Hearing people on alldeaf

Or those girls who come along and start yapping about how sign is SO cool, and how they want to teach speshal needs kids with it. Or the ones who are interested in sped, and wrongly assume that deaf ed and sped is the same thing.

I think I remember one such poster. I will simply call her TheOrifice. :whistle:
The poster you're referring to has a unilateral hearing loss.

I think I remember her posting about it. It was clear from her posts that she had a hearing mindset in the worst way possible.
society's child, I'll send you some deafie love. :h5:
I'm a special education major in college, and I guess I'm technically hearing because my hearing is very good in the higher frequencies. But I know that Special Education is not Deaf education, except in the few cases where there is some overlap. You send these yappy girls my way. This special education teacher will help straighten them out.

Watch for a poster named Oracle.:cool2:
Yeah. Sallylou isn't hearing.. She used to be hearing and I think the above sentence was intended as a parody of some hearie's attiudes towards us.

oh I know shes not hearing... I just really liked the way she put it... and its quite true... I just didn't want to take credit for something I didn't type...
I don't think I fit any of these categories. I'm a hearing woman working on my undergrad in an art education program, with an emphasis in teaching special learners (which is an INCREDIBLY broad category). I've worked in a variety of settings with a variety of populations, including adjudicated youth, visually impaired adults, and children with intellectual disabilities.

I'm here because I'm interested in doing my student teaching in a setting where I'll have the opportunity to work with deaf/hh students. What it really comes down to is, I think art is awesome, should be accessible to everyone, and I want to share my love for the arts with kids and adults coming from all different directions.
oh yeah
bejeez. Besides you, TCS and Ocean, I can't really think of any of the regulars, totally racking my head and it comes out blank.
TCS is married to a terp (me), has taken ASL classes, and is a casual signer with deaf friends and customers.