Let's guess who belongs to....


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
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Let me guess..
Belongs to Steel ???

ewwww!! I don't want to guess it too gross for me to find out.. :lol:
All I know is whoevers they are the person either needs to see an OBGYN, or pay a visit to the laundrymat. Thinking a bottle of summers eve wouldn't be so bad either.
oh ewww.. thanks god i am at the moon for not seeing that grossy undie...
Eternity, obvouisly you're whiner... *rolls my eyes up* She doesn't know learn about sense humor..

I feel pity for her.. :rofl:
eternity said:
Bullymom... maybe it belongs to you but it shows how immature you are.

Takes one to know one, I s'pose.

Besides - the point of these threads is just to have a little harmless fun...isn't it? :) Lighten up.

eternity said:
Bullymom... maybe it belongs to you but it shows how immature you are.

it shows how immature you are to make such an ignorant comment to
something that was done just for fun
eternity said:
Bullymom... maybe it belongs to you but it shows how immature you are.

Eternity, the purpose of this thread is not to get personal with others. This thread is purely arts and humor. We can not have "no humor" society, so let's enjoy the purpose of this thread instead of getting personal.

Katzie said:
The underwear belongs to BBNT's pet... FIDO! :ugh:

Ha Ha.. who knows.. (chuckles)
Katize.. why BBNT likes to wear women underwear instead men underwear?
Am I confused... *muttering*
That reminds me of a prank I did on a friend of mine at church camp years ago. He was a counselor and also a roommate with another friend of mine. My roommate was also a counselor as well. I went to my friend's room with my roommate and we all noticed that we were each eating chocolate. I was eating peanut butter chocolate M&Ms. My roommate was eating a chocolate ice cream bar. My friend was eating a Snickers candy bar. An idea popped up in all of our heads and we stole one of his fresh clean underwears. I wrote his name on the waistband. Then, each of us took turns chewing on our snacks and then spitting it on the right place of the underwear. After doing this for 5 minutes, I tossed it down the opening down the stairwell. After our next event a hour later, everyone was heading back to the dorms. Everyone started laughing and my friend was standing there beet red! Hahaha! :rofl:
VamPyroX said:
That reminds me of a prank I did on a friend of mine at church camp years ago. He was a counselor and also a roommate with another friend of mine. My roommate was also a counselor as well. I went to my friend's room with my roommate and we all noticed that we were each eating chocolate. I was eating peanut butter chocolate M&Ms. My roommate was eating a chocolate ice cream bar. My friend was eating a Snickers candy bar. An idea popped up in all of our heads and we stole one of his fresh clean underwears. I wrote his name on the waistband. Then, each of us took turns chewing on our snacks and then spitting it on the right place of the underwear. After doing this for 5 minutes, I tossed it down the opening down the stairwell. After our next event a hour later, everyone was heading back to the dorms. Everyone started laughing and my friend was standing there beet red! Hahaha! :rofl:

OMFG! :shock: That's so bloody funny -- sure hope your friend knew it was just a joke! :lol:
Oh, boy.. that panties belongs to BBNT..he is closeted drag queen...he admitted to me in private.. shh shh :nana: