Marijuana VS Alcohol debates

I'm sorry to hear that, that gonna suck for you. :hug: I do not hang around with people who smoke marijuana or any other drugs.

Thank you Cheri,hanging around people who do drugs is not a good life it can bring a person down.:hug:
They laugh for no reason, They get very hungry and start off with eating everything, trouble walking, they're loud and acting childish, even their eyes are very red. That's the kind of behavior I've seen.

whats wrong with the things you mentioned?

do any of those things harm anyone? i dont know of anyone who has been harmed by potheads doing those things...but thats just me...

also, if the ones you encountered had trouble walking, they must either have had some pretty potent stuff or they were newbies...
I don't find it funny or you, You can be very insensitive at times.

wow...lighten was just a joke...

maybe you need a couple of hits?

whats wrong with the things you mentioned?

do any of those things harm anyone? i dont know of anyone who has been harmed by potheads doing those things...but thats just me...

also, if the ones you encountered had trouble walking, they must either have had some pretty potent stuff or they were newbies...

Or they could have had a case of vertigo that had nothing to do with the herb!:giggle:

I personally find drunks to be much more obnoxious than someone who has smoked a little weed. Drunks have a tendency to become aggressive and volatile. "Pass me another one of those GD Budlights before I smash your freakin' face in!" as opposed to "Dude, don't stand on the grass."
Or they could have had a case of vertigo that had nothing to do with the herb!:giggle:

I personally find drunks to be much more obnoxious than someone who has smoked a little weed. Drunks have a tendency to become aggressive and volatile. "Pass me another one of those GD Budlights before I smash your freakin' face in!" as opposed to "Dude, don't stand on the grass."

And drunks smell really disgusting! I'd rather smell weed than booze. Yuck! :barf:
I personally find drunks to be much more obnoxious than someone who has smoked a little weed. Drunks have a tendency to become aggressive and volatile. "Pass me another one of those GD Budlights before I smash your freakin' face in!" as opposed to "Dude, don't stand on the grass."

i know what you mean...sometimes when i drink too much, i can turn into one of those obnoxious, aggressive types...that is why i dont drink alcoholic stuff that often...

when i smoke, i m mostly like..."dude......"
maybe you need a couple of hits?
No Thank-you, I'll pass. I have two sons and I would not even want to end up in prison for it. If you have a kid, and I catch you smoking marijuana, I'll turn you in so fast before your head spin on marijuana. :giggle:
No Thank-you, I'll pass. I have two sons and I would not even want to end up in prison for it. If you have a kid, and I catch you smoking marijuana, I'll turn you in so fast before your head spin on marijuana. :giggle:

But, you admit to drinking even though you have 2 kids. What makes someone who drinks a few beers a superior parent to one who takes a few hits off a doobie? Alcohol consumption is much more likely to create a violent home atmosphere for a child than marijuana is.

So, how about turning in those parents who have a couple of drinks when they get home from work? If you are going to save the world, you can't be selective, and speak out against only those vices which you yourself do not choose to participate in.
But, you admit to drinking even though you have 2 kids. What makes someone who drinks a few beers a superior parent to one who takes a few hits off a doobie? Alcohol consumption is much more likely to create a violent home atmosphere for a child than marijuana is..

Huh?? Where did I said that I'm a soical drinker?? Last time I had 2 beers was 2 years ago with friends. I am growing tired of ur assumptions and lies it isn't the first time either and it won't be the last.
Huh?? Where did I said that I'm a soical drinker?? Last time I had 2 beers was 2 years ago with friends. I am growing tired of ur assumptions and lies it isn't the first time either and it won't be the last.

Where did I say anything about "social drinker"? I said you admitted to drinking, and you have 2 kids. And, you just admitted it again.

Please read the words as written.

If you have a kid, and I catch you smoking marijuana, I'll turn you in so fast before your head spin on marijuana.

The bolded is what you said. My question is, why would you be so quick to turn in a parent who smokes marijuana, and not a parent who drinks?
So, I guess I deserve to go to jail because I drink socially and have kids?
So, I guess I deserve to go to jail because I drink socially and have kids?

