Justin Sane said:
Mac's memory usage is not as reliable as windows are.
You are right for that matter. But you don't know what you are talking about when it comes down to Mac. I don't know how much you know or what is your experience with Macs in the past. And I don't know when was the last time you used Macs. If you have used Macs in the past more than two years ago. If THAT is the case, you'd be shockingly surprised about major change betweem legacy MacOS 9 or earlier versions VS. so-called 'next generation, industrial-strength' OSX. Prior to OSX, I agree with you that legacy 'old' MacOS is unreliable... memory problems... But with OSX, it is totally different system architecture with more stable. It runs much more efficient and productive... What you see in OSX in front of you, all you see all those awesome 'Aqua' interface, there is other system behind you under the hood of OSX -- that is called Unix. At any rate, Unix-based is far more reliable, superiority and efficient than Windows.
I strongly encourage that you go and stop in one of Apple Computer retail stores (or any CompUSA or other stores that sells Macs), you'd be surprised and impressed with current OSX v. 10.2.6.
I'd bet that OSX will blow your mind big time! For those who says that Macs really sucks or something. You obviously don't want to acknowledge the facts that Apple Computer 'contribute' greatly to personal computer industry big time. Lot of things that Window or MS "steal" or 'borrow' technologies that Apple Computer invented or introduced, MS or PCs like to claim or pass it off as they own these technologies.
Who created mouses? Apple Computer. Who created WiFi - wireless technologies? Apple Computer. Who created world-fastest personal computer? Apple Computer (in partnership with IBM creating world's most advanced microprocessor called 64-bit). [Windows XP still use 32bit system]. Most servers use 64-bit microprocessor technology such as Unix, Sun, etc. Servers are not 100 percent personal computer.
And list goes on endless... For that matter, it is wise for people out there need to do research, gather information (FACTS, FACTS, FACTS) and acknowledge.
Let's say if it weren't for Apple Computer in existence, or Macintoshes were introduced back in early 1980's, I'd bet you that Microsoft Corporatioin probably won't develop advanced OS system like we are experiencing these days. Apple Computer gets lot of credit for making lot of personal computers more reliable, afforable and easier to use. Time = Money.
Of course, it is good for competition of personal computers and OS developers such as Microsoft, Apple Computer and others. This 'force' these companies to be more creative to develop better product or service. Consumers have choice to decide.
Again, Steve Jobs gets lot of credit for making things happen, reality and so on. Enuf to babble on this post for now.