If you are a born-again Christian...

jazzy said:
Born-again Christian? Do I have to be a fundie to call myself born-again Christian?
I don't believe so. I am considering myself as born-again Christian because of my baptism at Baptist Church when I was teenager but I resigned from the christianity.

Since I no longer am a christian, I cannot see myself typing down and share my experience with AD'ers in this topic. I honestly don't think that it is require to be a fundamentalist to call yourself born-again Christian...
Magatsu said:
I don't believe so. I am considering myself as born-again Christian because of my baptism at Baptist Church when I was teenager but I resigned from the christianity.

Since I no longer am a christian, I cannot see myself typing down and share my experience with AD'ers in this topic. I honestly don't think that it is require to be a fundamentalist to call yourself born-again Christian...

I grew up in Catholic Church and considered myself a Christian. Haven't attend any church yet after I got in conflict with a deaf pastor last year who is a fundmental Baptist. I have no interest go back to any church. I simple follow Jesus Christ on my own. He was the ones who came to me cuz He knows my heart. I am so stubborn and will not bow to any pastors or priests except to Him only.
im still christian at Baptist Church very much!

but my Grandmother been went church every sunday and my Aunt & Cousin too!

when i was little girls i went to Baptist church very much and i never been baptism till im become adult.

Sara Boyce
This is a really interesting topic, and I really hold a lot of respect for the ppl on AllDeaf not really making this a place for political discussion.
I haven't discussed my faith with many people, but here goes:
I became a Christian at VBS when I was probably 4 years old. I grew up believing in God, in a very loving Christian family. Our churchgoing days, a family anyway, ended a lil more than 6 years ago, when my mom joined an over-40's soccer team that has games on Sundays. ANYWAY, when I was 13, I started really looking into God more, partially because of reading the Left Behind series. I was stagnant in my faith, and also had just gained my critical thinking skills (according to my psychology books anyway), so it makes sense I would be reevaluating decisions and choices. This is when I would say I became a "born-again" Christian. I mean, I believed before, but it was not... I don't know, not clear. I had a surge of faith, and then, I guess in high school, I sort of "stopped walking" again. Since then I have had my share of trials, and only last September did I really start going back to church. Sometimes I feel I am going backwards in my faith, because I am questioning everything; and then I realize asking questions is what will get me into a deeper, stronger relationship with God.
I recently read an article about how some people who grew up as Christian, "good" kids who didn't do anything wrong, felt that they didn't have much of a testimony. It didn't happen after some long saga, there wasn't something huge to repent, there was no real "aha!" moment, it just has always been. I admit, I sometimes feel this way. But then I realize just how much my faith has helped me, how much SECURITY it's given me. I mean, I've ALWAYS known, since I was 4, that when I die I will go to heaven and that Jesus died for me. I have made good choices and, with God's help, helped so many friends with their problems: pregnancy, drug addiction, abuse. I have a foster sister now who was abused by her father for 14 years. She has lots of problems. There is no way I could deal with all of this without God. I owe him everything.
GN, Kelsey
Reba said:
Thank you for all the wonderful testimonies! I have been blessed while reading all your personal stories. I truly appreciate how you have shared your hearts.

I look forward to reading more posts. :)

I am sorry that my testimony was so long. But I have lived longer, so my story stretches longer, ha, ha. But my story is truly no more important than any other Christian's story. Some testimonies are shorter, but they are much deeper.

Thanks again.

Reba, you're welcome! :) I thank the Lord for saved me by His grace and He is my Savior.
I was born again Christian on June 27, 2003 by Roadrunner...

Umm, I am not quite sure where do I start....I'll just say alittle bit about myself...

When I was growing up, I went to church with my grandmother twice I believe, but I did not know anything about God/Jesus at that time, I wasn't able to understand what was being said during the Church service, then when I was in my high school year, I met a deaf girl who is Christian, she asked me about God, which I did not know who is God, or what Christian means, I went with her to church and her Christian camp program, all I did was fool around, not really paying any attention....

