If you are a born-again Christian...


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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If you are a born-again Christian, can you please post your personal testimony?

Please share with us how you came to know the Lord. What was your experience? Was it thru preaching, or thru a friend explaining salvation to you, or thru your own Bible study, or...? Were you a kid or an adult? Was it easy or a long struggle?

This thread is for posting Christian testimonies only. It is not for debates. Please respect that. There are plenty of other threads available for debates.

Even if you posted your testimony in a previous thread, please feel free to re-post here, or just put the link to your original posting.

I hope this thread will be a blessing and encouragement to many people. :)
Pooer Reba.
It is hard to explain how an insect can have four legs, unless we are dancing together. Bugger that.
I wonder if I can add mine since Im not 'born again' Christian? I am Christian? Would that count? I would love to share my testimony.
Of course, Bewitched, we are willing to hear affirmations of faith, as long as they are put into words. I do not deny Jesus, he was, still is a Spiritual MAster.
Bewitched said:
I wonder if I can add mine since Im not 'born again' Christian? I am Christian? Would that count? I would love to share my testimony.
Yes, you may give your testimony. Some people use different words to describe their salvation experience. Sometimes the same word can have different meanings to different people. So just tell your story as you experienced it. We will not judge each other. Let God sort it out, right? Only He knows our hearts. :)

If we disagree about the meaning, we can discuss that at another thread.
Uh huh.
WWell of course I am on her side as far as the heart goes
Reba said:
Yes, you may give your testimony. Some people use different words to describe their salvation experience. Sometimes the same word can have different meanings to different people. So just tell your story as you experienced it. We will not judge each other. Let God sort it out, right? Only He knows our hearts. :)

If we disagree about the meaning, we can discuss that at another thread.

Oh thanks, Reba!!

I wanna say that I am grateful for being here on this earth. The three best blessings I received from Heavenly Father are,

1. My deafness: I am so glad to be deaf because my deafness has shown me who I am, such as, my patience, my faith, my abilities to do anything except hear.
2. My parents who adopted me. I seriously don't know what my life would be like if I was never adopted. My parents had set a lot of great examples to me. When I first met my husband, he comes from different world. He was not able to get why I was too kind and understanding. He asked me why are you so nice? I answered, I dont know. Later, my husband and I went to see my parents in my home town. He told me that he had finally figured out why I was too kind and loving person because of my parents are very giving and kind. There are many ways I am grateful for my life with my wonderful parents.
3. My husband, he is a miracle! He can be pain in the butt but really, he is a love of my life. He changed me gradually. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't figure out who I am today. We got married a month ago. (exactly one month anniversary).

I am also grateful for a man who is no ordinary man, who showed us many wonderful examples. I want to be like him, Jesus Christ. I don't know how he could do it for us, he atoned and bled for us. I wouldn't be in his place. He is the only one that could do it because he loves us. He is just so amazing. Thankfully, I am a daughter of God!!!

Thanks for allowing me to share my testimony, Reba!
That's great post! Delight to see this. :) Sorry, it's long story in this. That's how I found Jesus.

