How are you feeling today?....

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Wirelessly posted

Satisfied with my hair cut and treatment. The color is horrible! Nothing I can do except a couple months to change it back to light brown , ugh!

Wash it in Dawn dish soap. It will dry it out a little but it helps lighten it.

Or, how about getting some lighter highlights???
Can you tell I've been where you are numerous times:laugh2:
Wirelessly posted

Satisfied with my hair cut and treatment. The color is horrible! Nothing I can do except a couple months to change it back to light brown , ugh!

You can always wait a week, and either

a) use a semi permanent dye closer to your natural color, like Clairol Natural Instincts, to just put color back into your hair

b) use another color of the same brand that's in your hair right now, as long as it's the same brand you should be okay, but it's probably a better idea to darker rather than lighter.

That is if you tried to go lighter and end up looking orangish or something
Digestive discomfort. Perhaps it's the onions that were on my hamburger yesterday. I haven't had onions in a long time. Doesn't help that my kitty allergies are bothering me too.
feeling sore and achy all over and don't know why. At least I have no plans today so I am gonna take it easy.
Good sleep last's just very overcast and still raining here....very humid I'm gonna put on my work clothes and do a lot of heavy cleaning today while I feel up to it.
Water logged . It quit snowing, but is now raining.
Went out to breakfast, and was very thankful I own a good raincoat.
Better. Went to the park with my daughter & grandson. Had a good time.
Seem to have some energy today. Must be all this sunshine we have for the day.
Just got back from the gym, feeling bit like a noodle, liegs re all jelloy. Today was cardio, 3 legs, 2 shoulders and 3 abs. I substitued the squats from that 30 squat challenge for one of the leg exercises, in this case leg presses for quads. Oh good gravy I'm questioning the wisdom of this squat challenge. By the last day we're suppoed to do 250.....I don't know about all that!!!

Also, not feeling it yet. but I will probably. When I got back I made my afer work out protein shake, and I put some insant coffee in it with the chocolate protein powder, make it mocha.....a little too much instant coffee. Yikes, I may be climbing the walls here soon.
Just got back from the gym, feeling bit like a noodle, liegs re all jelloy. Today was cardio, 3 legs, 2 shoulders and 3 abs. I substitued the squats from that 30 squat challenge for one of the leg exercises, in this case leg presses for quads. Oh good gravy I'm questioning the wisdom of this squat challenge. By the last day we're suppoed to do 250.....I don't know about all that!!!

Also, not feeling it yet. but I will probably. When I got back I made my afer work out protein shake, and I put some insant coffee in it with the chocolate protein powder, make it mocha.....a little too much instant coffee. Yikes, I may be climbing the walls here soon.

Kinda like Tigger on speed ??? And its already working check your typing ;)
Kinda like Tigger on speed ??? And its already working check your typing ;)

yeah I saw that, I like never proofread, half my posts are edited hahahahaha, maybe more than half. After that shake I had a real coffee, then I took a little nap, just got up again. I am immune to caffiene I think, but I can't wake up without it. Weird
Now, I have a different kind of soreness..worked on the front and back yards all day today by mowing, gardening, weeding, raking, and hauling heavy stuff around. Only Jiro here knows how HUGE my backyard is. I am enjoying a glass of wine and rubbing Ben Gay on my sore muscles. What a great workout!
Now, I have a different kind of soreness..worked on the front and back yards all day today by mowing, gardening, weeding, raking, and hauling heavy stuff around. Only Jiro here knows how HUGE my backyard is. I am enjoying a glass of wine and rubbing Ben Gay on my sore muscles. What a great workout!

Ya know ur getting old when ya smell like Ben Gay.....:giggle:
Now, I have a different kind of soreness..worked on the front and back yards all day today by mowing, gardening, weeding, raking, and hauling heavy stuff around. Only Jiro here knows how HUGE my backyard is. I am enjoying a glass of wine and rubbing Ben Gay on my sore muscles. What a great workout!

WOW I thought you were going to relax today:giggle: Hope your muscles feel better soon.
WOW I thought you were going to relax today:giggle: Hope your muscles feel better soon.

I wanted to but too much yard work that needed to be don. Normally, I do my annual spring cleaning of my yard in April but with the cold weather hanging on, I had to postpone it to now.
I wanted to but too much yard work that needed to be don. Normally, I do my annual spring cleaning of my yard in April but with the cold weather hanging on, I had to postpone it to now.

Its still too cold it feels like November or something ...maybe we skipped summer this year ...
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