Letterman regrets last week’s show, apologizes to wife on tonight’s show

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uh..... the extortionist was the CBS producer. Of course somebody at work would know what's going on. It's called Office Rumor. This extortionist was deep in debt which lead to desperate measure by extorting him for $2 million.

Yes, and isn't it interestest how the core of the matter...illegal extortion...is being completely overlooked in favor of fascination with David Letterman's sex life? And now specuation regarding a possible divorce. Sad when people have to live vicariously.
No one get served with divorce papers anymore. Most people waive service. This prevents mean-spirited busy-bodies from enjoying their acquaintances' misery.
uh..... the extortionist was the CBS producer. Of course somebody at work would know the gist of it. It's called Office Rumor. This extortionist was deep in debt which lead to desperate measure by extorting him for $2 million.

He had tangible evidence to show to Letterman and Letterman realized how deep doo doo he was in. That's why a sting was set up with Letterman and a fake $2 million dollar check. The question is, where (and how) did the extortionist get his info from. That's why CBS is talking about Miz Birket, Letterman's so-called lover.
How was he "forced?" Other people who are subjected to blackmail or extortion schemes aren't "forced" to tell about it on late night entertainment shows. Look at the John Travolta. He was threatened with extortion also, but he didn't go on talk shows to blab about it.

No, it was simply discussed in print media. Public all the same.
If you never saw Jerry Springer show, then how would you know enough to make that kind of statement?

and exactly what do you watch anyway?

This isn't about me, Jiro.
After their initial announcements, Sanford and Letterman should learn to keep their mouths shut. All these added "details" and public ruminations just make things worse for their families.

I agree. He confessed to it in the show. ok it's out. I must admit - he continued to make some jokes about it and yes I thought it was funny but at the same time.... I was *GROAAAAAAN* because his family members especially his wife is taking a painful hit from it.
He had tangible evidence to show to Letterman and Letterman realized how deep doo doo he was in. That's why a sting was set up with Letterman and a fake $2 million dollar check. The question is, where (and how) did the extortionist get his info from. That's why CBS is talking about Miz Birket, Letterman's so-called lover.

What does it matter where the extortionist got his information from. The fact of the matter is, he is the one who acted illegally, the sting was set up to trap him in his illegal activities, and you continually ignore the true topic of the story...the extortionist...in an attempt to place blame elsewhere. Do you have some sort of admiration for the extortionists illegal activities?

Why are you guys speculating about the original poster's background and fascinations when you know it might be reasonable ground for the moderators to lock the topic? It's walking through a minefield.
He had tangible evidence to show to Letterman and Letterman realized how deep doo doo he was in. That's why a sting was set up with Letterman and a fake $2 million dollar check. The question is, where (and how) did the extortionist get his info from. That's why CBS is talking about Miz Birket, Letterman's so-called lover.

extortion is illegal. period. it's not a clean quiet get-rich scheme. Both parties will be damaged. Point is - who will get hurt more from this? Looks like Birket will be. He's broke. He's a criminal. His life's completely ruined. and now he will be Bubba's friend soon. :wave:

Where or how is of no concern to me. Everybody who cheats usually always get caught. To obsess over it..... something's up... especially you weren't like this to Sanford :hmm:
To illustrate the speculations being made about Letterman.
so if he already testified to grand jury, then why tell it in tv? Beside - you're just pissy that Letterman's not going down after this scandal. In fact - he got even more popular despite of several private matters. Let's face it - he can survive pretty much anything that your favorite GOP boy toys can't.

give it up already. find a new target :cool2: Exactly what's your agenda in here with Letterman? You don't even watch his show!!!! He's not a politician nor in any business of policy-making for public. He's a f'ing corny-ass old fart comedian, for heaven's sake.

'Sextortion' is latest issue pushing Letterman into spotlight[/URL]
The topic is Letterman, not Kokonut, right? What do you care if he makes a thread about Letterman? Some people might be interested, some not. No big deal.

People don't necessarily have "agendas" against individuals to post something about them.

Would you like people questioning your "agenda" of dissing Kokonut's threads?

(I'm not saying you have such an agenda; I'm just pointing out how tiresome that angle could be.)
The topic is Letterman, not Kokonut, right? What do you care if he makes a thread about Letterman? Some people might be interested, some not. No big deal.

People don't necessarily have "agendas" against individuals to post something about them.

Would you like people questioning your "agenda" of dissing Kokonut's threads?

(I'm not saying you have such an agenda; I'm just pointing out how tiresome that angle could be.)

that's precisely my point. Lot of us simply posted the news and stated our opinions based on facts. But the difference in here is - kokonut posted the news and aggressively inserted his angle in it WITH NO FACTS - clearly an agenda in action.
funny... you speak of mythical imagination. Well you're having one now. Did you even read my article? The fact still remains that his show rating rose since this scandal. and the Tonight Show rating sunk....
If Letterman's ratings go up as a result of his revelations of promiscuity, then that says more about his audience then anything else. Pitiful.
that's precisely my point. Lot of us simply posted the news and stated our opinions based on facts. But the difference in here is - kokonut posted the news and aggressively inserted his angle in it WITH NO FACTS - clearly an agenda in action.
What would that agenda be? Kokonut is a secret plant for Conan O'Brien? :lol:
The topic is Letterman, not Kokonut, right? What do you care if he makes a thread about Letterman? Some people might be interested, some not. No big deal.

People don't necessarily have "agendas" against individuals to post something about them.

Would you like people questioning your "agenda" of dissing Kokonut's threads?

(I'm not saying you have such an agenda; I'm just pointing out how tiresome that angle could be.)

Community standards. If I start a new thread entitled "Hey Paralegics, Do You Cherish Your Limbs" I ought to be ready for the following storm.
that's precisely my point. Lot of us simply posted the news and stated our opinions based on facts. But the difference in here is - kokonut posted the news and aggressively inserted his angle in it WITH NO FACTS - clearly an agenda in action.

Yep. Another thread on the same topic was already locked in General Chat. To start another one is, shall we say, continuing to beat a dead horse. For what purpose, one has to ask.
What would that agenda be? Kokonut is a secret plant for Conan O'Brien? :lol:

to remove all talk hosts who are either liberal or Democrat supporter... or GOP basher :giggle:
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