I would like to share with you about my testimony how I got saved. I became deaf when I was approximately 7 months old and 1 year old. My parent never took me to church. They knew who is God but never really knew Him personally. My heart look for answer to fill my hole. My father drove my brother and I went up hill oversee on the top where I saw a huge flouscent glass cross stood front of me and felt so awe and unspoke of symbol of the cross. I keep look at the cross wondering what is all about this. My father took out his tripod from his car's trunk and put his camera on the tripod took a snap shot of the cross. I asked him why he took a picture of it. He said it look great, just for fun. I once again asked him what is the cross really about. He replied, don't know. Still no answer. I was about 7 years old, my mother drove us to some house and parked in next to small church. I look over at the small church in the night. I asked my mother why the cross on the church and what is all about that. My mother look around at the church, and said you know, when people go to bed at the night and then next morning, get ready to go to church and doing singing, praying, preaching, and reading the Bible. I looked in puzzled and still don't understand the answer. Years later, my former neighbor came to me and asked me if I was interested into coming with her to attend her church. I was akind of excite and curious if it was answer so I went to the church. At that time, I was about 10 or 11 years old, I sat on the pew in the congegation and played around because there was no interpreter. I was restless afterward until the service was over. After service, she took me home. Still no answer yet. My other neighbor took me to her church. I thought it might be something different at this time. I was 12 years old, we sat in the pew in way higher because the church was big. I looked at alot of people were very friendly, happy, and full of praises. When the sermon began, I saw no interpreter there. I was restless and bored. During closed invitation, my other neighbor stood up and walk down that was where she got in the Baptized. I was shock to see her in the Baptized. After service, I asked her why she went into the Baptized. She tried to explain but she think I didn't understand yet. She thought better wait when the right time comes. In a while, my other neighbor felt she wanted to share the Gospel with me. She picked her little KJV bible ( I believe it was KJV) and read it to me in the back last page of plan of the Salvation. I read at the first steps, and explain it to me if I understood. My head nodded, yes all the way. She said at last, you finally got saved! You are my sister in Christ. I was so excited is simple because of word "sister" but I was not really understood or knew nothing about the Salvation or Lord Jesus Christ personally. When I was almost 13 years old, my mother, my brother and I moved to other state. In about a few years later, a deaf girl (she was my classmate) talked with me about Jesus almost everyday. She gave me some scriptures in her notes. I opened her notes and read the scriptures. In my heart, I was kind of scared about the tribulation if I miss the rapture I would go through the tribulation. Next few days later, she and I looked at a church, asked me if I like church. I replied, no, I don't. She was sad and prayed for me. A teacher's aide was friendly, and kind, and very consider lady. When I worked at summer job in summer 1981, I was a customer service helper at the health food store. A deaf lady looked for something she want to buy item and couldn't find anything on the shelves so she approach a store manager asked for the item. He didn't understand her communicate so he guided her over to my mother and helped with interpreted. She introduced her to me and we were surprised to discovered we were deaf. The store manager understood and led her to the specific shelf. After she done with the item, and came back for a bit chat. She asked to invite me to visit a church. I was surprised her invitation so I accepted. I was forward to attend the church service. In a few days later, she drove me to the church and walked in and was full of surprised with overjoyed there was a few deaf people. I discovered there was interpreter, I was happy to see there. We watched the picture slides and listened the sermon. After service, we greeted each other in the hall and fellowship for a bit while. In about one or two weeks later, same deaf lady brought me to other church which was their original member of the church. There was interpreter and deaf people where I visited at first time. I became more curious about church in anything. After few times, the more I attended the church. The interpreter felt burden for my salvation and pray for me to be saved. At the end of the service, she sat me down on the pew asked me most important question that I never heard before. She asked me if I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me. I looked puzzled at her question. I didn't want to hear and I rejected. She was silent but still prayed for my salvation. In about a month later, between time during service, she sat down and drawing a picture of Hell on a paper between man and God. I looked at the drawing picture, I was very scared if I was going there in Hell. Someone called us went up to the congegation until after the service, we went out to lunch at McDonald's and drove us to their church to drop us off there. Only my interpreter and I were in the congegation alone. She started to show me a tract with KJV scriptures and pictures. She explained it to me why how I get saved, in the begins of sin, and then Hell. In between lines, I didn't understand about Hell so she explanation of Hell. I finally understand about Hell. I didn't want to go to Hell. She continue onto the plan of the Salvation on eternal life, and then sinner's prayer until I fully understand the Salvation. She asked me if I want to be saved. I said YES! (no doubts, or feeling or anything but faith). She led me to Christ. Once again, she asked me where is Jesus you have now? I replied, and know it, go to Heaven! She said, yes but what happened when you asked Him? I looked and knew, I replied, I asked Jesus to come in my heart! I was smile and joy. She asked me one more question before the final, if I die, where I go after die? I replied, go to Heaven! We rejoiced together for my salvation. My heart found Him and He gave me peace and satisfy. I accepted Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior was on January 31, 1982. I was nearly 15 years old.

