Have you noticed that all hotels do not have floor number 13??


Stay weird
Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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I did not realized that all hotels do not have 13th floor until I noticed the buttons on elevator. Very 258
Yeah I already knew about that. 13 is a big no-no to us.. I think in Japan the number 4 and 9 is a big no-no
Actually, it is for almost all builings, not hotels. My dad's old office building is about 24 floors. There is no 13.
i didn t EVEN relize that!
my mom told me a bit of history just now glad i learned about that! thanks u all :)

Reminds me of the movie... Thirteenth Floor...

There's an interesting page on 13th floor..

What appears to trigger delivery to the 13th Floor is strong disassociation from the accepted cultural milieu, mental abnormalities that tend to place the individual either beneath or above the norm of society. In the extreme, these dissociative emotions seem to trigger an event in high-rise elevators that causes the person or persons already partially removed from society to become fully removed; i.e., to disappear for good within the "missing" floor.
Originally posted by funnybebe78
now 13 is bad number but 11 is another bad number cuz due to 9/11. :roll:

how true! what will we do now considering more nbrs are becoming bad numbers?????
Hmm... I wonder if any of those hotels or buildings have a secret floor which can only be accessed with a key and pressing 12 & 14 at the same time. Ever see "Thirteenth Floor"?
Originally posted by VamPyroX
Hmm... I wonder if any of those hotels or buildings have a secret floor which can only be accessed with a key and pressing 12 & 14 at the same time. Ever see "Thirteenth Floor"?
I remember my friend told me about it but I never seen it. Is it good?
I've heard about the "Thirteenth" floor being bad luck, but I never really paid any attention to it. Interesting, though.
yeeppp-- during the academic bowl wknd, my room was assigned on the 15th floor @ the hotel. me and a bunch of other kids went walking up the stairs ALL THEEE WAYYY up to 15th floor. but we actually walked 14 floors due to no 13th floor.
allisonjoy, yeah same as me...me was on 7th floor and could see the numbers skipping 13...if pressing 12 and 14 works... wow... that will be strange.. if a building had 13th floor, and something bad happened will they seal it and nobody could enter it???