How do you view a long term committed relationship?

LinuxGold said:
Yeah, if nobody arguing that marriage is a commitment, then it is pretty much self-explanatory. Boyfriend/girlfriend or what's what isn't a commitment. If they were, then there would be a law for creating or breaking those type of relationship for legal reasons. And what's more, in that boyfriend/girlfriend type of relationship, they can still go to others because they're not legally binded (a commitment).

I do have a domestic partnership with a man. If I leave him officially, there is a form where I have to file with the city's office to declare that we are no longer together.
Is that a commitment? Just because I am legally binded to him?

Is it safe for me to presume that's all you view a marriage-- a legal bond in regards each other's assests and liabilities? I will be terrified for the woman who you ask to sign the pre-nup before she marries you.
First of all I like the term signifigant other. That's what we used to use in the Pediatricians office. I lived with my last bf 3 years. I always called him my bf, but his employees called me his wife out of courtesy after awhile. Funny thing one of the reasons I left him is because he had 2 bad marriages and never wanted to marry again and he did 2 weeks ago to someone else. That's life.
im been dating with my boyfriend for 5 month since October but this weekend on April will become 6 month with my boyfriend.

sometime i argue with him on e-mail but i wont tell you about that its my busniess.

before i met him and im been e-mail him lots everyday and he really handsome and more cute but he tell me explain everythings makes me more understands but my mom really like my boyfriend lots!

my boyfriend tell me on e-mail about marriages and i told my mom and talking discussion and i would lives with him when get married him maybe wait till before one years or after one years how work out with him.

i told him before i met him i wanted have children one days and he wanted children also but i love being as wife and mother one days i told my mom about that.
Reba said:
How is it rude? If people aren't ashamed of their behavior, then it shouldn't bother them.

It was an answer to the question.
Nowadays the word "bastard" is often used as a bad language to cuss at other people so that was why I thought it was really uncalled for.
Liebling:-))) said:

My Grandma is very closed mind... She alway label my sister´s children as bastard children because my sister is not married. She said a lot of horrible things about my sister and bastard children... *sigh*

Your grandma said they're bastard children? How cruel!
ButterflyGirl said:
Nowadays the word "bastard" is often used as a bad language to cuss at other people so that was why I thought it was really uncalled for.

Yep, I wouldn't even allow my children to say that word,
gnarlydorkette said:
So it is an obligation to marry a person just for the people to accept their love? Nobody cannot just let them living on with their love and life?
Keep on baaing, followers.

I wouldn't marry my husband just to make people happy.
The day I marry is the day the Jesus-freaks, bible-thumpers, the ignorant and narrow-minded people accept everybody as they are-- INCLUDED THE GLBT, ATHEISTS, BUDDHISTS, and so on.
The deal is off.

At least I got my future little bastards to love and whatnot while you are wasting your time freaking out about me being with my true love in a sinful lifestyle. It would be FUN for me to be the center of all attention!

You don't have to please no one, you do whatever your heart tell you to do, who cares what anyone else think, they just wasting their time judging others when they should just worry about their own lifestyle... ;)
^Angel^ said:
Your grandma said they're bastard children? How cruel!

Unfortunlately yes, my Grandma is very bitter & closed minded woman. She worship Roman Catholic. Many crosses, picture of Pope, etc.. are everywhere in her house.

That's what I responsed Reba's post because the word "bastard" remind me of my Grandma because I don't like those word. I would not allow my children to use those word. We haven't use those word for long, long time until Reba mentioned it here for a first time to fresh my memory about her.
ButterflyGirl said:
Nowadays the word "bastard" is often used as a bad language to cuss at other people so that was why I thought it was really uncalled for.
I wouldn't say that word to a child, and I wouldn't use it in anger against anyone. But it is word that describes a child born to unwed parents:


A child born out of wedlock.

Born of unwed parents; illegitimate.
Generally unless a couple is legally married no matter how long they've been together it's not an actually marriage. Except in many states and some countries a Common Law Marriage can be recognized. A Common Law Marriage is basically a couple who has lived together as husband and wife for a number of years even tho they never actually got married. This doesn't give the spouse as many rights as an actual legal marriage but it does have some benefits such as being able to claim inheritance if your partner dies and being able to claim Community Property if the relationship ends. So even tho the couple never actually got married a court can still divide up half the couple's property and finances as they would with a divorce.