How I feel about forwarded emails...

With over 600+ members on this forum, I feel safe now! :lol: I guess you'll have to find 5 more other people not from AD2! ;)
it's a parody, mocking those people who love to forward those long emails like you'd get 1,000 bucks if you forward that story to 10 people!! Puh-lease!! It's all a hoax!! So, that's why this soapbox movie makes fun of that!
I assume that this thread is to pass on a message that never forward emails to friends?
You got that right, bec most of those forwards aren't even true!! Why waste memory in email accounts with useless spam?
oh yes...I have tried to educate my parents on that..since they forward emails to me...but they're too stubborn. Mom only does joke ones but not schemes like when ICQ would shut down...when Yahoo will start charging outragous amounts..etc.

I've noticed when I was at my mother's house...she would forward it after she uncheck my email address..dang I must be special. :D
and, that's another pet peeve.. I hate it when I get emails with everyone else's emails listed on the To: part including my email address! Guys, learn to use BCC:!!! If you don't use BCC, then you will be asking for junk mail and unsolicited porn ads! Someone else along the line of receiving your forwards with all that number of email addresses attached, this person will harvest emails to send junk/porn ads! "Eeekk!!" you say?? Then, be a dear and learn to BCC! :D
I believe it's OK to send forwarded emails...if it's not considered spam email. I like receiving forwarded jokes and stuff, but not those crap I receive from unknown people, etc. That's why I use MailWasher Pro to get rid of those spammers and retain my friends who I know and trust. :)

I like some forwards if the material is funny and worth sharing.
I would prefer people to use BCC too, and to edit their emails to erase all the junk emails off the email so I wont have to open 4 or 5 windows in order to see what is funny.

I dislike chain emails that tells me to send this to 4 or 5 people or my luck wont will be bad. etc... Jokes can be forwarded, but please erase all the email addresses.
As of now, some of my relatives and friends would send me forwarded messages, which really doesn't bother me at all. If I see something good, I would just delete the way kuifje75 explained above. I always put everyone in BCC and sometimes I send forwarded messages individually. I probably forward once or twice a month.

Yes, it would bother me if they added me to some lists like spamable joke webpages, which would be sold to different places.

Deaf258 - just a suggestion, if you dislike getting forwarded messages, you could explain that you do not wish to get such.
SOME are ok. Most, I check quickly and delete. Ofc, it all depends on who they come from, too. A few special people, I read them all the time.
I have a program that will allow me to check for new messages and if it is junk ones, all I could do is delete them before opening my E-mail client. Give Pop Peeper a try. It will allow you to check your Yahoo, Hotmail/MSN and pop-based ones. It is all free to use.
Originally posted by Deaf258
and, that's another pet peeve.. I hate it when I get emails with everyone else's emails listed on the To: part including my email address! Guys, learn to use BCC:!!! If you don't use BCC, then you will be asking for junk mail and unsolicited porn ads! Someone else along the line of receiving your forwards with all that number of email addresses attached, this person will harvest emails to send junk/porn ads! "Eeekk!!" you say?? Then, be a dear and learn to BCC! :D

:werd: i agree Deaf258 -- ive had a few ppl who doesnt use the BCC feature -- sometimes its ok to me other times not ok :ugh: i also get alot of forwarded emails as well -- i choose which are the hilarious and cute ones and i would pass it along but others but first putting it in new email (copy/pasting) -- ive had emails from ppl that i gotta scroll DOWN thru so many email addresses listed before i see what the email is all about sheesh *smh*
I am blunt when it comes to forwarded emails. I simply im them or email them and tell them to quit sending me forwards.
Hehe yeah,

Some are pretty cool though, all I do is cut out the stuff that insists you forward it on, and send it on to someone else to show I care. But the really annoying thing is that most people don't bother using BCC because if it's a professional e-mail, then it's breaking privacy laws or if it just shows everyone's e-mail, I don't want random strangers getting hold of my e-mail address. But some chain letters really should be stopped as they're ridiculous. The ones with a meaningful message in them, I like to recieve as it makes good reading.

Yeah, not using BCC is the worse thing one can ever receive. Even the faculty/staff members at RIT/NTID don't even know how to use the BCC feature! No matter how many times I remind them, they still send me emails about co-op and classes... while using CC instead of BCC. Because of that, I get five pages worth of email addresses and names while only one-fourth page is the message! Argh!