How Do U date?


New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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How DO u go out on a date? from a friend or blind date or :eek: internet??
if i like a womyn i would ask her out on a date -- but so far nobody IRL has caught my attention -- but there has been a few online that has caught my attention but ahhh if i got to know her better online long enuf to be comfy with a first meeting IRL somewhere (usually at Deaf events) and if i find her to be very interesting, humorous and all that -- i would ask her out on a date :D
Most of the guys i've dated r from school or met them thru school events (sports, etc).. Verrry few from online.
I don't date strangers anymore, because I'm married. However, I still go out on a date with my sweetheart. :D
I have dated with some from here and there... But I kind of rather to date with some one who I have been knowing someone.
Someone may be online or offline and still, I prefer to know someone then I might as well will give it a try. I have never met anyone from online at all. So far, I have met some ones from online and they are, by far, so interesting and entertaining. I might give it a try (again! I know!) :D
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