Hey, I'm after a MASSIVE favour :)


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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can i ask you a massive favour?

Im Sammie, im 21 and i've been learning makaton for the school i volunteer in working with children with special needs.

Ive got an awards ceremony coming up, and theres gunna be lots of people there, Im nominated for an award for all my volunteering i do, and just in case i win, we have to have a speech put together.

In the group im in, there are people with hearing impairments, and although i can communicate with them usually, and whilst im sat with them, it'll be okay, but they wont be able to hear us whilst on stage.

I'd love to be able to sign something along with what i was saying onstage, so what im asking is... do you think you'd be able to help me? just something simple like,

"thanks for this award, it means a lot to me, and im proud that someone felt it fitting to nominate me. One step further to changing the perception of young people, we aren't all bad after all! and remember, keep smiling!"

do you think you'd be able to help me out??? I'd be really greatful, i dont know who else to ask, sorry! Ive not got time to ask my makaton tutor as i wont see her until after the ceremony now, and only just thought about doing it.

Thank you in advance, Sammie x

p.s if any of you know the words in the order i'd need to sign them, then i can try and find them online on a pictionary type thing, thanks :)
find an interpreter who will interpret the whole thing? Why left them out only to your speech?
i dont quite understand, sorry. The group I'll be sat with, are bringing an interpreter with them whilst in the group, but i thought it would be nicer to be able to do it myself. Im learning makaton anyways, so this would just be an extra little step i thought.

Ive tried finding a BSL translator, but i dont know how to go about it, and im not exactly full of funds at the moment, and im guessing, i'd have to pay for an hour of someones time etc, which is why i thought someone might be kind enough to help out
Hey Sammie!! I'm guessing you're from the UK!! Could you not an interpreter to interprete the whole thing including your speech and you could maybe sign thank you for everything in your speech? Get your tutor to help you. If not, I'm sure there's some Makaton or BSL websites online that will help you find what you need
i dont quite understand, sorry. The group I'll be sat with, are bringing an interpreter with them whilst in the group, but i thought it would be nicer to be able to do it myself. Im learning makaton anyways, so this would just be an extra little step i thought.

Ive tried finding a BSL translator, but i dont know how to go about it, and im not exactly full of funds at the moment, and im guessing, i'd have to pay for an hour of someones time etc, which is why i thought someone might be kind enough to help out

Would the school/ the place where the awards ceremony not provide an interpreter for the people with hearing impairments?? It'd be daft if they would not and would not be meeting the people's needs
i looked into getting an interpreter, and the awards thing said there just isnt room for another person, theres a meal at the beginning :(

I was hoping to do what you said first!


and yes, im from the UK :)
i looked into getting an interpreter, and the awards thing said there just isnt room for another person, theres a meal at the beginning :(

I was hoping to do what you said first!


and yes, im from the UK :)

That's not right. That is not fair to the deaf people. What would the point of them going be if they cannot understand what is going on? It seems to me you need to talk to the school and your tutor and try to get the appropriate accomodations met for them

You can hire interpreters from the RNID(Royal National Insitute for the Deaf) http://www.rnid.org.uk
ok, my awards thing, is something to do with the amount of volunteering i do, its a national awards ceremony, and over 2000 people are going, from all over the country. a group who is going, are partially deaf, and have an interpreter with them, they dont know me really, we're just sat on the same table, and have communicated via the internet etc.

Im going with a fellow volunteer to the event, and there isnt room for another person, ie an interpreter, and the awards scheme cant make room for one, as they said its not necessary for me to have one there as im not classed as needy for one etc, it was just a preference.

The other people going are all over 16 so its not like its so bad on them, they all cope with it quite well apparently, but I just wanted to be able to do something that I thought would be quite nice etc.

Its nothing to do with the school, and nothing to do with the other group. Its just personal prefernece etc
A national event with over 2,000 people attending and they aren't providing interpreters?! :shock: Outrageous!

There isn't room for another person? How big do they think interpreters are?

Sorry, their attitude just fries me.

