If you owned the world...


New Member
Feb 3, 2004
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...... what would you do with it? What would happen? What laws would you change? What new laws would you enforce?

I really have no idea what I'd do if I owned the world. I haven't gave it much thought.

lol, sweet deal.

Oh oh! I know another one...

I'd make everyone wear blue shoelesses. Yeah, that would kickass. Or pink.
I'd made everyone, everything etc made out of rainbow colour heh
I would buy the hearing people a pair of pencils and then they can poke their ears out!

Yay!! It's a Deaf World after all!

j/k :P
I would let deaf people to fly anywhere for free... not just in USA, but far off to other countries like Paris, Israel, etc., etc. and do some wonderful things! lol ! Oh, maybe I can even let deaf people to share their skills/talents by tradin' stuffs like clothings, purses, leather boots, etc.,etc. That would be nice! There's many things I could think of like this ... maybe, there wouldn't be a war afterall ! :ily:
I would do away with money, and limit rations to everyone. Share the natural resources for everyone!

I'd establish control over the war machines...and declare them obsolete. Dismantle them, take them apart, make sure they cant be used again.

* Make Commit Murders Put away for Life time never get out *throw away key* (first time Offended)
*Make deadbeat parents pay child support Hunt them down make them pay ASAP!
* Be able to Have Deaf people have good Jobs without getting turned down offers
* Free Tours for Deaf People to Experiences the world.
* Save the Rain Forests!
* have A Peace World with no Crimes, Thiefts, Murders, Wars, Etc.

*Cant think of anything else.. at the moment*

If I Owned the World....It would be....

Peace and Freedom!.....( No Weapons ).....


Better Jobs for everyone!... :cheers:
Cheri said:
* Make Commit Murders Put away for Life time never get out *throw away key* (first time Offended)
*Make deadbeat parents pay child support Hunt them down make them pay ASAP!
* Be able to Have Deaf people have good Jobs without getting turned down offers
* Free Tours for Deaf People to Experiences the world.
* Save the Rain Forests!
* have A Peace World with no Crimes, Thiefts, Murders, Wars, Etc.

*Cant think of anything else.. at the moment*

I'll second Cheri!

If I own the world...

I want everybody don't make money. Like there is no money ever exist. Just use for exchange each other. Just same idea as Star Trek, as in case you don't know they don't make any money. They simple work for someone and they give you a home, food, cloth, education, and entertainment. It would be sooo nice.

For death punishment. If anyone are killer, hater, drug or any beyond the evil. They will throw to the SUN! *bwahahah*
i agre with you to clean up the world.. also... sorry u land forks... Rain 40 days and 40 nights! and have a ocean all around earth no land :D
^Angel^ said:

If I Owned the World....It would be....

Peace and Freedom!.....( No Weapons ).....


Better Jobs for everyone!... :cheers:

What if UFO (alien) come and take over us? We would be useless!
1. repeal the laws that censor the stuff.
2. repeal lame copyright laws for software, binaries, and source codes.
3. people should share art and music and software freely.
4. Boot RIAA and other people who hates sharing out of country.
5. make sure open source programming and coding stays legal.
6. see that we do not pay any money to microsoft or help them in any way.
7. provide deaf people money
8. give more support and money to artists.

CyberRed and DreamDeaf have good ideas and I like them:D
illustrator said:
What if UFO (alien) come and take over us? We would be useless!

I don't believe in UFO simply because , I never saw one with my own eyes!..