I got married with a hearing man at the age of 19...After my step mom married my father, she wanted me to attend her church which she is a Christian, I went with her a few times, I was confused during the service because there was no interpreter and it was hard for me to read the bible, so one time I brought home this paper from church, it was about the service they did that day, my husband did not believe in God, and told me that I was stupid for believing in something that doesn't exist... When my step mom asked me if I would go with her the following next Sunday, I turned her down by saying I was bored at her church and I didn't understand what is being said, she did offer to get an interpreter for me, but I made up a story by telling her I wasn't interesting in that anymore... :(

Then I went along with my life with my husband and my children, I went thru difficult times during my marriage, and I've lied to my family, friends and even the doctors when there were times I end up in the hospital, and never once called my family either, I only would called them if I was in labor, that's it....I hide my trouble marriage from all the people I love and care about,....One night things went really bad between my husband and I, which had taken me into the hospital, I end up with a couple of bruises....This lady who worked at the hospital came into my room that evening, and gave me a little bible , and she was the one who told me about God....I had alot of questions going thru my mind like Why God didn't stop this? Why did He let it go this far? etc....I was really angry at alot of people around me and even angry at God....But, when I started reading the bible each night, and pray alittle, but the abuse did not end, so I gave up believing....

A couple of years went by, the marriage was getting worse and worse everyday, then one day when I didn't cook dinner because I wasn't feeling good and my husband wanted me to go to the store to get ground beef and I told him I wasn't feeling good, then we end up agruing, then my husband slapped me and it threw me across the floor near the bed, and grabbed ahold of my hair and then dragged me all the way to the end of the hallway, I was screaming and crying telling God to please help me, then he stopped, I got up and ran in my son's room and seeing something moving in the closet, so I opened it and seeing my second son sitting in his closet, I got on my knees and touch his leg and I could feel he was shaking like a leaf, and he looked up at me I could see the fear in his eyes, I knew he was soo scared, so I got up and left the room quietly and walked in my room and shut the door, crying out to God asking for help, then a couple of weeks went by, I started to feel a bit different like I was getting stronger and I had the courage to stand up in front of him and asked for a divorce on Sept 2002 and I filed in March 2003...

In 2003 I met Roadrunner and Peachy Lady from a chat, They both taught me alot more about God/Jesus, Roadrunner brought me a Holy Bible " New Living Translation " after I accept Jesus in my heart on June 27, 2003, now I look up to God more and even reading my bible, start to fogive those who hurt me, and move on by having God in my daily life.....I still believe as today that God send those two Angels, PeachyLady and Roadrunner to me, without those two, I wouldn't be where I am today.....

On June 13, 2004, my divorce was final ( I did pray to have my divorce final before or on my birthday and it did ;) )

I believe in God with all my heart, and I will not stop believing Him!...I thanks God everyday for making my life peaceful and for keeping me and my children safe in His Care!
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i was raised in baptist for many years. i didnt understand we kept going to church so my mom and stepdad who was a preacher decided to send me to bill rice ranch camp in TN. that was where i was saved at Bill Rice Ranch at age 14 after Don Cabbage preached. i am thankful to know who Jesus is. Today i dont go to Baptist churches for some reasons like selfish or pushy people. sometimes i go to a community church and when i go rock climbing sometimes, i usually talk with God in my mind.

Keep Faith in Him no matter what u dont see the truths like those ppl mock at you. Just keep praying and your prayer will answer. Praying is very powerful.
When I was 17 years old....