"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God". ---1 John 5:13
Safari, that was a nice testimony covering a few years until you faithfully acknowledged what it was that you needed to do and understanding the process of doing so. :thumb:

Reba, since you created this thread...kind of interested with your own testimony-- ;) (and perhaps you too Beowulf.... :D )

Also that's a nice post you made Bewitched.... ;)

Sooner or later, I'll post my own testimony...but, umm...*ahems*...ladies first--*looking at Reba*, care to start?
At first when I was at jr. high, My friends would ask me what religious I was, I said what is that? They asked me if I believe in God and Jesus, I said who are they? You see my parent never took me to church as growing up, or even had knowledge of God or Jesus, Until my best friend Tracy who is a Christen herself have lead me into her church and camping. I learned alit by alit. When I became pregnant at the early age of my teens. I knew I had to seek to God because I was going through really rough times between my parents and myself, which my parent wouldn't let me bring my own child in the world. That's when I start seeking God for help to lead me the way, After having an abortion. I knew it was against God. I knew I was going to be punished for what I've done. I did prayed a lot. Couple years later went by, I became pregnant again and this time I was old enough to take the responsible for my own child without even having my parent on my back, because one I was living out of my parent house, I had the control. But looking back what I've done in the past that I was force by my parent to have an abortion, I did seek God and told God that forgive me that I've sinned, even if you still blame me for what I've done went through with it without even my power to fight for the living of the unborn child. I asked him not to punish this baby that is growing in my stomach. When Markus was born he was a healthy baby and I started seeking Jesus and God in my heart from that day forward. The funny thing is I don't know if it meant anything but I felt that Jesus or God was really talking to me through my heart, I felt my heart was beating so fast does that mean he really listening and forgiving me? I believe that is how it happen. I never really understood the bible, because it was hard to understand the version of the scriptures what really was being said, I easy understand through a friend, or watching movies to get the knowledge of what Jesus and God. But, I know in my heart that God/nor Jesus lead me to him after my abortion experiences. I don't believe in telling others how to live their life, Because It isn't my requirement to do so, I let God handle that. Because those people have to seek on their own terms to accept Jesus in their heart the way I did. Nobody force me what to believe in, I believe on my own, I seek to God and Jesus on my own. But every decision I have made during my lifetime good or bad is what has brought me to where I am now, Without Jesus I am nothing. God and Jesus loves us and if we truly repent and confess our sins, They will forgive. I cannot go on without confessed my sins knowing that I can move forward life the mistakes I've made. It heels up my wounds in my heart and move past to another new day;)
Before I was saved, I went to Lutheran church when I was a small boy. I noticed the bus from a Baptist Church. I noticed churches were Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist. I don't know what Baptist believe. I was curious one day when I went to Baptist Church. I heard preaching about salvation. They offered to go to Christian camp, Bill Rice Ranch. I heard preaching at camp about salvation. When I went to other churches, I heard different stories. I was confused. I studied the Bible myself. I noticed Acts 16:30-31 (KJV). What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. One Jesus, says I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. II Peter 3:9 says The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. That means that God does not want anyone to go to hell, but He wants them to repent. One deaf man, told me he was saved and he repented. That's why I understand about salvation and repentance. What hit me the most is Acts 16:30-31 about salvation. I knelt in my bedroom at home and prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ to save my soul. No one won my soul, except the Bible.
I did not grow up in a Christian home. My parents separated when I was about 9 years old, and divorced when I was about 12. My mom sent my brother and I to various Protestant churches for Sunday School, children's church, and summertime vacation Bible school because it was "the right thing" to do during the 1950s and '60s. I learned the Bible "stories" but I didn't find God.

