hello everyone.........


New Member
Jul 9, 2005
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hey! well, first of all, i am not deaf, but my boyfriend is. i think that it is so great to have a deaf community. its nice to be around people who are like yourself. i have been learning ASL for a few months now, and its so fun. i am wanting to meet friends that can help me out when i need help with signs or whatever. please write me a message, e-mail, whatever. everyone here seems so nice!!!

Welcome, Smileyface! :) You'll find alot of interesting posts and threads in here. They're really cool people! Anyway, I'm deaf and would be happy to help you with anything if you need help. Just give us a hollar!
hi! thanks for replying. i was wondering, is there anything i should know about dating a deaf person? or any advice in general?

Hmm. I have no idea. Im not deaf, neither is my bf. Both our children are deaf.

Im sure theres more people out there that know better than I would.

Hello smileyface2788,

Welcome to ALLDeaf and enjoy your stay here! ;)
thanks everyone for being so nice! this is the first time i have noticed people being so nice!!!
Hi and welcome to Alldeaf. Enjoy your stay. Maybe you can look up the relationship in this forum about having a deaf bf. Good luck!! :wave:
smileyface2788 said:
hi! thanks for replying. i was wondering, is there anything i should know about dating a deaf person? or any advice in general?


Welcome Julia

State of Texas is huge Deaf community. I am sure, they do have alot of events like Deaf Coffee, Deaf Schools, Deaf Clubs, Deaf Expo, etc... There will be NAD Convention in Louisanna next summer of 2006.

Enjoy browse this website. :D

Welcome to AD..

here's an advice. always have lights on in bed :devil: JK

Enjoy posting.. i really can't think of an advice.. maybe going to clubs with him.. getting to know more :D
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Julia aka smileyface2788! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD!! ;)
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

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