My life started havin' problems at home after bein' raped by 21 years old man. I was straight A student in high school. I was depressed until my scientist teacher in class noticed somethin' changed in me. He used to say that I was an "orange" and other deaf/hoh students in that class were the "apples". I was different from others in that class, because of my intelligence quotent was high accordin' to psychologist when he gave me the test for SAT at Special Education teachers' requests. ( Well, in fact I came from California when we ( my family side ) moved to Washington state to transfer my dad to new job. ) I was suffered by students who revenged me in lunch room by puttin' all the food on my hair from my own tray in front of everyone. I was sittin' alone on the table. Very humiliated. One of the students snooped the ketchup up w/ the spoon from my tray, sayin' to me : "This is your period". I sat silent without doin' anythin'.
When they left with their own satisfication. I got up and picked up the tray ...walked toward the trash bin and threw all the food in the trash bin. I walked out of the lunch room and went downstairs to see the Principal. When I entered in his office, he was payin' attention on his paperwork. He didn't hear me walk in. I tapped on his desk to get his attention. He looked up and dropped his jaw with a big surprise when he saw somethin' on my hair. He got up and asked me with his serious question: "Who did this to you ?" I wrote down all their first and last names. He knew who they were. He used to be their principal at another school in the past before transferrin' to high school. What a surprise ! He told me to go to wash my hair to which I did. He went in my English classroom and told my English teacher to dismissed my tardy for this reason. He told her what happened. He suspected those boys from school for one week and, their parents were mad at their sons.
After school, I jumped in a metro bus to take me downtown before transferrin' to another bus to take me home...there was a deaf man talkin' with another person in sign language. I introduced myself to him and said, I am deaf, too with a smile. From there, we made friends. That guy was older and knew alot about God.
He did stopped by at my parents' house to where I live and asked for me.. to see, if I am interested goin' to church. I avoided goin' to church. But, then when he left....I started to feel guilty about not goin' to church. I felt bad about not goin' so, I decided to go on the next Sundy when he stopped by again.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour on that day ( 2nd Sunday after I turned down the 1st Sunday ). That year was 1978 before I turned 18. After acceptin' Jesus Christ as my Saviour, I started to read the bible and pray everyday. I came to realize that my spirit grew taller just like a tree. My eyes started to open and see things clear than before. My mind understood better. I was hungry more and more for God's Word daily. It increased stamina, alert and healthy. Everythin' I absorbed God's Word... His every word is my vitamin to heal the wounds/pains/hurts and all. In fact, I read the bible and pray everyday when I came home after school before bedtime. I even experienced fire, wind, light, and other things when God opened my soul to feel things and. even He opened my eyes to see spiritual things, too. And, yes I did witnessed to some teachers about God in classes with my large button pin on my blouse that says : "Try Jesus". I was bold without ashamed. :)

I was dismissed from high school one month earlier. The principal showed me the credits in the file that I earned were over 39 credits they required for all seniors to graduate. All deaf/hoh seniors stayed in high school to meet their 39 credits, except me... I earned 41 credits. God did all this for me. I praised God for His Glory.

I began to attend church after I moved down here in Iowa from Alaska last January 2005 this year. I shared some of my testimonies to my new christian friends at church. And, plus busy to work on my new home ( remodelin' ). :)

They were surprised to learn who I really am after I told them who I am. It's a small world for them and, even thou I never met them before. They knew who my dad is.

My dad was a Mau Maus Gang in New York City before God changed his life to become a minister. My dad was one of those gangs, the movie was called, "The Cross and the Switchblade"..........
CyperRed, Praise the Lord! Your personal testimony is quite remark (I can't spelling what word, haha.) and really blessing what you have for God. :)
Wow! More wonderful testimonies! Keep the blessings flowing.

