For, not against Abortion

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Apr 1, 2004
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I hate the topic of abortion. I think it is fine, people are free here in america! And trying to get it to become illegal, is stupid, if they wanna kill that baby, they are going to find a way. I don't want people posting saying its wrong b/c I don't care! :rofl:
And trying to get it to become illegal, is stupid, if they wanna kill that baby, they are going to find a way
Exactly.....I don't like the idea of abortion but it's a nessary evil. Making it illegal is just going to drive it underground and make it unsafe. There are always going to be abortions, unless someone finds a 100% method of birth control (failure of birth control is actually the number one reason why there are abortions) Even if someone magically finds a 100% guarenteed method of birth control, there are going to be abortions like if the baby dies in utereo or has a very fatal birth defect (and in that case it's probaly akin to removing life support from someone who's braindead and who has been braindead a long time with NO HOPE of recovery!)
*still standing as Pro-Choice*

i believe in the woman's right to choose 'nuf said -- i dont want to get snared in another abortion debate

*bows out*
I agree. I'm not "crazy" or "great favor" for abortion. However, if it's necessary to be done... fine. It's like guns. We take away guns and they will still use something else.
VamPyroX said:
I agree. I'm not "crazy" or "great favor" for abortion. However, if it's necessary to be done... fine. It's like guns. We take away guns and they will still use something else.

Well said!
There have been cases where some women have been so desperate that they ended up trying to "abort" the baby by jamming a metal clothes hanger up their vagina. just let us have our abortions if we want it.
lilred -- yea thats been known to have happened and has lead to the legalizing of abortion by the Roe vs Wade (1973) Supreme Court ruling to prevent women from resorting to the use of unsafe abortion practices and going to "quack doctors" for unsafe procedures as well
lilredridinhood said:
There have been cases where some women have been so desperate that they ended up trying to "abort" the baby by jamming a metal clothes hanger up their vagina. just let us have our abortions if we want it.

THANK YOU!!!! Geez, nobody at my school would say that! And you know what id really bothering me? No guys are getting into the topic! Now we have guys saying that is it wrong, why the hell do they care!! they aren't caring the damn thing, so why are they worried!!! :nana:
Fly Free said:
*still standing as Pro-Choice*

i believe in the woman's right to choose 'nuf said -- i dont want to get snared in another abortion debate

*bows out*

:repost: The world is already over populated. If the world keeps populating like it is, we are all eventually going to all starve :|
corona_babe135 said:
:repost: The world is already over populated. If the world keeps populating like it is, we are all eventually going to all starve :|

Actually, the overpopulation thing is just a hype. We are really not overpopulated.

It's how the governments handle things.
Banjo said:
Actually, the overpopulation thing is just a hype. We are really not overpopulated.

It's how the governments handle things.

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corona_babe135 said:

Well, it's the truth. It is a hype used to scare the crap out of us. Just like they do with the global warming.

Look at the countries that are considered "overpopulated" but also take a look at their governments.

It usually is related to how the governments handle things. If you think we are really overpopulating...

Care to explain why USA and Canada have all-time low record in birth rates?

The reason why our population is rising is because of the immigrants moving here from other countries. Many countries don't have a problem with overpopulating, it's really the governments who are doing a bad job.
Banjo said:
Well, it's the truth. It is a hype used to scare the crap out of us. Just like they do with the global warming.

Look at the countries that are considered "overpopulated" but also take a look at their governments.

It usually is related to how the governments handle things. If you think we are really overpopulating...

Care to explain why USA and Canada have all-time low record in birth rates?

The reason why our population is rising is because of the immigrants moving here from other countries. Many countries don't have a problem with overpopulating, it's really the governments who are doing a bad job.

:wiggle: OKAY! LOL you win!
VamPyroX said:
I agree. I'm not "crazy" or "great favor" for abortion. However, if it's necessary to be done... fine. It's like guns. We take away guns and they will still use something else.

my thoughts exactly. well stated :thumb:
There have been cases where some women have been so desperate that they ended up trying to "abort" the baby by jamming a metal clothes hanger up their vagina.
Yeah, that's where that pin with the clotheshanger with the not allowed symbol comes from. Some people are so dumb.....they see the pin and are like " You're against clothes hangers?"
deafdyke said:
Yeah, that's where that pin with the clotheshanger with the not allowed symbol comes from. Some people are so dumb.....they see the pin and are like " You're against clothes hangers?"
well, personally i'm against abortion.. but in some case, i allow abortion if the woman's been raped, life-threaten issue, and the woman's under 17 yrs old.

if you are 18 years or older.. you women have common sense to use birth control, or have no sex same as men have common sense.. use SAFE. if you don't want to have any children simple don't have sex.. or if you are wanted a pleasure.. use birth control .
or don't have sex at all cuz those days teens are doin it and they get preggie and give up kids like they are ragged dolls piss me off sometimes in a while :squint: oh well sex education need to be improved those days.. :roll: what more I agree with fly free's post.. I ain't gonna get myself invoved in another discussion about abortion cuz we already HAVE one that was open in past but I think locked right now or am I wrong? :dunno:
you women have common sense to use birth control,
Yes, but birth control fails. The most common reason for abortion is b/c birth control failed. If we had insurance companies cover GOOD birth control, then maybe the abortion rate would go down drasticly.
or don't have sex at all cuz those days teens are doin it and they get preggie and give up kids like they are ragged dolls
While I am anti-abstience education, I think a lot of teens (and lots of older people) really need relationship education, on what a real healthy relationship IS. So many of the teens my mom sees at her clinic have no clue what a real healthy loving relationship is. They don't understand that a boyfriend/girlfriend is simply someone you love as a best friend. Just randomly going out b/c a guy's cute or funny is not going to lead to a good healthy relationship. A lot of teens seem to think that getting a boyfriend is completely different from making a regular friend.
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