Father's 4 Pit Bulls Kill His 22-Month-Old Son

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According to this webiste, Pitbull and RW are considered to be most responsbile for inflicting harms onto humans

The dogs that are most responsible
Merritt Clifton, editor of Animal People, has conducted an unusually detailed study of dog bites from 1982 to the present. (Clifton, Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to November 13, 2006; click here to read it.) The Clifton study show the number of serious canine-inflicted injuries by breed. The author's observations about the breeds and generally how to deal with the dangerous dog problem are enlightening.

According to the Clifton study, pit bulls, Rottweilers, Presa Canarios and their mixes are responsible for 74% of attacks that were included in the study, 68% of the attacks upon children, 82% of the attacks upon adults, 65% of the deaths, and 68% of the maimings. In more than two-thirds of the cases included in the study, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Clifton states:

If almost any other dog has a bad moment, someone may get bitten, but will not be maimed for life or killed, and the actuarial risk is accordingly reasonable. If a pit bull terrier or a Rottweiler has a bad moment, often someone is maimed or killed--and that has now created off-the-chart actuarial risk, for which the dogs as well as their victims are paying the price.

Clifton's opinions are as interesting as his statistics. For example, he says, "Pit bulls and Rottweilers are accordingly dogs who not only must be handled with special precautions, but also must be regulated with special requirements appropriate to the risk they may pose to the public and other animals, if they are to be kept at all."

Interesting facts abt humans death caused by dogs,

The number of fatalities.
In the US from 1979 to 1996, 304 people in the US died from dog attacks, including 30 in California. The average number of deaths per year was 17.

Most of the deceased were children. ("Dog-Bite-Related Fatalities -- United States, 1995-1996," MMWR 46(21):463-467, 1997.) The chances that the victim of a fatal dog attack will be a burglar are one in 177; the odds that it will be a child are 7 out of 10.

However, fatalities are highly unusual. For every fatal dog bite in the United States, there are 230,000 bites that are not treated by a physician.

Wow unbelieveable lol :eek3:

An American has a one in 50 chance of being bitten by a dog each year. (CDC.)

DOG BITE LAW - Statistics about dog bites in the USA and elsewhere
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Hello it has been awhile since I have seen this tread. All I have to say is to whoever said that cats are nice or better around kids. I have a story to tell you, my grandma had 4 cats when we lived with her 1 of them just came up to me out of the blue and pierced my nose as she scratched my face. I did nothing to her and I was 13 she was just mean things like that happened alot with her.
Also you can not judge all pit bulls for the actions of some you have not met mine. Yes I love my kids and yes they do come first you just need to know how to have pets and kids together. My kids are 8 and 2 and my dogs are 1 and 6 months and also he is deaf. My dogs are good with them yes I do watch them all the time, but I would do that with any pet I have. We all need to realize that animals are wild and any animal can snap from cats to dogs, hampsters to birds. I was brought up with all types of animals so my kids to will learn to respect all living things as I did. I had snakes, lizards, cats, fish, hampsters, birds, and dogs.
All I keep hearing from this tread is post on how bad they are has any of you looked up working pit bulls? If so you would see that many work as tracking, and all types of stuff.
Oh yeah did you know that pit bulls come from bull dogs and a terrier. Bull dogs are just as mean. I took my dog out for a Halloween parade and a bull dog from nowhere came up and bit my dog. She did not bark and was right by my side sitting.
I know everyone is entiled to thier opinon and this is mine so please no mean comments for what I have posted.:fingersx:
Girl killed by pit bull terrier

Girl killed by pit bull terrier

A five-year-old girl has been killed and her grandmother seriously injured by a pit bull terrier at their family home on Merseyside.

Ellie Lawrenson was found bleeding to death in the living room of the house in St Helens shortly before 0430 GMT.

Her grandmother, Jackie Simpson, 46, who is recovering in hospital, managed to lock the dog outside.

The owner, believed to be Ellie's uncle, had been warned in June about the dog's behaviour.

The pit bull terrier was destroyed by police immediately after the attack at the property in Knowles House Avenue, Eccleston.

