Heat Wave

It's in the 70s right now because of some expected rain today. Yay!
Hot as a sauna in northeastern FL now! I need to move to Alaska...
:DWhy be so pessemistic about global warming? There is still hope to prevent destroying and a little bit of preservation of our environment. save energy, join the effort, love "green"
I like the heat humidity in the South. I rather be anywhere hot than to live in Tennessee ever again. Sometimes I do miss all the snow I used to see when I lived in that state, but I had enough of that and the Vols!

i second that cuz i love hot humidity. it has been fun to do mtn biking and rock climbing in hot weater... ahhh sweat! *sniffing & coughing. i smell bad*... :D

go vols !
(my wife graduated at UT)
Who will join in? People are ignoring like they didn't care. Look around us, Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced. Gas prices, low salary, politics, hurricanes, i can continue this all day. It's destroying our race, the end to humanity. There's nothing we can do to improve it. We r at the edge to destruction. Why don't u be a hero and try to save the world? Have u see the movie by Gore in "An Inconvenient Truth"?

Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising.

The vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is real, it’s already happening and that it is the result of our activities and not a natural occurrence.
1) The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.

We’re already seeing changes. Glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts is increasing.

2)The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years.

3)Malaria has spread to higher altitudes in places like the Colombian Andes, 7,000 feet above sea level.

4)The flow of ice from glaciers in Greenland has more than doubled over the past decade.

5)At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles.

6)If the warming continues, we can expect catastrophic consequences.
Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years -- to 300,000 people a year.

7)Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide.

8) *Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense.
*Droughts and wildfires will occur more often.
*The Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer by 2050.

9)More than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050.
Aw that very nice of you Byrdie. I would be honor to hang out with you and Sequioa.. as long I am not a maid to clean up lol heee. I can't wait for rain to come twm and hopefully the heat will die down a little bit. :cool2::lol:

You can stay in one of my beach cottages and watch the storms on the beaches.

You never what treasures are washed ashore.... :)
It's nice here at 93 degrees close to the Rockies... Like it hot!
we already been through fire and floods. We still survived in those kinds of weathers. We made it out and our state still GOLDEN.
Aww that great Sequoias. :) I promise my child won t make a mess in your home lol ha But I do love to cook ha:lol::wave::cool2:

Haha LOL! I do understand how kids are. They love to make a mess. ;) I also like to cook, too! :D

Sorry for the off topic. :P
Heatwave? I got coldwave here cos it is winter in Aust now.
i second that cuz i love hot humidity. it has been fun to do mtn biking and rock climbing in hot weater... ahhh sweat! *sniffing & coughing. i smell bad*... :D

go vols !
(my wife graduated at UT)
LOL. Yeah, I like working out in the sun getting all sweaty and sunburnt.

I take that you are a GT fan, am I right? I like GT but not when they are playing UGA. :D My mother and her husband like wearing anything orange with Vols on them so I have to put up with them whenever I see them on regular basis. :D
i second that cuz i love hot humidity. it has been fun to do mtn biking and rock climbing in hot weater... ahhh sweat! *sniffing & coughing. i smell bad*... :D

go vols !
(my wife graduated at UT)

University of Utah? if so right on......that funny if so, cuz U live in ATL??? cuz thats the 2 places my life paralleled Utah and ATL for long times
doesnt matter, Byrdie, as long it is GOLDEN.

We (California) is getting decrease heat, well its still perfect.
GTM- dang it, U always find a way to make me hungry and craving a food. :drool:

Im so sorry about the eat....ummm I mean heat :giggle: I have such dry skin though- Im willing to sacrifice feeling uncomfortable with comfortable feeling skin. I have yucky eczema and Utah not good with the arid heat because to me uncomfortable skin worse than uncomfortable humidity with heat. I know I am kinda weird :D

LOL, I have a habit getting people hungry when I cook something so good all the time lol. hee but as for the heat,, it helps me have less sinus problems. :cool2::lol: