Honestly, what's on your mind right now?

Im back to freezing now Jake. Im laying in bed under 3 heavy blankets. The Thermostat is on 75. :eek: I reckon before I go to sleep I'll add at least one more, if not two.

In the winter it is ridiculous - I sleep with 7 blankets on my bed.

Get a electric blanket :lol:
I am thinking, wow, this day has been so long. Running a fever off and on, dealing with my allergies, my nose wants to be runny or stuffy, and then the two at the same time. My throat hurts, my body aches, my head hurts, and my body won't make up it's mine about being cold or hot. Oh, did I mention I got the pukey feeling?
youre pregnant. I had those same symptoms before I started the traditional morning sickness.

but only one way to find out.......
BTW couldnt sleep because Im so cold so I came back to AD.com
I was thinking too much my work all day but i have to, its getting very frustrating to get started, so right now Im NOT thinking about it, im sipping a rather nice 14 year old Scapa Whisky , shit its nice, silky smooth (not exaggerating this either) it taste of honey and heather, wow what a whisky, it's not peaty nor smoky like my usual laphroaig. It is not an expensive dram but very good for the its about price as the popular 12 year old Highland Park. Actually i think the Scapa is better than HP.

Right now, I'm contemplating to watch "I am not there" dvd about bob dylan , should be a good treat then hopefully id get a fresher mind for tomorrow.
Im thinking about what not to eat for lunch as I am sure that mum will be like - you must eat! then shoves something overly greasy, fried, and fattending in my mouth. Ick. I would rather to eat a plate full of carrots and lettuce before I eat a hamburger.
I am thinking I am glad my children have their own homes.
I am thinking I need my own home! The whole living with mum and dad is getting old, but with all my bills I cannot currently afford my own place, not even an apartment. Pathetic huh?
I must be incredibly bored because I was about to post another useless post about what Ive just eaten or not eaten. Ridiculous. I guess I got so used to working on Saturday that I have no idea how to use all the free time. But I dont want to go out and spend all of my money or go pig out at some local restaurant.
I must be incredibly bored because I was about to post another useless post about what Ive just eaten or not eaten. Ridiculous. I guess I got so used to working on Saturday that I have no idea how to use all the free time. But I dont want to go out and spend all of my money or go pig out at some local restaurant.

Save your money! Get own apartment. Eat what you want. I have now solved your problems!:P

Anyone else?
Yum fudge does sound good. Thanks alot Superdorky, now I am craving fudge.

Are you feeling better now?
I am thinking of the football game tomorrow