I'm Getting a CI!!!

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I got to get a CI so I can post freely in Alldeaf! Apparently, there's this secret club. Who's joining me?!

Don't plan to get one; don't plan to edit my posting habits.
I'm referring to the whole section for the last five years or so...

I'm referring to audism that keeps showing its ugly rear whenever someone downright assumes Deaf people are incapable of making informed conclusions and decisions.

I should hire this trannie from Bourbon Street to do some spanking :naughty:
I am still bilateral DEAF even though I do have an Advanced Bionics-Harmony Cochlear Implant-No one has asked me to "feel" the "bump" over my left ear in 4 years.Pretty obvious when head wet every time I go swimming.
What a person without one can say on how it "feels" not sure.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
very funny.... :roll:

I feel that lately that us CI users are getting attacked for no reason... maybe it's just me.
Nor the Harmony here either.

It would be alright, if you guys were sensible during the threads, and not get the thread closed down by attacking people sharing their feelings... just sayin
Im not attacking anyone. I do resent being told that Deaf people have no business sharing their thoughts or opinions. I'm a mother of a deaf child, too.

The thread I'm referring to is now gone...hardly anyone saw it.
It suggested I get a CI in order to participate in the thread, which prompt me to say is there a secret club?
No one has the right to attack you because you use a CI. If you knew me in real life, your reaction would be different.
It would be alright, if you guys were sensible during the threads, and not get the thread closed down by attacking people sharing their feelings... just sayin

I made exactly 3 posts in that thread... Cloggy made 18.

Just saying.
I should hire this trannie from Bourbon Street to do some spanking :naughty:

*shudders*what exactly is the nature of Your relationship with the trans, i dont wanna know ...lol
I am still bilateral DEAF even though I do have an Advanced Bionics-Harmony Cochlear Implant-No one has asked me to "feel" the "bump" over my left ear in 4 years.Pretty obvious when head wet every time I go swimming.
What a person without one can say on how it "feels" not sure.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Why do you feel you need to SHOUT that you're DEAF in every post? Do you think we can hear you any better? It's annoying.
That fact is NOT mentioned in every comment.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
That fact is NOT mentioned in every comment.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
But when you do type deaf in your posts anymore you use all caps. That's considered shouting plus it makes reading posts harder.
Because he's proud to be deaf! I am, too! I WILL shout it from the rooftop!!! He brings a valid point...he's still deaf with his CI and he's right.
Wow, I see that I need to get a CI just to get a voice in here. Ok, I am joining you DBG! I am getting a CI so people can take me seriously!
is this a joke?

I don't plan on getting one . If I did, so what. There are plenty of d/Deaf folks who absolutely love their CIs. I have awesome friends who wear them. I don't have a problem with CIs. I have a problem with people assuming that since I don't wear one then I should refrain from making contributions to the CI threads. I DO see why some posters should avoid commenting because they are rude, start attacking others personally, etc. I would LOVE to see a thread that is informative and where all folks agree to be accepting of.different views and roles of what the CI plays in their lives.

I'm also very curious about them, but I don't have a safe place to go and ask. A few friends will share but most are shy about them, probably from negative experiences. I want to know what is working for the children and what has been done that doesn't work. I strongly feel that kids with CIs are underserved in most deaf schools, and I'm doing what can to bring changes to my school.

I can't ask here because some posters automatically assume that I'm anti-ci and have this dartboard for parents of ci kids...not true. My last set of questions were cut off and unanswered (as I was not done) because the thread was closed.
Wow, I see that I need to get a CI just to get a voice in here. Ok, I am joining you DBG! I am getting a CI so people can take me seriously!

Can you imagine the folks who would shit in their pants when we have total access?
Wow, I see that I need to get a CI just to get a voice in here. Ok, I am joining you DBG! I am getting a CI so people can take me seriously!

Why do I get the feeling I'm still being ignored?
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