During that time, I was interested in spiritual things. My next-door neighbors and friends were a Greek family. They attended the Greek Orthodox church. I learned about their customs, and went to weekly "Greek School" with my friend. That was a class for American Greeks to learn Greek language and customs in order to understand the church services, which were conducted in Greek language. I wasn't Greek but they let me learn, too. But I didn't find God.

During my early teen years, most of my friends were Catholic or Jewish. My Catholic friends attended Catholic girls' school. Every Saturday morning, I went with my friends to the Catholic church and waited while they went to confession. After that, we would go shopping, or ice skating, or the movies, whatever. I was curious about their religion and asked about it, and read some books about it. I learned their doctrines, sacraments, and customs. But I didn't find God.

From my Jewish friends I learned about keeping a Kosher kitchen, observing the feast days, and the importance of family. But I didn't find God.

After I graduated from high school, I researched mystical spiritual things, including reincarnation, witchcraft, meditation and yoga, etc. I tried some of those ways. But I didn't find God.

My soul had an empty place that need filling. I tried filling it with all the wrong things and ways. Nothing worked. I knew that I was a sinner. I knew that I had broken most of the 10 Commandments. I thought for sure there was no hope for me. I was a bad person, and I deserved to go to hell.

Then, I was almost 28 years old, a married lady with a child, and still searching. At that time, hubby was out of the country with the Navy for several weeks. We had recently moved to a new town, so I didn't know many people. My neighbor across the street was also a Navy wife. Her husband was also out to sea. She was a Christian. She invited me to attend church with her for Easter Sunday morning. I agreed. I went to church with her, and filled out a visitor's card during the service.

A week later, hubby was back home, but he went to the store for a few things. While he was gone, two men from the church came to my house. They wanted to visit with me and discuss Jesus and the church. But they felt it was not proper for them to enter our house without the husband home. So they left me a small "pamphlet" to read, and politely left.

A few minutes later, hubby came home. I told him about the visit from the church men. I showed him the pamphlet. I told him that I had already read the pamphlet. I said, "You know how we have been searching for our spiritual answers? I read this, and it all makes sense to me now. I believe this is the answer." So hubby read it, and then agreed.

I know this sounds almost too quick and easy. Really, it was not quick because I believe the Holy Spirit had been working on our hearts, convicting us, and preparing us for that moment. But it was easy for us because our hearts were ready.

Hubby and I were very ignorant about Christian ways. We didn't know the meaning of "born-again", "saved", "converted", etc. But the Holy Spirit knew our ignorance and led us thru like little children. We didn't know how to pray, but again, the Holy Spirit helped us.

Hubby and I read each verse together. After each verse, we stopped, and agreed with meaning, in our heads and hearts.

I still have a copy of the original pink tract, "God's Simple Plan of Salvation."

