How are you feeling today?....

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Aren't you suppose to be at work?!?!?! :nana:

i am! lol i am on kindle! haha! i am the door guard at the moment. the store has been in remodeling mode so i have to sit by the door making sure no crazies try to break in, make sure the workers hasnt stolen anything and sign them in and stuff
i am! lol i am on kindle! haha! i am the door guard at the moment. the store has been in remodeling mode so i have to sit by the door making sure no crazies try to break in, make sure the workers hasnt stolen anything and sign them in and stuff

What will you do if a crazy tries to break in throw a pair of jeans or sweater at them?? :hmm:

What will you do if a crazy tries to break in throw a pair of jeans or sweater at them?? :hmm:


haha!! i am sitting behind a huge cooking pan so i will just smash them in the head with it! haha! its a Kohl's i work at lol

haha!! i am sitting behind a huge cooking pan so i will just smash them in the head with it! haha! its a Kohl's i work at lol
Not all people will reach out if you dont say what you feel. You never know if someone will care or not. But there is nice people here . So if you feel good say it. If you having a problem and feel bad say it too. Ill hear you out and im sure some others members here will too. But hope you feel better
Thanks im just too tired oh getting hurt
Did you find out what was causing the rash you have?
Nope. But the one on my face is just about gone. I'm still working on the ones on my right hand. It's hard to keep the calamine on my hand because I keep using and washing that hand. But the calamine lotion does seem to help, so maybe it was some kind of contact reaction. If it was, I don't know what it was.
Thanks im just too tired oh getting hurt
Has someone at AD hurt you?

All I've seen are your posts about skyping.

It's hard to care about how someone feels if you keep it all inside and private. We aren't mind readers.
Has someone at AD hurt you?

All I've seen are your posts about skyping.

It's hard to care about how someone feels if you keep it all inside and private. We aren't mind readers.

Reba...she sent me a PM around 1AM...asking to skype becuz "she was not feeling well"...(I took it as she was "upset"?)...well...I replied that I don't skype, and especially not at 1AM...suggested to her to take a walk with her pet...or go to the Library....anything to keep herself busy and off her problems....She PM'ed back....very nasty PM...something about being "rude"...and I don't remember everything she did say...but I just ignored it and denied her friends request....

Believe she is 16....and doesn't know what "level she is in ASL"....Typical teenager?....:giggle:
Reba...she sent me a PM around 1AM...asking to skype becuz "she was not feeling well"...(I took it as she was "upset"?)...well...I replied that I don't skype, and especially not at 1AM...suggested to her to take a walk with her pet...or go to the Library....anything to keep herself busy and off her problems....She PM'ed back....very nasty PM...something about being "rude"...and I don't remember everything she did say...but I just ignored it and denied her friends request....

Believe she is 16....and doesn't know what "level she is in ASL"....Typical teenager?....:giggle:
I got a pm, too. I tried to help but she said it was "personal" so that was the end of the conversation.

Yes, I guess teens expect everyone to be at their 24/7 beck and call.
I got a pm, too. I tried to help but she said it was "personal" so that was the end of the conversation.

Yes, I guess teens expect everyone to be at their 24/7 beck and call.

I see I'm not the only one, I got visitor messages on my page with epic novels such as "hey" and "Wanna chat".
Happy, today is my baby's 1st birthday. :) They grow up way too fast.
I feel like I want to go swimming, but can't, because the lake waters are too cold.
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