Hearing Aids or NONE

I use a hearing aid in my left and a CI in the right, but prefer using the CI over the hearing aid because it gives out a better and crisper quality of sound.
i use ONE hearing aid -- not use much only when i have classes is when i wear it or when i happen to have titaneous (sp qq ringing in ears) i have to put it on too to kill it off :o
i wear a hearing aid on my right and have been for 30 yrs, so i guess u can say, i like it more and helps me communicate with my mom but she does sign or tries to lately shes unable due to CTS....
I had two hearing aides but not wear yet. OOPS due to my headaches ;) I would wear when I am off from Sinus....
I use ear plugs because telling the kids to be quiet doesn't work
bbnt said:
I use ear plugs because telling the kids to be quiet doesn't work

:rofl: yeah i agree with you... u're just like my father.. i can't keep myself quiet, my father sometimes get upset :)
deafdyke said:
In UK, you can get the logo of your favorite soccor team on your earmolds!!!!!

That sounds cool. I have cross-over hearing aids. Has anybody heard of them? My right ear is totally deaf, so with these hearing aids, all the sounds are sent over to my left ear. I hear so much better with them. When I first got them, my audiologist didn't think I would like them b/c of the fact that I am really only hearing from my left ear, but it doesn't bother me. I wonder if they have them in digital now. and if so, if they are better than what I have.
I have also considered getting colored earmolds next time. I will be a teacher next Fall so my students might think I am a cool teacher if I wore them LOL!
I wear two hearing aids, couldn't live without them. I had a tinnitus problem a few months ago that was fixed by the audiologist adjusting the high pitched sounds. Before, I had to get along with one hearing aid, and that's pretty hard because I like listening to music and stuff. With both, I get the direction and clearer sound.
have two but wear them because of my mom nd school, i like the quiet mush sometimes nd sometimes i prefer the noise. i have beige colored HA's but dark blue sparkley molds which i love!!!
I usually wear them, but not for communication but for hearing when someone tries to talk me or I hear weird noises.

I can live without them :)
I wear mine when I leave home, unless I'm going to do something where I will sweat... like mowing the grass, working out, going swimming, etc.

If I want to listen to something at home, then I'll wear it at home. :)
I sometimes wear a H/A in my right ear as a "bullsh^t" detector, ya know it warns me to duck before the sh^t hits the fan. Most often, I don't even wear one, because it interrupts the voices in my head, they may not be real, but they have some great ideas.
I have nothing. A hearing aid would do me no good in my left ear, as I have no auditory nerve. My right ear is at about 50%, but I do most of my hearing by lip reading. Which has given me a reputation of being really, really intense. :)