I met attractive russian girl today but ...

when i was at gallaudet, i feel like I was disconnect with hearing friends at cornell since 2006.

no that's not what I asked you. I'm asking you why you didn't transfer to Cornell?
Yeah, I'm wondering about this. What happened after that year?

I realized I missed cornell, have blast time with hearing friends at club and party and class...there is few professors at cornell had conservation with me about former gallaudet president jane fernandes and i jordan king.

I had to save my money...I got only half scholarship for four years.
did you realize why you liked to being friends with hearing people who understand or know you?

I'm friends with hearing and deaf people alike just simply because we like each other as friends and when my hearing friends gets to know me more as a person rather than for my deafness (they do know I'm deaf and understand that I can't really make a phone call, etc), they tend to forget that I'm deaf many times and just treat me like anybody else normally.
The web site wrongplanet.net has a dating site I just checked it out and it look really to to sign on. You really should try it again.
here is college acceptance rate:



BOSTON UNIVERSITY 29,356 15,191 51.7% - there is largest deaf students. can i get into for graduate school?

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 34,457 12,008 34.8% - can i get into?

now, UCB and UCLA are in about 20% were really hard to get into. you know why?

i did not apply two of those college.

i was very lucky to get into brown...

and gallaudet 69%

Gallaudet University Information, Academics, Admissions, Financial Aid, Students, Athletics, Alumni, History, Campus, Students, Faculty, Address, and Tuition
Maybe matajan was looking for girls with ivy league college shirts/sweaters THEN checked them out to see if they are cute.
Matajan, this is in BOLD so you can READ me and answer this!

First of all, you have a compulsive obessive disorder with requiring a woman from college.

Second, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, making the wrong decisions and you will find the hard way when you hit 30-40 years old and will regret what you have done.

I would not be surprised that you will be STILL single and looking for wrong ladies.

Again, in bold....a high percentage of (in your eyes) hot girls will become fat and unattractive (to you) I'm VERY sure you will leave her for that, I'm not that stupid.

Do you really need to get glasses so you can read what people are trying to say to you or you don't have something to say even tho you think you are a smart guy that wants to have a SMART conversation with people and talk about EVERYTHING. Do you realize how much time you have wasted? I don't have a college degree and I am able to have lot of good conversations with various people.
Matajan, this is in BOLD so you can READ me and answer this!

First of all, you have a compulsive obessive disorder with requiring a woman from college.

Second, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, making the wrong decisions and you will find the hard way when you hit 30-40 years old and will regret what you have done.

I would not be surprised that you will be STILL single and looking for wrong ladies.

Again, in bold....a high percentage of (in your eyes) hot girls will become fat and unattractive (to you) I'm VERY sure you will leave her for that, I'm not that stupid.

Do you really need to get glasses so you can read what people are trying to say to you or you don't have something to say even tho you think you are a smart guy that wants to have a SMART conversation with people and talk about EVERYTHING. Do you realize how much time you have wasted? I don't have a college degree and I am able to have lot of good conversations with various people.
Shallow Hal, anyone?

I prove friends I enrolled class at cornell.

Matajan - do you understand now that you did not prove anything? Anybody can go to Cornell's continuing education. That's why Cornell accepted you. They will accept anybody too.