Ms Simpson, who shared the home with Ellie's aunt and uncle, was bitten on her arms and legs.

Serious injuries

Her injuries are described as "serious but not life threatening". Police said she may have to undergo surgery at Whiston Hospital where she is being treated.

Ellie was just the loveliest girl you could hope to meet

Jackie Simpson's fiance

Dog control laws and pit bulls

Superintendent Jon Ward, operational manager for the St Helens region, said: "This is such a tragic incident.

"We attended the scene, by which stage the dog had been shut away down the side entrance of the house.

"When officers arrived it became apparent from a very early stage that the girl had tragically died as a result of the attack.

"The ambulance service did what it could for her but unfortunately she died at the scene."

Police dog handlers who arrived minutes later, decided the dog, called Reuben, had to be shot as soon as possible.

Police are investigating whether fireworks frightened the dog

Mr Ward added: "They made a decision as to whether it was safe to control the dog and seize and safely remove it.

"The assessment was that that couldn't be done safely so the dog was humanely destroyed at the scene around 5.40am this morning."

Detectives understand Ellie's parents were not in the house at the time of the attack.

Police believe Ellie's parents went out to celebrate New Year's Eve, leaving Ellie with her grandmother, and when they returned Ellie asked to stay there.

They are then thought to have left the property at about 0340 GMT, shortly before the attack.

'Tragic incident'

According to police, Ellie's uncle was not at home when the attack happened.

However, Mr Ward said Ellie regularly stayed at her grandmother's house so police believe she knew the dog well.

A large part of Knowles House Avenue was cordoned off with police tape on Monday afternoon as forensic officers continued to examine the end-of-terrace house where Ellie was mauled.

Drafted at speed after string of dog attacks, and much-criticised
Bans breeding and sale/exchange of pit bull terrier, Japanese tosa, Dogo Argentino, and Fila Brasileiro
Also bans all dogs "appearing... to be bred for fighting or to have the characteristics of a type bred for that purpose"
Also covers any dog "dangerously out of control"
But this applies only to public property, or private property where the dog is not permitted
Out-of-control dogs can be seized and destroyed, and the owners faces a fine or up to six months in prison. If the dog injures someone, that can be up to two years.

A white and yellow forensic tent was attached to the front door of the property which is believed to be owned by Ellie's great-grandmother.

A police spokeswoman said Ellie's body was removed from the house at about1400 GMT.

She confirmed that several members of Ellie's family had arrived at the property in the morning wanting to see her body.

"They were obviously distressed and distraught at not being able to see Ellie, but we couldn't let them in while the body was still in situ and while forensic science officers were still at the scene.

"There was some shouting, there are a lot of high emotions flying around," she said.

Dorothy Watkinson who lives near the family home told BBC News that Ellie was used to dealing with the dog.

"I've seen her at the gateway with it, stroking it. It never turned on her like that."

Supt Ward said: "This is such a tragic incident. When a child loses her life in such circumstances, it has an effect on the whole community."

He added that the safety of the public and police officers was paramount and in such circumstances "we were left with no other option but to have the animal destroyed quickly and humanely."

He added said police would be looking into whether any offence had been committed under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

BBC NEWS | England | Merseyside | Girl killed by pit bull terrier

Another pit bull attack... :mad:
Pit bull attacks girl in her Santa Rosa yard

Third mauling in Bay Area in a month amid calls to crack down on the breed

A pit bull that escaped from a Santa Rosa home mauled an 8-year-old girl who had been playing next door in her yard on Wednesday, deeply gashing her face, and then turned on the girl's mother when she rushed to help.

The attack was the third serious mauling by a pit bull in the Bay Area this month and coincides with actions by some local and state officials to crack down on aggressive canines and their owners.

On Tuesday, state Sen. Jackie Speier, D-Hillsborough, introduced a bill that would allow cities and counties to enact breed-specific laws affecting dogs after the mauling death in San Francisco of 12-year-old Nicholas Faibish by his family's pit bulls. .............. further to read...