(Please continue reading my next post; sorry, I have to divide this because of the length.)
Reba, you should write a book on your life. It ought to be interesting.
"My Friend: I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon it. The question is: Are you saved? I mean . . . are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die? It is not: Are you a member of some church? . . . but, are you saved? It is not: How good are you? . . . but, are you saved?
No one can enjoy the blessings of God, nor go to Heaven without being saved. Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:7, "Ye must be born again." God gives us in His Word the only plan for Salvation. The plan is simple! You can be saved today.
First, my friend, you must realized you are a sinner. "There is none righteous, no, not one." "For there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:10, 22, 23).
There is no chance to be saved unless you come to realize you are a sinner.
Because you are a sinner, you are condemned to die.
"For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
"Sin . . . bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).
This means separation from God, in hell forever. How terrible! Yes, my friend, but it is true. But God loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as your substitute, who bore your sin and died in your place.
"He hath made him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (2 Corinthians 5:21).
"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed." (1 Peter 2:24).
Jesus had to die. He had to shed His blood. "For the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11).
"Without the shedding of blood there is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22).
Now we cannot understand how our sin was laid upon Jesus, but God says in His Word that it was. So your sin, my friend, was laid upon Jesus and He died in your place. It is true. God cannot lie.
The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas: "What must I do to be saved?"
"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house" (Acts 16:31).
Simply believe on Him as the one who bore your sin, died in your place, was buried and was raised for your justification. Now call upon Him.
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).
The first prayer for a sinner to pray is given in Luke 18:13: "God be merciful to me a sinner."
Now you are a sinner and surely you are sorry because of it. Right now, wherever you are, lift your heart to God in prayer. It does not take a long, loud prayer, for God is anxious to save you. Just say: "Oh, God, I am a sinner, I am sorry, I repent; have mercy upon me, and save me for Jesus' sake." Now just take Him at His word.
"For whosoever [that includes you] shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13). Whosoever . . . shall be saved (not might nor can) but shall be saved.
Just take God at His word. When you have done what He has asked, claim salvation by faith, according to His Word. Believe and you shall be saved. No church, no lodge, no good works, no one but Jesus only can save you.
The simple plan of salvation is: You are a sinner, and because you are a sinner, you must die or else believe on Christ, who was your substitute, who died in your place, and who was buried and raised again. Just call upon God, realizing you are a sinner and ask Him to have mercy upon you and save you for Jesus' sake. Then just take Him at His word and by faith claim salvation. You say, "surely that is not all that is necessary to do to be saved." Yes it is, absolutely all. Thank God many have been won to Christ by this simple plan. It is scriptural. It is God's plan. My friend, believe it and follow it today. Now is the time--today is the day.
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2).
"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth" (Proverbs 27:1).
If it is not perfectly clear, read it over and over until you understand it. Do not lay this tract down until you do. Your soul is worth more than all the world.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mark 8:36, 37).
Be sure you are saved. You need salvation above everything else. If you lose your soul, you miss Heaven and lose all. God help you to be saved today.
He will save you and also keep you!
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Do not trust your feelings. They change. Stand on God's promises. They never change.
After you are saved, there are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth:
--you talk to God. Read your Bible--God talks to you. Witness--you talk for God.
Then you should be baptized and unite with a Bible-believing church.
"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven" (Mathew 10:32).
Please learn how to use the enter keyboard. It is really hard to read with whole words in a very long paragraph.
Hubby and I each agreed that we were sinners. We believed that Jesus died for our sins. We believed that Jesus' blood forgave our sins. We repented our sins (that means we were sorry for our sins, and that we wanted to turn away from doing sins). We prayed the Lord forgive us. We trusted Jesus to become our Savior. I must make clear, even though we became saved the same night, we did that as individuals. Hubby accepted Jesus himself. I accepted Jesus myself.

We were very ignorant about "church". But as we read the Bible verse in the tract, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me [Jesus] before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven." (Mat. 10:32). Therefore, that very next Sunday, we went to that same church again. At the end of the morning service, the Pastor gave an "invitation" for people to come forward. I whispered to hubby, "I think this is the time we are supposed to confess before the people here." He agreed. (We were truly ignorant, but the Holy Spirit led us.) We went forward, and told the Pastor that we had just been saved a couple days ago. We didn't really know what to do next. So the Pastor made an appointment to visit our home that week.

When the Pastor visited us he explained to us about baptism and church membership. He explained that baptism (by total immersion) was obedience to Jesus to show the public that we are Christians. Baptism doesn't wash away sins. Baptism is showing other people that we belong now to Jesus.

After we were baptized, we joined the church.

Since that time, over 25 years ago, we have grown in the Lord, as individuals, and as a couple. We did not learn and change everything in our lives in one day. It has been a long process, and we continue to grow in the Lord every day. Thru personal study of God's Word, praying, attending good preaching, sharing time with other Christians, surrender, and service to the Lord, I have slowly grown in spirit.

Salvation happened in a flash and is permanent. Spiritual growth continuously happens thru the years. None of this was possible without Jesus and His grace and mercy to me. I give Him all the glory. Amen.
Thank you for all the wonderful testimonies! I have been blessed while reading all your personal stories. I truly appreciate how you have shared your hearts.

