I don't believe in true love and hates weddings!!!

sequoias said:
I've been taken since about a month now. :) Congrats on ur 2 years of marriage and hope it stays that way! :thumb:

about time!!! :applause:

who is the lucky girl!??? SPILL IT, DUDE!!! :D
racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....
You're not upsetting me at all and you are entitled to your opinion. I can understand why the way you feel although I do not agree with your statement. True love do exist. Like Liza said, love yourself first before anything else. Once you discover your true love and being in love this will change your point of view on wedding and Valentine's Day.

I used to hate Valentine's Day because my ex-fiance cheated on me and emotionally abused me for 2.5 years. I had a black heart for a long time even though I was feeling the same while I was dating my husband (then boyfriend). It took me a long time to recover the pain and get over the anger. I broke up with him because I wasn't fully recovered from the mess - mentally and physically. I started working out and lost 30 pounds. Changed my wardrobe and I looked and felt so much better. One year later we got back together and we've been together for almost 11 years and married for 4 years now. We celebrate our Wedding Anniversary and Valentine's Day by dining out which I truly enjoy now. I didn't used to.

Sending positive thoughts to your way. :wave:
racheleggert said:
No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me..

My wife is about 50 pounds overweight, deaf as a rock, and can’t see worth a damn without her glasses. And I would go to the ends of the Earth and back for her. :kiss:
FeistyChick said:
about time!!! :applause:

who is the lucky girl!??? SPILL IT, DUDE!!! :D

Nope, it's for me to know. AD'ers will find out after she visits me in November . ;)
Levonian said:
Sequoias, did you meet your significant other here? :P

nope, she's in the United states and she's deaf, that's enough info for u guys. :P
Liza said:
BTW, my husband says that it's lie if it is said that men like bony chicks- he says a little meat is required. :lol: Tis a secret, he says, that all men share. :dunno:

That’s exactly right. Most men do not like skinny girls—I would say maybe only 10 - 15 percent of all men are attracted to the supermodel skinny look. Also, (and this is just a casual observation I’ve made, so there might not really be anything to it), but I’ve noticed that guys who go for the skinny girls are usually ‘cheesy’ kinds of guys.
racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....
:nono: Rachel!!!!!! How can you say that about yourself? Alright, you're deaf/blind and you have learned to live with that for many years, you should be proud of your culture. Big? Ugly? Come on Rachel, you are being too hard on yourself. It's not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's on the inside that counts Rachel!!! Your heart!!!! Your true beauty comes from inside you. If you come on too negative with your relationships, they of course will come and go. You need to be positive about yourself, you need to love yourself before anyone can love you!!!! You should not feel this way about yourself. You are truly a beautiful person inside and out!!!!! Today, men are not looking for just beauty, then want heart and intelligence so they can have a wonderful communicative relationship. Don't do this to yourself, you will find true love, the right man will come along and take you for who you really are, and you will have that wedding even if it's just a small one.
Do not consider yourself as deaf/blind, big and ugly!!!!! 2 out of 3 you are not, deaf/blind you have come to accept, and let others accept that too.
Be good to yourself, be kind to yourself, because God made you this way, God made you the beautiful person that you are.
Right now, I don't want a man....
I just feel that this world is not fair for me right now.

And why I want to give birth to children
into this crazy mean world?

I just wish I was never born, I don't mind having Cancer,
cause there is no reason to live on this earth.

But Rachel, why not just don't worry about marriage, love, and all...
And just live life... sit around and go on vacation and watch little tv.
Levonian said:
My wife is about 50 pounds overweight, deaf as a rock, and can’t see worth a damn without her glasses. And I would go to the ends of the Earth and back for her. :kiss:

Rachel -- What truly important is heart. Heart have the feelings, not the looks or weight. Heart can communicate to show how much a person really care.

About relationship & love : Love will find you when the time comes. I am sure you will be alwite. :)
FeistyChick said:
yea dream on!!! since you play with their emotions too much and scare them away so it is very confusing at this point :(

I haven't had sex since 1999 and refused to talk to men.
I just want my career first and house and thing like that
before getting involve with a man, cause
I don't want to have to rely or depend on a man and be housewife or
something like that....

If I don't have the career I always wanted then I don't want men.

Rachel, love sucks.
Pls ignore Miss P's negative advice. :rifle:
Love does not suck.

Yes it is hard to find true love but once you get it, it is damn worth every ounce of suffering endured to get it!

Rachel, youre a young woman - the world is out there for you to conqueor. Please do not give up before you barely started living! Love is tricky - when you search for it, it is not there. When you are busy and living life to its fullest, it pops up out of nowhere!

I wear glasses and could lose some weight but that has not stopped me. Men are funny creatures - while they are very visual (cant blame them for oogling beautiful thin creatures, they would rather settle down with a curvy woman with a huge heart.), they do know that looks are not everything especially when they get older and realize that there is so much more to love ....lust is not what keeps them smiling nonstop but rather love.

Katzie and Feisty Chick said it all for me so won't go on blabbing but I just wanted to say that please dont give up before your bloomin' time! :hug:

P.S I could have tell you how many times FeistyChick moaned and whined to me in recent years saying that she will never find true love. If she gave me a dime for everytime she complained, I would be a millionaire by now! But in the end, she DID find her love! ;)
Meg said:
I wear glasses and could lose some weight but that has not stopped me. Men are funny creatures - while they are very visual (cant blame them for oogling beautiful thin creatures, they would rather settle down with a curvy woman with a huge heart.), they do know that looks are not everything especially when they get older and realize that there is so much more to love ....lust is not what keeps them smiling nonstop but rather love.

you have a beautiful personality inside. ;)

P.S I could have tell you how many times FeistyChick moaned and whined to me in recent years saying that she will never find true love. If she gave me a dime for everytime she complained, I would be a millionaire by now! But in the end, she DID find her love! ;)

I am so happy for her to find that guy. A dog stole her idilio. She is very lucky to have him. :naughty:
I hate valentines day... its just a hallmark holiday. I mean you can show the person you love them anyday ...why is feb 14th so special.
Well, my boyfriend changed me on view of love... he said he love me and we see eachother everyday, and he really care about me... we have known eachother from high school. I am not sure about true love and weddings yet because we both are young and we just started dating last week, so let things take time... See what happens..
Well, Rachel, you have to figure out what love means to you - and don't waver from it just because some boy isn't at the same point or shares the same belief of love with you. Believe me, that is not an easy mistake to recover from in some situations.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Right now, I don't want a man....
I just feel that this world is not fair for me right now.

And why I want to give birth to children
into this crazy mean world?

I just wish I was never born, I don't mind having Cancer,
cause there is no reason to live on this earth.

But Rachel, why not just don't worry about marriage, love, and all...
And just live life... sit around and go on vacation and watch little tv.

Hon ? I understand how u feel thru... Remmy that Earth isnt perfect and isnt fair ! ! Welcome to real world.....Unless we have a breathhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! :ugh2: