I don't believe in true love and hates weddings!!!

racheleggert said:
Well, my boyfriend changed me on view of love... he said he love me and we see eachother everyday, and he really care about me... we have known eachother from high school. I am not sure about true love and weddings yet because we both are young and we just started dating last week, so let things take time... See what happens..

Yeah, I understand how u feel thru... Honey, make sure and follow ur HEART.. if u REALLY love that person then go for it.
Thats good sign that he do love u! :mrgreen:

Like I did.... I fell in love with my guy and got married.. We are happily married almost 10 yrs ! Our love is very bond and get stronger in everyday.
ScubaladyTx said:
Hon ? I understand how u feel thru... Remmy that Earth isnt perfect and isnt fair ! ! Welcome to real world.....Unless we have a breathhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! :ugh2:


Miss P... really wants to move to Mars so badly. Here is a picture of her secret man.


She does not like earth man with two balls hairy and whinner. She preferred Mars male's private area with different design and size. That will make her more excitement.


Miss*Pinocchio, I miss you so much ! I love you !
racheleggert said:
Does anyone here agree with me that true love doesn't exist, hates weddings, always loathes the weddings, and that valentine's day is is a big joke??

I have went through many relationships, never found a true love, and I've never been invited to many weddings, only few. I believe that Valentine day is just some stupid holiday and it sucks... it also is a biggest joke.. No one want a ugly, big deafblind lady like me.. I guess I will be single and die alone... I know that no one want me..

Please forgive me if I make you feel upset but that how I really feel.....

don't worry rachel u aren't alone here.. I had been to few weddings and I felt left out so I thought the same thing I don't want big wedding cuz waste of my time and too much time to see all relatives at same time ugh. but depending on $$ situation but one day.. u will change mind once u become older.. :) cuz I felt same way I wanted to elope long time ago but I was like nah.. I will probably not get married til I am completely 100% ready to do so.. for now I'm still young so just don't think about that til u are 100% ready to settle down :)
Sabrina said:

Miss P... really wants to move to Mars so badly. Here is a picture of her secret man.


She does not like earth man with two balls hairy and whinner. She preferred Mars male's private area with different design and size. That will make her more excitement.


Miss*Pinocchio, I miss you so much ! I love you !

OH yeahhhhhhhhh , I love that one ! LOL ! :rofl: :rofl: