I don't believe in true love and hates weddings!!!


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Jan 20, 2004
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Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....
oh c'mon...quit saying crap like that.

if love doesn't exist, then there would be bunch of wars, hates, and death all around...even hell that would take over the whole world, but if it wasn't for Jesus that died for all of our sins, past, present and future then we wouldn't be able to admit our sins and be forgiven before going to Heaven or whatever like and become slaves in Hell, where there would be full of pain, toture, and pure evil.

okay, getting to the point...it's always very difficult for everyone to find their true love and look at me...I thought I found my first true love after I met her in high school but then she dumped me last summer just cause she just doesn't know what love is like...love is when you would always be there for somone, show support and respect and NOT to be used or taken advantage of but trutfully shd did take advantage of me and I told her that and the next thing I knew, she dumped me. :roll: so, nobody said true love would be easy to get. look at my mom...I mean, she is a great and wonderful lady...she never really swears, she is very honest, mature and sensentive and would always be willing to be supportive and respectful when someone is poor or sick she just gives them money, food, or even clothes for their needs. she would never even stab someone in the back cause she's old enough to know better...she has been through 3 marriages and yet, none of the men she married showed any respect or love to her...one cheated on her and two others disrespected and act violent on my mom and my silbings for no reasons...but mom sure has showed me the facts about love and stuff and that love doesn't involve violence, lies, or even using people. love just only involves people who do care about you and would be there for you, no matter what and just be on your side for your needs and wants and just to have fun with you and all. it's same thing with having a true friend also.

I dont blame you for hatting weddings...to be honest, I don really like weddings that much since they do kind of bore me lol no offense so I dont know if I would really get married someday since I still haven't find the "right person" yet...sure I've been meeting alot of different girls lately, but still, no chemicals just yet...*shrugs*

and valentine's day...well I would agree it is pretty much a stupid hoilday so I just perfer Easter and Christmas where you would enjoy spending your time and love with not just the person you personally love, but even your friends and family also so I like that better.
and dont ever think that you would die alone because you won't.

nobody is EVER alone so it doesn't matter if you would die by your husband, your sister, your brother, or even your best friend...you could always die with someone by your side before leaving the Earth.

just...dont give up and just keep your chin up and stay postive.
racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....

Sorry to hear what you went through with many relationship did not work for you. Believe it or not, valentine's day is my favorite holiday :D It was the best Valentine's Day ever I had in my entire life. I had a beautiful romantic dinner with fireplace. I got an engagement ring that night on Feb 14, 2005 with my finane'.

The time will tell you to find a true love man. Do not be discourage yourself. Just love yourself and enjoy being single until the time will tell you to met a right guy.
ugh oh come on Steel...

I dont blame you for hatting weddings...to be honest, I don really like weddings that much since they do kind of bore me lol no offense so I dont know if I would really get married someday since I still haven't find the "right person" yet...sure I've been meeting alot of different girls lately, but still, no chemicals just yet...*shrugs*

and valentine's day...well I would agree it is pretty much a stupid hoilday so I just perfer Easter and Christmas where you would enjoy spending your time and love with not just the person you personally love, but even your friends and family also so I like that better. and dont ever think that you would die alone because you won't.

Wedding arrangement is alot of work for both of us. We want to have a special day for both of us especially with all of our families and friends to blessing us to be happiness in our marriage. I never had a real wedding with my first husband.

That is why, we want to make a big special wedding for both of us. My two sons will be giving me away because they are so special in my life. They do admire my finane alot, he always be there for them.

Someday you will become older and realize how the wedding is special in your life when you find a true love woman. It will hit to your heart.

Valentine's Day is a special for couple who love each other. Oh dear, it is my favorite holiday. :P
I am very sorry that you are having a rough time now. Please don't give up hope. You are only 24 years old, so you still have many good years ahead of you.

To answer your question, yes, there is such a thing as true love but it doesn't always come easy or when we want it. Please don't be discouraged.

I can understand the reason that you don't like weddings. It is a harsh reminder shoved in your face, that you are alone right now while other people are celebrating. Also, sometimes other people are not sensitive to your feelings.

You are an intelligent young lady, with enthusiasm. You are active in politics and current events. Many young men would find those very appealing characteristics. You just haven't met the right one yet, but that doesn't mean you never will.

If you keep active in your legislative work you will continue to become even more interesting to other people, and have more opportunities to meet a guy with common interests.

I will pray for you.

God bless you. :hug:
Hey ur not only one, i been gone many bad relationships but I got a good man. Take ur time. And single is good thing. There is plenty of ur life. It is might not a right time for you. Which god wants. Only god has plan for you. Just think postive things.

Please don't think that way, it takes alot of time and patience. There ARE men that will go for a large lady, like me for example. I'm taken sorry. :) If you think negative, it won't happen. Think postitive and keep trying your best, you got plenty of time ahead! Many people don't get married or find true love til they're 30. Like I said just do it (Nike) and don't give up too easy. Normally men go after women, just to add.
racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....

You're forgiven. As to your question, though.. I agree with you; to a point.

I believe in true love. I actually thought I found it, but I also lost it, so I get where you're coming from here. Weddings to me are sort of a farce , too. People are getting married for all the wrong reasons, and there are some, who flat out just should NOT be married at all! Marriage is a joke. It really is.

Now, as for Valentines Day, can I get a big " Oh, puh-leeeeze!" :lol: I've always hated Valentines Day, and I still do. It's always been the biggest depressing day of the year for me. I loathe it.

Sorry, I guys... I guess I'm a cynic, but for the most part, I really agree with Rachel!
Like what Reba and sequoias said.

You are still young and have plenty of time to think about your future. Don´t give up but keep think positive...
sequoias said:

Please don't think that way, it takes alot of time and patience. There ARE men that will go for a large lady, like me for example. I'm taken sorry. :) If you think negative, it won't happen. Think postitive and keep trying your best, you got plenty of time ahead! Many people don't get married or find true love til they're 30. Like I said just do it (Nike) and don't give up too easy. Normally men go after women, just to add.

Oh your'e taken, Sequoias?? Congrats!! Since when? Rachael, I'm also a large woman, but have been happily married for two years. I got married at 42 years old, and it was my second marriage.
Peachy Lady said:
Oh your'e taken, Sequoias?? Congrats!! Since when? Rachael, I'm also a large woman, but have been happily married for two years. I got married at 42 years old, and it was my second marriage.
same here i am a large woman too.. i still single and take my time cuz of few people wanna me but i told them wait and take time.. til i am getting to know them first and see which i like..
Peachy Lady said:
Oh your'e taken, Sequoias?? Congrats!! Since when? Rachael, I'm also a large woman, but have been happily married for two years. I got married at 42 years old, and it was my second marriage.

I've been taken since about a month now. :) Congrats on ur 2 years of marriage and hope it stays that way! :thumb:
Valentine's Day isn't just for lovers.
It is a holiday because Saint Valentine died on that day...
He gave everyone candies and stuff...

Just like Saint Nicholas aka Santa Claus gave presents to everyone.

Saint Nicholas, Saint Paul, Saint Valentine... were all real people.

I don't go to Weddings because it is boring to me.

If I ever get married, I want mine to be unique and fun...
not have to dress up, but just go casual.

True Love is okay, but it takes a lot of faith... believing
that that person will never cheat or hurt you....
But me, I never been in a love relationship, so I don't know.

I do know this, if a man wants me to love him, I will.
if a man wants me to be faithful and stay with him forever, I will.
I will try my best to make him happy.
And if he wants to leave me and not happy with me, then I will
let him go, and I will say to myself, wow it was worth a try. :)

So don't let insecure and everything negative mess up your relationship...
because it happen to me all the time, I was like why that guy wants me...
I was so insecure, cause I am ugly.
That is why many people divorce, because they give it a try in a relationship, and they go with flow, to see how far their relationship go...
and then whoops, their marriage falls apart....
They were being negative from the beginning.

So if you be positive from and during the relationship, then
your marriage and true love will last forever.
For me, I don't believe in M word. Why? Since there is D word exist, and this really makes attorney and judges earn their living. So, I am involved with somebody for 5.5 years and not even said "I DO" yet!

Whats most important part of relationship? T R U S T! Trying to get one to get married is like attempt to frame up the trust. This is going to fail! It takes BOTH to committed to each other. Marriage need not to get involved.

