How are you feeling today?....

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It didn't get over 40 today.

too dang cold ... the heater is running non stop again and its raining and windy right now too ... it snowed in Arkansas yesterday too ...
It's warming up here in SoCal.....I'm anticipating one or two more chilly days just 'cause Cali weather's not always consistent.

I've been INCREDIBLY stressed due to finals and my Deaf Culture class has a HUGE essay due. It's been hard to find resources for my topic, but it's slowly coming together. The good news is, though, that within a week I'll be done with classes, and will only have two essay submissions (both online) to deal with before I'm officially out of class! Excited about that!
too dang cold ... the heater is running non stop again and its raining and windy right now too ... it snowed in Arkansas yesterday too ...

I refuse to turn my heat back so I basically huddle under blankets and in sweats. It's the principle, it's May I should be debating turning on my AC not my heat!!!

What do you bet it's going to just skip the 70's and in a couple weeks it's going to shoot straight to the high 80's and low 90's, just skip that adjustment stage and everybody gets sick? Mother Nature, why you so crazy???

I just wish the sun would come out!!! It feels like it's been cloudy and or rainy for weeks!!!
Another tinnitus-free sleep last night.....feeling good this AM...and at last, it's not raining...still a little chilly, but the sun is coming out.....:P...told my doggie this AM..."Look, baby, it's not raining!"...and she smiled, and ran on out the door for her early AM business....
I refuse to turn my heat back so I basically huddle under blankets and in sweats. It's the principle, it's May I should be debating turning on my AC not my heat!!!

What do you bet it's going to just skip the 70's and in a couple weeks it's going to shoot straight to the high 80's and low 90's, just skip that adjustment stage and everybody gets sick? Mother Nature, why you so crazy???

I just wish the sun would come out!!! It feels like it's been cloudy and or rainy for weeks!!!

yep, mothernature needs some prozac...
Another tinnitus-free sleep last night.....feeling good this AM...and at last, it's not raining...still a little chilly, but the sun is coming out.....:P...told my doggie this AM..."Look, baby, it's not raining!"...and she smiled, and ran on out the door for her early AM business....

that's good, i KNOW exaclty what you mean...i have it bad too...and blissful noiseless sleep is just beautiful aye....and neat about you dog being happy to go outside...last week same thing i noticed with Jetta (and Coco)...were all bouncy when the dry sunny week started (drizzles abit thru the week but dries up nicely during the day to keep us sane)...the dogs just love it, and they really show it to me, like 'Look! im dancing, lets play shall we? they even go to gate circles and hop saying ;go for a walk1...i try keep good composure saying 'soon i need study'...and i do try my hardest to keep promises to them but study isnt going to go away if i don't....kinda hard...but i do make it up best i can.
I was very stress anxiety and anxious pressure work handle and lots of tomorrrow, know normal on anxiously. learn anxiety control!
Wirelessly posted

My legs are before Zumba (2 hour wkout) I did my 80 squats and paying the price.
I refuse to turn my heat back so I basically huddle under blankets and in sweats. It's the principle, it's May I should be debating turning on my AC not my heat!!!

What do you bet it's going to just skip the 70's and in a couple weeks it's going to shoot straight to the high 80's and low 90's, just skip that adjustment stage and everybody gets sick? Mother Nature, why you so crazy???

I just wish the sun would come out!!! It feels like it's been cloudy and or rainy for weeks!!!

Today, I had to turn the heater on because my roommate and I were so cold and were unableto get warm. I am so sick of the cold refusing to go away. I am with you...I think it will skip the 70s and go straight to 80 or 90 degrees here too.
I give up. not gonna try to figure out wtf's up with this weather.
I am cold right now in this house, but that's because hubby turned down the A/C after I told him not to. This stupid thermostat states if we change the setting, it must be more than 1 degree. He dropped it 1 degree and now I can't raise it back up until tomorrow. If I go the 1 degree, we take a chance of it shutting down again. If I go 2 degrees, then the house will be too warm sometime around 2am.
I give up. not gonna try to figure out wtf's up with this weather.

Oh no!! no climate change here :giggle:

Yesterday it was nicer back home in NH than it was in SC :eek3:
Wirelessly posted

I feel a bit better certain things I keep bottled in due to family gossips and others. I am ok.
Tennitus kicked back in last sort of "sluggish" today...but have lots to do...and time waits for no woman!....Weather is still somewhat chilly...but the sun is already out.
I'm feeling great! 80 squats, 50 crunches, and lifting these 8 lbs dumbbells. For the first time in a long time, I was able to climb up the stairs without pausing in the middle to catch my breath. I don't remember when was the last time I was able to do that! Yeah! :D
fantastic! had a MAPping appointment to get my Ci tweaked, and just had a good day in general. Even learned I'm to add a new task to the stuff I already do at my job (a reporter's last day with our newspaper was on Friday, and now someone has to pick up the slack... so I get weekender calenders and another person or two will do the entertainment reporting on whatever event going on).
Tennitus kicked back in last sort of "sluggish" today...but have lots to do...and time waits for no woman!....Weather is still somewhat chilly...but the sun is already out.

what a bummer, i know that, i got the unwelcome visitor too, just now, its blaring out like some untalent musican flying drunk in to my room playing dreadful volins...all cuz of a bloody pie at i had at the uni (shouldnt had my own lunch at time but it was hectic this AM..) otherwise, it been a good day, enjoyed banteriing with my PhD lecturer
hell , right now my nose's is wrecked, with a werid sort of hayfever... all from sitting next to weird smelling people like tiger-balm laced asians, grumpy girl with some cheap make up, and antoerh girl with wild strawberry scent shampoo its strong! at home...nose gone mad...
blah even my own BO spray smells bit weird...i hope it goes back to normal smell, til a year ago i lost my smell for TWO years after a bad flu...dont wanna again!!
Yesterday crazy bad headache bad headache black out last night! :( serious!
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