Pit bull attacks girl in her Santa Rosa yard / Third mauling in Bay Area in a month amid calls to crack down on the breed
Pit bull attacks girl in her Santa Rosa yard

Third mauling in Bay Area in a month amid calls to crack down on the breed

A pit bull that escaped from a Santa Rosa home mauled an 8-year-old girl who had been playing next door in her yard on Wednesday, deeply gashing her face, and then turned on the girl's mother when she rushed to help.

The attack was the third serious mauling by a pit bull in the Bay Area this month and coincides with actions by some local and state officials to crack down on aggressive canines and their owners.

On Tuesday, state Sen. Jackie Speier, D-Hillsborough, introduced a bill that would allow cities and counties to enact breed-specific laws affecting dogs after the mauling death in San Francisco of 12-year-old Nicholas Faibish by his family's pit bulls. .............. further to read...

Pit bull attacks girl in her Santa Rosa yard / Third mauling in Bay Area in a month amid calls to crack down on the breed

Yes. I am aware of this. I live in the Bay area. It is very unfortunate that it happened to an 8 year old girl. Imagine that if was my daughter or that dog wouldn't live. :rl:
Ow! I felt bad for that 8 years old girl, I'm glad those two men did everything they could to get that pit bull off of her.

If my kids were mauling by a pit bull, that pit pull would not see the light of the day under my care. Sorry, that's the way it is, keep your dog on your property then you wouldn't have a problem. ;)
Toledoan charged as son loses foot in pit bull attack

Child, 4, has spina bifida, can't feel pain in lower limbs

A 4-year-old North Toledo boy lost one of his feet yesterday when it was chewed off by the family's pit bull puppy. The boy's mother was charged with felony child endangering, authorities said.

Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon identified the boy as Jameille Walker, who has spina bifida and cannot feel pain in his lower extremities.

Authorities said the boy was being treated at Toledo Hospital.

Mr. Skeldon said the puppy probably thought it had a "chew toy" and that one of the instincts of a pit bull is to "grab hold and not let go."

The boy's mother, Martina Jennings, 23, of 1209 St. John Ave., was arrested by police and is being held in the Lucas County jail without bond pending arraignment Monday in Toledo Municipal Court.

She is accused of failing to secure the dog, which chewed off her son's foot up to the ankle, according to court records.

The boy's family declined a request for an interview.

The Lucas County dog warden’s office yesterday afternoon euthanized the puppy. Earlier in the day, the dog warden had said the animal would be quarantined for 10 days before being "humanely destroyed." But he and other officials later decided that immediately euthanizing the dog and performing laboratory tests on its remains would more quickly determine if the animal had rabies. Results are expected next week.

He said Ms. Jennings told a deputy warden that she awoke yesterday and was alerted by another child that her son's foot was red.

She noticed the injury and saw blood on the dog's face and chest, Mr. Skeldon said.

She apparently took the boy to the hospital and later signed a surrender slip for the puppy, which she said is 2 months old.

The dog warden estimated the puppy was about 3 months old and said it was not licensed.

However, he said, a license isn't needed until 3 months of age.

Mr. Skeldon said his office received a call about the matter from Toledo police about 11:45 a.m. and later seized the dog at the family's home.

He said a report by his office indicated the boy had multiple bites on his right foot.

The puppy had a cut on its face, but the dog warden didn't know what it was from.

Mr. Skeldon said his office picked up a record number of pit bulls - 998 - last year.

It also was the first time that pit bulls topped the list of dog bite investigations, he said.

"We are getting more and more bites from pit bulls, which ups the likelihood of getting something serious happening," the dog warden said.

"I'm surprised we haven't had a fatality."

Mr. Skeldon recommended that parents not leave young children with pit bulls.

Dean Sparks, executive director of Lucas County Children Services, said people with young children should not have vicious dogs.

He said his agency is looking into the incident and that two other children in the home, ages 2 and 8, were placed with relatives.

The agency's first contact with the family came within the last two weeks when it made a home visit after someone expressed a concern about possible child abuse or neglect, Mr. Sparks said.

The agency was in the process of doing an assessment when the dog bite occurred.