Whats more, I have got today, and that is ALL I have got. I can't predict 5 years from now. I hope its better there than now, but I won't expect anything like that. Its sad people worry about yesterday, and tomorrow but forgot about today. Remember, present is a gift! eh?
diehardbiker65 said:
For me, I don't believe in M word. Why? Since there is D word exist, and this really makes attorney and judges earn their living. So, I am involved with somebody for 5.5 years and not even said "I DO" yet!

Whats most important part of relationship? T R U S T! Trying to get one to get married is like attempt to frame up the trust. This is going to fail! It takes BOTH to committed to each other. Marriage need not to get involved.

Whats more, I have got today, and that is ALL I have got. I can't predict 5 years from now. I hope its better there than now, but I won't expect anything like that. Its sad people worry about yesterday, and tomorrow but forgot about today. Remember, present is a gift! eh?

Marriage isn't so bad...
but what do I know.
It doesn't seem so bad.

Divorce can be an easy process,
just sign your name on the divorce paper and
be free again...

Even if you're married or not, you're still gonna
have to pay child support.

And spousal support, just make sure
your wife got a job and make more money than you.
But if you make more money than her, then
quit your job months in advance... that way
the Judge can't make you pay spousal support
if you don't have a job or if your wife makes more money than her.

That what I saw on tv, "Divorce Court"

And if your wife want to keep the house, let her
have it... and just get an apartment or move back
to your parent's house until you save up to buy another house.

racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....

No, you didn't upset me. I hope you'll be OK. All I can say is to be yourself, and the right man will LOVE you for who you are.. and mostly of all, he will recognize you for who you really are and love it. It won't happen overnight, and you only need to be patient with yourself and with the right person. It will be worth it! I know, easier spoken than done... but it's the truth for me. If it helps, make a prayer or make a wish on the stars or send out a mental call to whoever is destined for you. Let me know when the wedding is. :)
BTW, my husband says that it's lie if it is said that men like bony chicks- he says a little meat is required. :lol: Tis a secret, he says, that all men share. :dunno:

Either way, make the changes you want to happen, ya know? Change the way you look at yourself - it's clear that you have a pretty low self esteem, and you're already defeating yourself before you've begun. Even if you do lose the weight, it will not change how you feel about yourself.. trust me. You'll still find excuses to defeat yourself! So that's your mission right now- to learn to love yourself first before anything else! :)

ofc we all did find our true love and make mistakes etc means we have to give up on Searching- NO! ofc everyone has thier own opinions on love etc . i am searching for a true love but MY own KIDS comes first...if they dont like it they know where the door is..... bec my own boys come first than any ladies if i true love that lady and she dont like my boys too bad i will choose the boys first than her bec yall can always can get yr love but ya cant get the boys replaced bec it is a lifetime....... thats my opinion bec i always puit them first than myself ... know i need get out and dating etc but i just put them first in my life thats my opionoion bec i dont wanna get in mess again etc
racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....

look at me... i was single for a long time.. i dated a lot then met my ex fiance at the age of 23 then broke it off at the age of 27 then was single for like 6yrs or so.. then dated someone for a few months then was single for about 3 yrs until i met deaf24fan... you can ask meg and katzie... i never thought i would meet a wonderful and decent man... but i did... and i am 37 (i met him in may when i was 36 yrs old at last!) i have had my share of meeting a$$holes, losers, etc.. you name it! don't give up... it is just the timing and patience.. it s probably NOT YOUR TIME YET :) i was also overweight as well.. but i lost most of the weight though :) some men like overweight women... you are probably meeting the wrong ones... that is all... so give it time and be patient like everyone says dear...
Liza said:
BTW, my husband says that it's lie if it is said that men like bony chicks- he says a little meat is required. :lol: Tis a secret, he says, that all men share. :dunno:

Either way, make the changes you want to happen, ya know? Change the way you look at yourself - it's clear that you have a pretty low self esteem , and you're already defeating yourself before you've begun. Even if you do lose the weight, it will not change how you feel about yourself.. trust me. You'll still find excuses to defeat yourself! So that's your mission right now- to learn to love yourself first before anything else! :)

i agree with liza here.. heed her advice.. i believe i have said something like this to one AD member in another thread.. i don't want to repeat her name cuz she didn't want to talk about it anymore if you might recall it.. it was mentioned i think at the beginning of the summer if you can recall what i am talking about :)