Many of your testimonies are also good encouragements for us to never quit witnessing to the lost. I see many examples here of people who became saved because someone else cared enough to keep telling about Jesus, or keep inviting a friend to church. :thumb:
Safari said:
CyperRed, Praise the Lord! Your personal testimony is quite remark (I can't spelling what word, haha.) and really blessing what you have for God. :)

The word is remarkable. lol ! Thanks. I am not always that good at spellin', either.
There's more testimonies to come...I will share it later when I have the time to sit down and type. :)
I thought true born-again Christians aren't supposed to divorce (the bible said it's sin) or watch the porn and also supposed to love all the human beings in this world according to the bible's sayings. Hypocrites. :ugh2:
CyberRed, Thanks for a little help out with word. :)

Amen! I really love to hear their testimonies. :)
Douglas said:
I thought true born-again Christians aren't supposed to divorce (the bible said it's sin) or watch the porn and also supposed to love all the human beings in this world according to the bible's sayings. Hypocrites. :ugh2:
Actually, no one is supposed to divorce or watch porn. However, Christians are human beings just like every one else, and although they are saved they still have the sin nature that is in them since conception. It is the Christian's duty to feed the new nature of Christ, and starve the old sin nature. The Christian nature will grow stronger, and the sin nature will become weaker. But until a Christian receives the new redeemed body in Heaven (thru death or Rapture), that sin nature is still present. That internal sin nature, the urgings of Satan, the temptations of the world, still attack Christians. That doesn't mean Christians say, "oh, well, it is too hard to struggle; I will just accept sin." No! But a Christian should feel guilty from sin, beg God's forgiveness, and decide to turn away from continuing sin, with God's help. That is a daily process.

Also, as you read the testimonies, you notice that many of the sins that are mentioned happened before the person became saved by Jesus.

Also, although salvation happens in a quick minute, the process of mature Christian life and holiness takes time. Every day temptation happens, and every day a Christian must turn to Jesus thru prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship for strength and help against sin.

I don't want to detract from people's testimonies here, or start debates. Just trying to clarify for some non-Christians who read these posts and maybe don't understand their full meanings.

Born-again or saved Christian doesn't mean perfect person. A Christian is still a sinner, saved only by the grace of Jesus Christ, not by a person's good works or living.

I hope this clears it up. :)
Magatsu said:
I don't believe so. I am considering myself as born-again Christian because of my baptism at Baptist Church when I was teenager but I resigned from the christianity.

Since I no longer am a christian, I cannot see myself typing down and share my experience with AD'ers in this topic. I honestly don't think that it is require to be a fundamentalist to call yourself born-again Christian...
Sorry to hear that. The baptism can't save your soul. Only Jesus Christ can buy your soul through His blood.
Well, I already accepted Jesus as my savior. Only that I'm distancing myself from these christians who didn't practice what they preach or drown in their own hatred.

And.. "buy"? That's an interesting term you are using... If you were talking about Satan, that will make more sense but Jesus...?
Askjo said:
Sorry to hear that. The baptism can't save your soul. Only Jesus Christ can buy your soul through His blood.

Jesus don't buy your soul, He save your soul.....
^Angel^ said:
Jesus don't buy your soul, He save your soul.....
I think Askjo is saying this:

Yes, Jesus saves your soul. How? Jesus sacrificed His pure blood thru His death of crucifixion on the Cross. Jesus' blood was the payment required by God for the forgiveness of your sins. Sins can only be forgiven thru the sacrifice of blood. Only Jesus' blood is pure enough (100% without sin) to make a worthy sacrifice.

Askjo was just saying that in a condensed (brief) way. I believe his point was, that only Jesus can save people. Baptism cannot save people. Joining a church cannot save people.
Reba said:
I think Askjo is saying this:

Yes, Jesus saves your soul. How? Jesus sacrificed His pure blood thru His death of crucifixion on the Cross. Jesus' blood was the payment required by God for the forgiveness of your sins. Sins can only be forgiven thru the sacrifice of blood. Only Jesus' blood is pure enough (100% without sin) to make a worthy sacrifice.

Askjo was just saying that in a condensed (brief) way. I believe his point was, that only Jesus can save people. Baptism cannot save people. Joining a church cannot save people.
Correct, I agree with you, Reba. :thumb:
^Angel^ said:
Jesus don't buy your soul, He save your soul.....
If Jesus did not buy your soul without His blood, He can't save you. Reba's comment is very obvious to explain what I mean. I thank Reba for adding a good point.