And that's the whole point. Whether a parent takes a couple of drinks or has a couple of hits off a long as those children have a loving home, a good relationship with their parents, are fed, clothed, attend school on a daily basis, and are not abused either physically or emotionally, it's no one else's business except the parents.
No Thank-you, I'll pass. I have two sons and I would not even want to end up in prison for it.

lol...just messing with ya...

your concerns about going to prison are valid though...that is why i want cannabis to be decriminalized/legalized eventually...people shouldnt be going to jail and/or fined heavily just because they want to take a couple of hits from the bong...

If you have a kid, and I catch you smoking marijuana, I'll turn you in so fast before your head spin on marijuana. :giggle:

not planning on having any kids, so nothing to be concerned

but still...that isnt really fair...alcohol has been one of the main perpetrators in many cases of domestic abuse...would you turn in a parent just because he/she drinks? even responsibly? (for the sake of the argument, ignore the fact that cannabis is illegal right now)...

i m guessing probably not...
Do you want me to say something what I view your post here?

Still no post... I guess that's allright..

Well, he has hit rock bottom according to your definition. But obviously, he has not hit rock bottom according to his definition. Everyone has a different bottom. For some, loosing a job would be their bottom, and they would see the problem and seek help. For others, they don't hit bottom until they have lost everything and are on the street with no home, no famliy, and no friends. Addicition is strong. I don't mean this to sound insulting, but by staying with him for 25 years, and putting up with his behavior, you have actually helped to prevent him from hitting bottom. To help an addict realize how serious their problem is, we often have to say to them, "I love you, but your behavior is having a negative effect on me and my life, so until you are willing to do something about it, I want nothing more to do with you. If you want to allow your addiction to ruin your life, that is your choice, but I will not allow it to ruin mine." Its called tough love.

And it is a sad fact that many,many addicts never recover.

Totally agree with you. Quit using any of drugs or anything completely that people was used to be addicted to are not easy.
whats wrong with the things you mentioned?

do any of those things harm anyone? i dont know of anyone who has been harmed by potheads doing those things...but thats just me...

also, if the ones you encountered had trouble walking, they must either have had some pretty potent stuff or they were newbies...

*nods* Agree, I don't find them bother me at all that much compare to alcohol.

Or they could have had a case of vertigo that had nothing to do with the herb!:giggle:

I personally find drunks to be much more obnoxious than someone who has smoked a little weed. Drunks have a tendency to become aggressive and volatile. "Pass me another one of those GD Budlights before I smash your freakin' face in!" as opposed to "Dude, don't stand on the grass."

:rofl: Agree!

And drunks smell really disgusting! I'd rather smell weed than booze. Yuck! :barf:

Yupp I'd rather to smell the marijuana over the alcohol too.

So, I guess I deserve to go to jail because I drink socially and have kids?

Nah you don't deserve it as long as you take care of kids as regular.

Someone mentioned losing their home because their husband was caught smoking pot. I am sorry for your loss, and mean no offense, but isolated and questionable cases are not a good indicator.

He more than likely lost the job ONLY because of legal regulations. As opposed to e.g. stealing to support his habit, being so stoned as to be a hazard or screw up the job, becoming hostile, missing work because of a crash or because he was out seeking drugs... I have known many smokers, some of them heavy smokers, and have not known or even heard of a single one that does these things. If someone has a problem with work, it is more than likely only from weed being illegal and demonized. People screw up using alcohol too, but they have to show up to work actually DRUNK... responsible use will not get you fired, unlike with some jobs where simply showing positive on a test is enough to cost you your job, regardless of whether it was used 'responsibly' or not... and frankly, I feel these laws are oppressive.
Hmmmm interesting....

Marijuana may up heart attack, stroke risk

Chronic pot smoking linked to hardening of the arteries, study finds

updated 9:06 a.m. ET May 13, 2008

WASHINGTON - Heavy marijuana use can boost blood levels of a particular protein, perhaps raising a person's risk of a heart attack or stroke, U.S. government researchers said on Tuesday.

Dr. Jean Lud Cadet of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health, said the findings point to another example of long-term harm from marijuana. But marijuana activists expressed doubt about the findings.

Cadet said a lot of previous research has focused on the effects of marijuana on the brain. His team looked elsewhere in the body, measuring blood protein levels in 18 long-term, heavy marijuana users and 24 other people who did not use the drug.

