


Who here like to do genealogy?
Me, too!! I plan to do research genealogy when I arrive in Cleveland.
Oh I'd like to do genealogy...but it'll be so hard tho since my mom's mother is adopted so its kind of complex...I don't know that much about my mom's mother's side...I'd ask my mom's mother about her family but she passed away back in 1984 I think. :(
Its not impossible as you may think it to be.
If you go through census records and research through tax records, etc... Go to local historical societies. They usually have a great wealth of information to research through. LDS centres have a lot of microfilms with information to go through. It takes some time to work through. Go through your relatives for information and so on. You will go through several breakthroughs in your researches, but not all in once.
ah that's what genealogy is? :eek: eh.. one person once wanted to do research on my background it freaked me out so I told him no and he never bothered me again :mrgreen:
Originally posted by kuifje75
Its not impossible as you may think it to be.
If you go through census records and research through tax records, etc... Go to local historical societies. They usually have a great wealth of information to research through. LDS centres have a lot of microfilms with information to go through. It takes some time to work through. Go through your relatives for information and so on. You will go through several breakthroughs in your researches, but not all in once.

Are you sure about a person who has a common last name?
Yes, I have one family line that is very common, and I was able to find out where they lived, looked through census, and found some records in historical societies, etc... Then, I also have like 4 or 5 German names which spelling has changed, like Blum changed to Bloom, Weiser to Wisor, etc... I am having a hard time tracing one of my ancestor's name because one of my ancestors was a "Phrampus", The generation before this ancestor wrote "Phrambes", and there are no records to be found. I have found "Frambes" "Frames" etc... However, I found in a local census at around that time, that he was living with a family of different surname. You just have to keep researching and not give up.
Lisa's mother is too crazy over genealogy. She's been doing it for so many years. She has tons of printed materials of what she found all over the internet.

It is very difficult to see if she is being organized.
I do geneaology! I have researched so hard several years ago and got the information on my mom's side that goes back in the 1600s through It is a wonderful site and it's free. Although some of the information can be inaccurate, but if you go to town/city hall where the deceased family members were born and death, they will give you the accurate information. Yes, you'll have to pay for the certified copy of their birth and/or death certificate if you ever want it. I did some of my dad's side and haven't done any more research for a long while, but someday I'd like to get back into it and finish it. There's more babies in my family that I'll need to add. :D

have researched so hard several years ago and got the information on my mom's side that goes back in the 1600s through website.

:jaw: wow... Your great, great, great, grand-father was President George Washington.

Be careful if you have a male baby when he will born. Ob/Gyn doctor will grab his pony tail hair instead of head. He will upside down and spank his butt to hold him with pony tail hair. How come he will have a flag bow on his pony tail hair ? Katzie ?? *perplexed me* :ugh: Is your husband have red, blue and white tadpoles to reunite your eggs ? Is that how to make the flag on your baby's hair bow color as flag ? :shock:

~ Sabrina

Katzie's great, great, great, grand-father


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My father love to do genealogy, I am interesed about it but never have time to work on it, I would like to do it someday...
Yeah i really interested in genealogy. because it is MOST IMPORTANT KEY for me. but i can't track on this.. my vein bloood messed up with others during my Master and female slaves to produced his own children that i am one of them. that how this usa rised childern's childern here for 500 years ago till now....
oOOps my story like Thomas jeffeson and his female slave to produced his own.. get it..
Originally posted by Sabrina

:jaw: wow... Your great, great, great, grand-father was President George Washington.

Be careful if you have a male baby when he will born. Ob/Gyn doctor will grab his pony tail hair instead of head. He will upside down and spank his butt to hold him with pony tail hair. How come he will have a flag bow on his pony tail hair ? Katzie ?? *perplexed me* :ugh: Is your husband have red, blue and white tadpoles to reunite your eggs ? Is that how to make the flag on your baby's hair bow color as flag ? :shock:

~ Sabrina

Katzie's great, great, great, grand-father
my father had worked on genealogy to hundred years ago. Believe it or not, George Washington is my 8th step great grand-father whose married to our 8th great, grand-mother Martha Dandridge, right last name? Along with Princess Diana, she is our "too-damn-far" cousin. Part of our family tree go back to Robert E. Lee. I know this sound like faking or I want to showoff, but my fatther showed me all the facts...
My half-brother is Bill Gate. :D I would have to be billionare ! :(

Damn it !