just a suggestion (internet browsers)


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Hi HI.. I just would like to suggest all of you, I know mostly of you using Expoler Internet.. I would advice you to get avant broswer internet, It's prevent you everything such like popups, etc.. and it would save you a time... I love it so much...

you can get a download from www.avant.com

if you have a question.. you may ask me anything..
Avant sucks! I used it and a lot of advanced webpages don't work well through Avant. :( One time, I referred a friend to a really cool website. I gave her the URL and she went to visit it. I told her to be ready for what happens and nothing happened. She went, "And... so?" Boy, I felt stupid. I thought something was wrong with the computer. I then realized it was because she was using Avant! Argh! I rather stick with Internet Explorer! :thumb:
VamPyroX said:
Avant sucks! I used it and a lot of advanced webpages don't work well through Avant. :( One time, I referred a friend to a really cool website. I gave her the URL and she went to visit it. I told her to be ready for what happens and nothing happened. She went, "And... so?" Boy, I felt stupid. I thought something was wrong with the computer. I then realized it was because she was using Avant! Argh! I rather stick with Internet Explorer! :thumb:

really? it never happens anything to me.. intersting... what more i had this avant for like more than 1 year and it didn't happening anything me.. mmm
I find one that will block the popups... I not think same name? is it?
My rule of thumb is to avoid IE whenever possible. Popups, malware, security exploits, and an endless list of problems. (Bad standards support, such as sucky CSS and no PNG support, etc) Hasn't even been updated in years.

Almost every browser EXCEPT IE has popup blocking built in. And TABS!! got to have Tabs.
For windows, there Mozilla, Firefox and Opera.
Mac users can also add Safari and Omniweb to the mix.

I like Omniweb. =)
I try not to use IE because it sucks in general, period. I prefer using the Mozilla browser -- so similar to Netscape and I like it heaps. :D It has tabbed windows as well.
VamPyroX said:
I still prefer Internet Explorer! :thumb:


you just need to know how to take care of it, then it will take care of you. Just dont go to warez or porn websites with IE, use other broweser.
Hermit of ozark said:

you just need to know how to take care of it, then it will take care of you. Just dont go to warez or porn websites with IE, use other broweser.

I never go to any of those sites you've mentioned and STILL get those bloody pop ups! They come from no where!
WaterRats13 said:
I never go to any of those sites you've mentioned and STILL get those bloody pop ups! They come from no where!
There are two good programs you can use. Ad-Aware and SpyBot: Search & Destroy. I have both. They both are good for finding spyware in your computer. Lately, there has been problems going around because of several programs starting up. Sometimes, those start-up programs are what cause spyware to pop up. Also, since they are included in start-up... you can't delete them because they are running. In order to delete them, you should reconfigure your start-up so those don't start up. That way, you can get rid of the bad stuff. I admit that I look at porn from time to time. Don't blame me... I'm just human. Anyway, I have the pop-ups in control. I am usually ready for pop-ups so when I see one, I can close it before it even finishes loading. That way, it never finishes and more pop-ups don't appear! :thumb:
Hermit of ozark said:

you just need to know how to take care of it, then it will take care of you. Just dont go to warez or porn websites with IE, use other broweser.

That might have been true in the past. Not anymore. Normal, large websites have recently been infected with a 'trojan horse' whose primary purpose is to steal your personal information. The trojan horse feeds your personal info to the russian mob so they could buy things like Porsches. Which websites? they aren't telling. What were they using to install programs to steal your identity? IE, of course.
The fact is that ON AVERAGE, a PC will have 28 spyware programs installed. Will anti-spyware programs prevent all of them? no. But you can reduce your risk by avoiding security holes that allow them into your computer in the first place. IE, Outlook, etc..
Russia is now owned by the mob. And they want your money. It doesn't matter how careful you are, these people's job is to avoid security in order to take your identity and money. Your risk simply rises every time you use IE.
I'm not a gambling man. I'm not going to take the bet that my life won't be messed up for years, even if the chances of it happening are small. I can avoid that by the simple act of choosing NOT to use IE. There's better features on the other browsers, anyway.
IE sucks, but most websites these days are built to accomodate IE users. Since IE is installed on PCs when they are sold, it makes sense that there are a LOT of IE users out there... I try not to use IE, and once I upgrade to OS X, I will never need IE again. I liked Opera for the simple reason that they had TABS! Not on the taskbar, which takes up a lot of space and is a pain.

Avoid IE, but there WILL be some sites that won't work on other browsers... does anyone know a good browser that sites work perfectly in that's made for IE? I'm trying to find out which browser out there is the best.
One EFnet member mentioned that FireFox and Opera has same problem as well (the news talked about it in German but I was puzzled why our news didn't mention anything about it yet..)

I personally like to use IE because of compitability issues, large percentage of these sites are IE-compatibility. Don't believe me? Check at W3C site for the facts. There are three communities/sites that I usually hang around aren't Opera or FireFox-compatibility so I have no choice but use IE.

However I lately order anything like DVDs at Amazon thru FireFox, not IE because of that "virus".

Ah, speaking of popups and such, I used Zone Alarm Pro to do the job. I didn't have any problem with popups for almost two years with ZAP so I didn't see any problem with using IE really... (beside that flaws Microsoft have in IE).
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