Levels of a protein called apolipoprotein C-III were found to be 30 percent higher in the marijuana users compared to the others. This protein is involved in the body's metabolism of triglycerides — a type of fat found in the blood — and higher levels cause increased levels of triglycerides, Cadet added.

High levels of triglycerides can contribute to hardening of the arteries or thickening of the artery walls, raising the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease.

The study did not look at whether the heavy marijuana users actually had heart disease.

"Chronic marijuana use is not only causing people to get high, it's actually causing long-term adverse effects in patients who use too much of the drug," Cadet, whose study is in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, said in a telephone interview. "Chronic marijuana abuse is not so benign."

The marijuana users in the study averaged smoking 78 to 350 marijuana cigarettes per week, based on self-reported drug history, the researchers said.

The researchers said the active ingredient in marijuana, known as THC, seems to overstimulate marijuana receptors in the liver, leading to overproduction of the protein.

Raising future risk

Cadet said higher levels of the protein in marijuana users could raise future risk for cardiac abnormalities, blood flow problems, heart attack and stroke.

People with major medical or psychiatric illness, alcohol dependency and other drug use such as cocaine or heroin were excluded from the study.

A U.S. group supporting legal sales and regulation of marijuana disputed the findings. Marijuana Policy Project spokesman Bruce Mirken said, for example, the study involved people who were extremely heavy users.

"I think the low end was 78 joints a week. That's 10 or 11 joints a day," Mirken said in a telephone interview.

"We're talking about people who are stoned all the time. We're talking about the marijuana equivalent of the guy in the alley clutching a bottle of cheap wine. If you do anything to that level of excess, it might well have some untoward effects, whether it's marijuana or wine or broccoli," Mirken added.

Cadet's team said the findings suggest long-term harm from marijuana beyond issues such as impaired learning, poor memory retention and retrieval and perceptual abnormalities.

But Mirken said: "Even if you take this finding at face value, it's not at all clear that it has any relevance to the real world because there is still no data showing higher rates of mortality among marijuana smokers. If this was a significant cause of cardiovascular disease, where are the bodies?"

Marijuana may up heart attack, stroke risk - Heart health -
Depressed teens more likely to try pot

Report: Depression-marijuana combo can also increase chance of addiction

updated 1:35 p.m. ET May 23, 2008
WASHINGTON - Depression, teens and marijuana are a dangerous mix that can lead to dependency, mental illness or suicidal thoughts, according to a White House report being released Friday.

A teen who has been depressed at some point in the past year is more than twice as likely to have used marijuana as teens who have not reported being depressed — 25 percent compared with 12 percent, said the report by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

“Marijuana is a more consequential substance of abuse than our culture has treated it in the last 20 years,” said John Walters, director of the office. “This is not just youthful experimentation that they’ll get over as we used to think in the past.”

Smoking marijuana can lead to more serious problems, Walters said in an interview.

For example, using marijuana increases the risk of developing mental disorders by 40 percent, the report said. And teens who smoke pot at least once a month over a yearlong period are three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts than nonusers, it said.

The report also cited research that showed that teens who smoke marijuana when feeling depressed were more than twice as likely as their peers to abuse or become addicted to pot — 8 percent compared with 3 percent.

Experts who have worked with children say there’s nothing harmless about marijuana.

“I’ve seen many, many kids’ lives negatively impacted and taken off track because of marijuana,” said Elizabeth Stanley-Salazar, director of adolescent services for Phoenix House treatment centers in California. “It’s somewhat Russian roulette. There are so many factors, emotional, psychological, biological. You can’t predict the experimentation and how it will impact a kid.”

The drug control policy office analyzed about a dozen studies looking at marijuana use, including research by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Overall, marijuana use among teens has decreased 25 percent since 2001, down to about 2.3 million kids who used pot at least once a month, the drug control office said.

While the drop is encouraging, Walters appealed to parents to recognize signs of possible drug use and depression.

“It’s not something you look the other way about when your teen starts appearing careless about their grooming, withdrawing from the family, losing interest in daily activities,” Walters said. “Find out what’s wrong.”

Depressed teens more likely to try pot - Kids and parenting -