Letterman regrets last week’s show, apologizes to wife on tonight’s show

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That's a nice little history review but this is about Letterman. Let's not get personal here, I appreciate your effort in this.

It was very much related, as it was a reference to your moral judgement. And moral judgement is what you were attempting to exercise in the posting of this article.
That's a nice little history review but this is about Letterman. Let's not get personal here, I appreciate your effort in this.

Just because there's no "Letterman" keyword in her post doesn't mean it's off-topic. You don't understand any single word in sallylou's post, don't you? :giggle:
You appear to have an overly elevated fascination with other people's sex lives. Why is that?

I noticed that as well. I guess he has a deadened pelvis. Have you read any of Wilhelm Reich's books on sexuality?
I noticed that as well. I guess he has a deadened pelvis. Have you read any of Wilhelm Reich's books on sexuality?

Oh, yes. I see why you would be reminded of those in here.

Usually people percieve gods as perfect, yet the most famous ones (the gods of ancient Greece) were just imperfect beings with human-like traits and behaviours, with supernatural power, who are immortal; so they are still imperfect.

Hell, I recall one account in Philosophy whereabout how ancient medicine started, and the class recited a piece that Homer wrote about Hades being wounded in battle and had to tend to it, even though he is immortal.

They're still myths but they do have good fable/parable tales that describe all of our human frailties. That doesn't detract what Letterman did. It's now his mess (and now his family's) and it'll be all his responsibility to try and "fix" this somehow. The question is, now since his wife is probably feeling publicly humiliated by all this, will divorce be the next headline?
I've never heard anyone complain about a reference to the Greek gods. It's our heritage in the Western world.

It our literary heritage, too. JK Rowling studied classical literature before she wrote Harry Potter (so many references in her work). My elementary school child is reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I've read the first book and highly recommend it. I can't imagine that any of us escaped without being required to read the Odyssey or the Illiad.

I'm truly perplexed why anyone would have such a negative attitude about the Greek gods. It seems anti-intellectual. :hmm:
They're still myths but they do have good fable/parable tales that describe all of our human frailties. That doesn't detract what Letterman did. It's now his mess (and now his family's) and it'll be all his responsibility to try and "fix" this somehow. The question is, now since his wife is probably feeling publicly humiliated by all this, will divorce be the next headline?

You can't determine that they are myths any more than you can determine that any concept of any god is based on myth. What's your point?

Overly fascinated with other people's marital problems. Why is that?
There you go. Bury it under a basket and pretend it doesn't exist. It will eventually go away.:roll:

Nope, I prefer the honesty of admitting your wrongs. Shows much more character.
After their initial announcements, Sanford and Letterman should learn to keep their mouths shut. All these added "details" and public ruminations just make things worse for their families.

I agree, Reba. The more Letterman talks about it in public the more this will continue. And now, CBS is looking at a possible extortion deal between Letterman's "woman" and the extortionist. You gotta wonder where did the extortionist get his information? And who besides Letterman?
be nice for him to be served with a divorce notice on air LOL

Ooh...! That would be devasting. Not a good thing. It'll be like a Jerry Springer episode. And I don't even watch it, either.
I agree, Reba. The more Letterman talks about it in public the more this will continue. And now, CBS is looking at a possible extortion deal between Letterman's "woman" and the extortionist. You gotta wonder where did the extortionist get his information? And who besides Letterman?

uh..... the extortionist was the CBS producer. Of course somebody at work would know the gist of it. It's called Office Rumor. This extortionist was deep in debt which lead to desperate measure by extorting him for $2 million.
he was "forced" to because he was being extorted. beside - nobody cares.
How was he "forced?" Other people who are subjected to blackmail or extortion schemes aren't "forced" to tell about it on late night entertainment shows. Look at the John Travolta. He was threatened with extortion also, but he didn't go on talk shows to blab about it.
They're still myths but they do have good fable/parable tales that describe all of our human frailties. That doesn't detract what Letterman did. It's now his mess (and now his family's) and it'll be all his responsibility to try and "fix" this somehow. The question is, now since his wife is probably feeling publicly humiliated by all this, will divorce be the next headline?

Ye gods, we see a new thread coming, don't we? :roll:
Ooh...! That would be devasting. Not a good thing. It'll be like a Jerry Springer episode. And I don't even watch it, either.

If you never saw Jerry Springer show, then how would you know enough to make that kind of statement?

and exactly what do you watch anyway?
How was he "forced?" Other people who are subjected to blackmail or extortion schemes aren't "forced" to tell about it on late night entertainment shows. Look at the John Travolta. He was threatened with extortion also, but he didn't go on talk shows to blab about it.

I guess some people handled it differently. beside - Travolta doesn't talk in front of tv every night.
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