I look forward to reading more posts. :)

I am sorry that my testimony was so long. But I have lived longer, so my story stretches longer, ha, ha. But my story is truly no more important than any other Christian's story. Some testimonies are shorter, but they are much deeper.

Thanks again.
Reba said:
"My Friend: I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon it. The question is: Are you saved? I mean . . . are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die? It is not: Are you a member of some church? . . . but, are you saved? It is not: How good are you? . . . but, are you saved?
No one can enjoy the blessings of God, nor go to Heaven without being saved. Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:7, "Ye must be born again." God gives us in His Word the only plan for Salvation. The plan is simple! You can be saved today.
First, my friend, you must realized you are a sinner. "There is none righteous, no, not one." "For there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:10, 22, 23).
There is no chance to be saved unless you come to realize you are a sinner.
Because you are a sinner, you are condemned to die.
"For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
"Sin . . . bringeth forth death" (James 1:15).
This means separation from God, in hell forever. How terrible! Yes, my friend, but it is true. But God loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as your substitute, who bore your sin and died in your place.
"He hath made him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (2 Corinthians 5:21).
"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed." (1 Peter 2:24).
Jesus had to die. He had to shed His blood. "For the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11).
"Without the shedding of blood there is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22).
Now we cannot understand how our sin was laid upon Jesus, but God says in His Word that it was. So your sin, my friend, was laid upon Jesus and He died in your place. It is true. God cannot lie.
The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas: "What must I do to be saved?"
"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house" (Acts 16:31).
Simply believe on Him as the one who bore your sin, died in your place, was buried and was raised for your justification. Now call upon Him.
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).
The first prayer for a sinner to pray is given in Luke 18:13: "God be merciful to me a sinner."
Now you are a sinner and surely you are sorry because of it. Right now, wherever you are, lift your heart to God in prayer. It does not take a long, loud prayer, for God is anxious to save you. Just say: "Oh, God, I am a sinner, I am sorry, I repent; have mercy upon me, and save me for Jesus' sake." Now just take Him at His word.
"For whosoever [that includes you] shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13). Whosoever . . . shall be saved (not might nor can) but shall be saved.
Just take God at His word. When you have done what He has asked, claim salvation by faith, according to His Word. Believe and you shall be saved. No church, no lodge, no good works, no one but Jesus only can save you.
The simple plan of salvation is: You are a sinner, and because you are a sinner, you must die or else believe on Christ, who was your substitute, who died in your place, and who was buried and raised again. Just call upon God, realizing you are a sinner and ask Him to have mercy upon you and save you for Jesus' sake. Then just take Him at His word and by faith claim salvation. You say, "surely that is not all that is necessary to do to be saved." Yes it is, absolutely all. Thank God many have been won to Christ by this simple plan. It is scriptural. It is God's plan. My friend, believe it and follow it today. Now is the time--today is the day.
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2).
"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth" (Proverbs 27:1).
If it is not perfectly clear, read it over and over until you understand it. Do not lay this tract down until you do. Your soul is worth more than all the world.
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mark 8:36, 37).
Be sure you are saved. You need salvation above everything else. If you lose your soul, you miss Heaven and lose all. God help you to be saved today.
He will save you and also keep you!
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Do not trust your feelings. They change. Stand on God's promises. They never change.
After you are saved, there are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth:
--you talk to God. Read your Bible--God talks to you. Witness--you talk for God.
Then you should be baptized and unite with a Bible-believing church.
"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven" (Mathew 10:32).

That's a Roman road to salvation. I became saved when I was 18 years old. My mom led me to Christ in prayer. Ever since that day, I grew up spiritually and let several deaf and hearies to Christ.

I'm glad to have eternal salvation, (Eph 1:13) :)
Born-again Christian? Do I have to be a fundie to call myself born-again Christian?