just a suggestion (internet browsers)

Most of the time, when a website is 'designed' for IE, it is specifically told to give one set of code to IE, and another set to other browsers.
There are some browsers which can 'spoof' their identity, and tell a website they are something else. Simply having a browser that does this goes a LONNNGGG way towards fixing the problem of 'needing' IE to visit some sites.
FYI... according to one security firm, IE had a larger number of security flaws than the ENTIRE Windows OS.
Well, there is a long, long debate in EFnet a while ago, all browsers have serious flaws that hackers can hack and abuse real easy. All they need is time to do it.

There is a canadian I know, she said she simply refused to provide any information thru any form, but only voice or mail (yes, still do). Like some old saying, old-fashion methods are the best if not 100% percent to secure your value informations.
There are two browsers that you could download for free. They are:
Mozilla and Opera. They support on both IBM PC and Apple computers.


It is a good thing that we can use these browsers (included mail and block spams) for our computer instead of Internet Explorer with negative issues for a long time.
I use Firefox. The nice things about it are the plugins and the tabs. With the plugins you can install and use only the ones you want, so Firefox is smaller than Mozilla.

I just downloaded and installed Firefox software, and it looks nice. I cannot find an e-mail application. Do you know where is it? I have Mozilla that comes with e-mail software.
Ziusudra said:
IE sucks, but most websites these days are built to accomodate IE users.

Then the thing to do is let the web site owner know that they should make their web site conform to w3c standards. I can only speak for myself, but I don't think that a web site is sufficiently wonderful to be worth opening my computer to the security holes in IE. (OTOH, I don't use Windows, so it's not really a question for me...)
webexplorer said:
I just downloaded and installed Firefox software, and it looks nice. I cannot find an e-mail application. Do you know where is it? I have Mozilla that comes with e-mail software.

I am not sure if they have an email client implemented for Firefox. Maybe someone else on here knows.
AOL Has owned new AOL Browser is a stand-alone browser featuring tabbed browsing, thumbnail tab popups, and many more special features outside of America online system. check this!.. but it is actually NEW Beta Build is now available!

Note: "AOL Browser" is a beta project code name and not the name of a final product release. The latest build of AOL Browser.


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I like IE better than all like firefox, safari, avant. I like IE because I like normal internet.