Implant Cochlear

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Duh, that's what I said lol xD

So maybe the best thing for you to do is to stop being a trouble maker. Learn and grow from your experience on here. :wave:
The taco bell dogs? :giggle:

Once they lay their wittle eyes upon the towering PFH they'll just shake and suddenly stand in very moist flooring.

Oh wait....
and I am sure you have some meat leftovers for the dogs to stop and chomp on them, before they can just even get a go on you. ;)
Lol, I was making a reference to Supernatural! :P
now now the child is on time out, everyone must find something else to entertain them for the evening :)
:laugh2: As per usual, ladies.
Who's in for some popcorn, I've got some butter ones.....:hmm:
I missed the whole thing. It's awful having a life. ;)
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