I'm not angry at you Sammie. I appreciate your volunteer work, and your concern for your deaf group. :)

It's rather ironic that an organization that awards volunteerism can care so little for the people who are being served by the volunteers.
The other people going are all over 16 so its not like its so bad on them, they all cope with it quite well apparently, but I just wanted to be able to do something that I thought would be quite nice etc.

Curious, I am well over 16 and it is bad on me. Why would you assume it isn;t bad on your deaf attendees?
I am puzzle when you mention that there are some deaf people in your group that accommodate an interpreter for the group. If they have an interpreters in their group, then they need to have interpreters in the award presentation whether you are in the award with other Deaf volunteers.

I used to be a volunteer to help other deaf people who need my help. Yeah, it is a bummer when I could not get an interpreter for the award presentation in Canada so that I could understand what the hearing people say. I did not know what to make of it when that happen. I had a friend who was helping and acting as a notetaker for me, but I missed a lot of what the announcers and presenters are saying for other award volunteers.

If there were two thousand people attending the award presentation, then they should have provided interpreters for them so they can get all the information from the award announcers and presenters including the award volunteers. It is unfair and outrageous. I can not believe that the hearing people do not consider us not to get interpreters as it is costing too much for them or they think that the Deaf people can lipread them without interpreters. That is what make me so mad. :mad:

As for you, if you want to make a speech for your award. All you have to do is express Thank you and give a nice small speech about why you became a volunteer and how you have work as a volunteer with one person or more persons that you help whether you are volunteering for the deaf people in the group or working with hearing people who need your help. Good luck at the Award Presentations.
as far as i know, here to hear are the only hearing impaired group attending, and it isnt just about the fact that so many are going, its the fact that they have only catered for 2000 and everything is paid for i think. the majority wont need an interpreter, and those who do, have been given one.

I must also apologise, what i said earlier obviously came across wrongly, when i said it was so bad for them, i mean, my cousin is 9 and has a hearing difficulty, she finds it especially hard to do things by herself and has to have an interpretter at all times, whereas, her older sister, is now 19 and although appreciates the use of an interpreter, is also capable of fending for herself with a group interpreter, wheras hannah needs one on a 1-2-1 basis etc... thats all i meant. im sorry
as far as i know, here to hear are the only hearing impaired group attending, and it isnt just about the fact that so many are going, its the fact that they have only catered for 2000 and everything is paid for i think. the majority wont need an interpreter, and those who do, have been given one.

I must also apologise, what i said earlier obviously came across wrongly, when i said it was so bad for them, i mean, my cousin is 9 and has a hearing difficulty, she finds it especially hard to do things by herself and has to have an interpretter at all times, whereas, her older sister, is now 19 and although appreciates the use of an interpreter, is also capable of fending for herself with a group interpreter, wheras hannah needs one on a 1-2-1 basis etc... thats all i meant. im sorry

Why don't you just ask you older deaf cousin to show you how to sign what you want?

We don't have that many BLS users anyway.
That sounds like a nice gesture.

The president of RIT did that during the NTID graduation ceremony.
they live in DC, america haha, i only see them at christmas time x

So even if you had Skype, it would not help since they must use ASL and you would need your speech in BSL
that is very true, although i thought maybe the two would have been similar enough... either way, i dont have skype, and my sister is computer illiterate, she doesnt own one, or even know how to turn it on i dont think!
Just an aside to the catering situation:

Caterers usually allow 3-10% over the number, depending on the size of the event. That means, for 2,000 attendees, the caterer will prepare an extra 60-200 meals. I'm a terp, and I like to eat but believe me, terps don't need that much food.
that is very true, although i thought maybe the two would have been similar enough... either way, i dont have skype, and my sister is computer illiterate, she doesnt own one, or even know how to turn it on i dont think!

What does your sister matter? Last you mentioned, it was your cousins who were sign users.
you know what im sorry i asked actually. I feel like ive just been slated and got at since coming on here. All I did was ask for a little help, help me to help other people like yourselves in situations which could be avoided. im fed up of trying to explain why im asking, what im doing etc, when it feels like im in the wrong all the time.

I put sister as a mistype instead of cousin as i was on the phone to her at the time, its no big deal, and at the end of the day, would it matter WHO was a signer, at the end of the day, theyre in america and unable to attend or help. End of!