How long do you wear your HA/Ci's in a day?


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Dec 29, 2007
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Just wondering.

I usually put my HA on first thing straightaway in morning and take off last thing at night.

I usaully put my CI on as soon as im going out or as soon as i feel like it then take it off late evening
Morning until night. Unless I know I am going to be all alone for the evening and then I would not wear them.
CI from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to bed (the dri box is next to my bed) except if i am having shower.
HA on work days and i put them on when i start working. (about 40-60 hours a week)
I usually wear it when I wake up and go to work, then take it off when I'm about to go to bed.

Some days, I will have nothing to do all day except watch DVDs or nap. (Like on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.) On those days, I probably won't wear my hearing aid... until I decide to go out for something (errands, mall, etc).

Some days, I won't wear it at all if I'm doing heavy work all day like mowing the lawn.
Im the same as you VAmPyrox with my Ci, i wont put it on at weekend till i go out
I wear both HAs from getting up in the morning to bedtime every day.
I put both CIs on after I blow dry my hair. I kept them on until around 8 at night. Sunday is the day I don't usually wear them at all. I give my ears a break from hearing and enjoy the quiet.
When I wear my CI, it will be right after I wake up and get dressed. Sometimes I like days of silence but otherwise I wear my CI till I go to bed.
Only at work and sometimes out with friends. Almost never at home.
I put my CI's when I go out ( usually abt nine in the morning ) till lunchtime where I remove it for a listening break ( lol and I don't like hearing myself eating LOL! ) and put it on again after a couple of hours..

lately I don't wear it at all new map has gotten me headaches and I feel discouraged and I don't like my new map..I'll go in to get new map soon...
I wear mine from when I get up till i go to bed unless I am not listening to music or anything and am alone then I wont put them in
Like the majority here, I use my CI every waking hour with rare breaks every now and then. I am vain when it comes to moisture, I will reduce wearing time in extremely humid environments (ie rain/fog, kitchen while cooking, beach mist, etc.)
Only at work and sometimes out with friends. Almost never at home.

Same here. I do wear it when I watch TV and when I talk to my parents. I always wear them when I go out of my house shopping or to visit family and friends. I see no point wearing them when im typing on the computer unless im testing and exercising my hearing with sounds/tones or the occasional time I listen to music.

I am still curious what you are hearing aided. I was tested to hear aided at only 40db at 1000Hz and my home test puts that at 45db. I will be able to know if it's normal or not, say if you are hearing the same or better than me aided, I know I am missing a ton of gains.
Past wore ha's only for work. Now I can't wear them. Wear ALD about the same or less. * 8 hrs or less. I like the quiet.
For me it really varies...I don't always wear it from the minute I wake up til right before I go to sleep. I like quiet when I wake up. Then after a couple of hours I will put them on if I am going out, or if not I don't, sometimes I will if I feel up to it. I listen to music a lot on my mp3 player a lot with my CI, though. It just really varies. It depends on what I am doing that day.
Just wondering.

I usually put my HA on first thing straightaway in morning and take off last thing at night.

I usaully put my CI on as soon as im going out or as soon as i feel like it then take it off late evening

I wear them all the time. They are the first things I touch in the morning, and the last thing I do before closing my eyes at night. True, they aren't as helpful by far as they used to be, but they do help some.
When I get up. I put my both HA on. I pulled it off at night before go to bed. If I have headache then don't wear them for day. I have tinnitus sometime. My husband is always listen the music with BASS in his car. It's real loud! I switched it off or turn volume low.
When I wake up, usually quite early to have some alone quiet meditating and waking up time I leave my HA out. Put it in when I am awake and ready for noise, or sometimes my son wakes up too and brings me my hearing aid so he can start babbling. After my son goes to bed at night I am soooo ready to take it out, unless my b/f is coming over. Always wear HA when going out or around people.