a stream of other profanities. I think it’s repulsive.

I’m sure a lot of people, myself included would prefer if they use pseudo-profanity words instead. For example from Wiki: "gosh" used instead of "God", "darn" or "dang" instead of "damn", "heck" instead of "hell", "blimey" instead of "May God blind me!" and “blooming” instead of “bloody”.

May I ask why? The words have the -exact- same intent, and are thereby expletive by association. May as well just change the spelling to something slightly different, like some appear to do on the internet... it amounts to the same thing.

I'm not trying to offend or say your view is wrong, I just don't understand it... the 'lack of vocabulary' argument makes more sense to me than this one.

Also "God", "damn" and "hell" are technically not expletives, but are considered irreverent or blasphemous, instead.... they are words with normal usage.

Furthermore. I theorize that some phrases were in 'proper' use at some point, for example I can imagine how the phrase "get off your ass" may have at one point been a literal saying, which gained the connotation of "stop being lazy". I believe this is possible due to 'ass' being another word for 'donkey', which have been used for traveling, and if the person is not on their 'own feet' when it is believed they should be (e.g. they are supposed to be doing work instead), then it might have been requested that person dismount from their donkey, or 'get off the ass'.
May I ask why? The words have the -exact- same intent, and are thereby expletive by association. May as well just change the spelling to something slightly different, like some appear to do on the internet... it amounts to the same thing.

I'm not trying to offend or say your view is wrong, I just don't understand it... the 'lack of vocabulary' argument makes more sense to me than this one.

Also "God", "damn" and "hell" are technically not expletives, but are considered irreverent or blasphemous, instead.... they are words with normal usage.

Furthermore. I theorize that some phrases were in 'proper' use at some point, for example I can imagine how the phrase "get off your ass" may have at one point been a literal saying, which gained the connotation of "stop being lazy". I believe this is possible due to 'ass' being another word for 'donkey', which have been used for traveling, and if the person is not on their 'own feet' when it is believed they should be (e.g. they are supposed to be doing work instead), then it might have been requested that person dismount from their donkey, or 'get off the ass'.

The old-fashioned pseudo-words are a lot better than those of today which are crude and very offensive. In fact, I prefer normal conversations without profane or obscene language. Sorry if I sound like a prude but that was how I was raised.
The old-fashioned pseudo-words are a lot better than those of today which are crude and very offensive. In fact, I prefer normal conversations without profane or obscene language. Sorry if I sound like a prude but that was how I was raised.

Well, I understand, and most times feel the same way, and I don't think you are a 'prude'. I just don't understand it from a linguistic view, but I know not everything needs to be 'logical'. I was just curious if you could explain it, but if you can't that is ok too.
Well, I understand, and most times feel the same way, and I don't think you are a 'prude'. I just don't understand it from a linguistic view, but I know not everything needs to be 'logical'. I was just curious if you could explain it, but if you can't that is ok too.

That's a rather deep question for me to answer. Huh?

Swearing seems to be getting ruder and cruder today. It’s not necessary. It’s as if someone has to be ‘one up’ by swearing the most crudest profanity of all.
I'm sure there are several reasons different individuals curse. Rebellion, kids trying to shock each other and the older generation. Association and habit, if friends curse a lot or if certain words spring to the lips again and again without thinking. Ignorance, as some just don't know any better or care who might view the words and context as offensive or blasphemous.

I recall a study at Idaho State's graduate school of phychology that tried to tie cursing with lack of vocabulary. The premise was something like: Since Aleut peoples have nine distinct words for degrees of "snow," they don't need curse words to fill in for "bad" snow. But if the vocabulary is lacking, then speakers tend to fill in curse words for negative meanings.

Many teacher I know don't curse because anyone with any agenda can report it as offensive, so they tend to search for more appropriate words. Again, it seems to boil down to vocabulary -- and how the speaker chooses to have words perceived.
I sometimes cuss, but do I really realize that I do? Cuss is kinda nothing to me unless someone cuss at me as my emeny. I often use the cuss words as pride such like I call my cat as "My Sweet Psycho Bitch Cat" because it is the way my cat is and I love her! :D
I'm sure there are several reasons different individuals curse. Rebellion, kids trying to shock each other and the older generation. Association and habit, if friends curse a lot or if certain words spring to the lips again and again without thinking. Ignorance, as some just don't know any better or care who might view the words and context as offensive or blasphemous.

I recall a study at Idaho State's graduate school of phychology that tried to tie cursing with lack of vocabulary. The premise was something like: Since Aleut peoples have nine distinct words for degrees of "snow," they don't need curse words to fill in for "bad" snow. But if the vocabulary is lacking, then speakers tend to fill in curse words for negative meanings.

Many teacher I know don't curse because anyone with any agenda can report it as offensive, so they tend to search for more appropriate words. Again, it seems to boil down to vocabulary -- and how the speaker chooses to have words perceived.

I can agree with this, however...
I don't think it is always necessary to write novels in average conversation.

e.g. I could do one of several things to describe my computer:

1. say "it's a piece of junk"
2. say "it's a peice of sh**"
3. say "I don't like my computer, it has problems"
4. go on to describe in detail about my dislike for the computer, and/or what the problems are.

I would prefer to do 1, 2, or 3, when conversing with a friend, depending on my mood and situation, and who I am talking to. I would only go on to #4 if computers are the actual topic of interest, rather than a passing comment, or I am trying to get some form of tech support.
I only cuss if there is a good reasons to cuss out at someone or something that pissed me off pretty badly. But I don't often cuss that much. It all denpend on what I am piss about to cuss out.
I can agree with this, however...
I don't think it is always necessary to write novels in average conversation.

Ha ha ha, a sure way to never agree. If someone doesn't explain fully enough, disagree on a point not covered. If someone tries to touch on all pertinent points, complain about wordiness.

What about "My computer doesn't perform well." A reference to excrement smells of a lack of vocabulary.
Swearing/cussing is used so often by some people and used in so many different circumstances that the words have lost most of their meaning, and are therefore only used as fillers for when the people cannot find an appropriate word. Most of the time the same meaning could be conveyed even if the cuss words were completely left out so I see no reason to use them. Unless you just like making other people uncomfortable.
A reference to excrement smells of a lack of vocabulary.

It might 'smell like something', but it doesn't mean it is that something.

Let me ask you, have you ever actually used a curse word, in normal speech?

Or, look at it this way.
Assuming a theory states that all people who cuss have a lack of vocabulary.

Observation of a single individual who has a large vocabulary and writes and speaks very well (a linguist, professor, creative writer, whatever) saying a single cuss word, in a non-exemplary manner (i.e. they actually 'used' it in conversation) will make the theory untrue.

It may be true as a tendency (e.g. 'many people who swear have a lack of vocabulary') but it is not an inherent property of swearing. it is abuse of swearing that is the 'ignorance' part, not simply saying a cuss word in itself.

Furthermore, I feel that many have an excessive aversion to swearing, due to stylizing themselves as a 'haughty intellectual', and that such inflexibility is completely unnecessary.
Ha ha ha, a sure way to never agree. If someone doesn't explain fully enough, disagree on a point not covered. If someone tries to touch on all pertinent points, complain about wordiness.

What about "My computer doesn't perform well." A reference to excrement smells of a lack of vocabulary.


And as for movies: it’s not necessary to have movies peppered with the f-word. I cannot fathom why a screenwriter uses them when there are so many other words in the English language. There are other ways to ‘shock and awe’ with cleaner adjectives, words or actions. I find it takes away from the enjoyment of movies. Sadly, it seems it will continue to upset older delicate sensitivities including mine.