There were no concerns about the puppy after the recent visit, Mr. Sparks said.

He said his agency doesn't get a call every time a child is bitten by a dog.

toledoblade.com -- Toledoan charged as son loses foot in pit bull attack
Child Endangering Charges

Mother of child injured by pit bull pup released

The mother of a 4-year-old disabled boy who is believed to have had his foot chewed off by a dog Friday was released on bond yesterday from the Lucas County jail after posting $10,000 bond.

Martina Jennings of 1209 St. John Ave. left the jail after visiting Judge Mary Trimboli in Toledo Municipal Court set bond on a charge of child endangering.

Ms. Jennings' attorney, Larry DiLabbio, had tried to get the judge to release his client on her own recognizance, noting that she has no criminal history and is the primary caretaker for her son, Jameille Walker.

Jameille has spina bifida and cannot feel pain in his lower extremities. He is recuperating in Toledo Hospital, Mr. DiLabbio said.

Daniel Cole, a Toledo pediatric rehabilitation specialist who is owner and president of Cole Orthotic & Prosthetic Center on Phillips Avenue, yesterday told The Blade his company would donate a prosthesis and orthosis for Jameille to stand, if doctors believe it is possible.

Ms. Jennings was arrested Friday after taking her son to Toledo Hospital for injuries she claimed were caused by the family's pit bull puppy. She had been held without bond until this morning.

Members of her family who attended her arraignment yesterday declined comment.

A preliminary hearing for Ms. Jennings was scheduled for Feb. 16.

"I think this was just an unfortunate incident and there was no child endangering or anything like that involved," Mr. DiLabbio said after the court appearance.

Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon said his department will assist Toledo police with their investigation.

Ms. Jennings reportedly told a deputy warden that she awoke Friday and was alerted by another child that her son's foot was red. She noticed her young son's injury and saw blood on the dog's face and chest, Mr. Skeldon has said.

Ms. Jennings took the boy to the hospital and later signed a surrender slip for the puppy. The puppy was euthanized Friday afternoon, officials said. Its body is to be examined for rabies by health department officials.



:sigh: :(
from this week's Charleston newspaper:

A North Charleston police officer shot and killed a dog at a home in the Pepperhill subdivision Sunday, saying he feared for the safety of two children.

Police went to Hillview Lane just before noon for a report of two dogs fighting and a child screaming. An officer who entered the house saw blood on kitchen cabinets and a child calling for help...

A pit bull approached the officer inside the home growling, police said. When it would not retreat, the officer drew his gun and fired.

The dog appeared to have broken through the glass on a storm door to get at another dog inside the home...A 12-year-old boy was cut while trying to keep the enraged dog from getting through the glass and needed stitches....
That's scary! Even a closed door can't keep out some dogs. :eek3:
A vicious pit, Bull!

Is a pit innately vicious toward humans?, Are thay savages waiting for the perfect opportunity to demolish a young toddler?. I think , I quote, " I think not".
No dog should be left with young children unsupervised , it is difficult to determine the dog's perception of the child. They should not be left unattended in a public area either. MOst importantly, you should have a crisis plan in mind in the event your dog wants to test its boundaries.
In addition, the pit bull's desire to please seems to be the reason they adopt the personality wishes of their alpha owner. In essence, if you are good natured, stable and affectionate, more than likely your dog will be too. The natural instinct to nurture and protect your family will occur when you assess a dangerous situation and respond appropriately.
The same holds true, if you are shallow, insecure and/or a bully , your dog will reflect your need to seem strong.
Pit bulls are as dangerous as their owners, consciously or unconsciuosly. I too have made the error of taking my dog out back without a leash, assuming she's so friendly. After posting this, I will be more conscious of my actions.
Anyway, evaluate the raging bull within the pit of your existence before obtaining this lovely dog. Because it is truly a PIT BULL.
I wish that pitbull dogs should be destroyed! I hate pitbull dogs that makes me uncomfortable!

That man who sleeps while son killed by pitbull dog; he is neglected child! Therefore it is his responisble to watch children ane make sure children is alright.
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