Father's 4 Pit Bulls Kill His 22-Month-Old Son

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♥"Concrete Angel"♥
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Nov 28, 2003
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Last week my sister and I watched CNN Nancy Grace about a story of a father who owned 4 pitbulls dogs that killed his 22 month old son while his son was sleeping as he went outside to talk to his landlord, I couldn't watch the entire story because it kept showing the pitbulls attacking each others and there was blood everywhere, which was horrible to watch, I'm looking for the story or news article about this...I tried looking through google but no luck :dunno:
Omg how could someone be that irreasponsible with their own child. That just makes me shutter
Last week my sister and I watched CNN Nancy Grace about a story of a father who owned 4 pitbulls dogs that killed his 22 month old son while his son was sleeping as he went outside to talk to his landlord, I couldn't watch the entire story because it kept showing the pitbulls attacking each others and there was blood everywhere, which was horrible to watch, I'm looking for the story or news article about this...I tried looking through google but no luck :dunno:

I just pmmed you the link hope is that one ? :)
Omg how could someone be that irreasponsible with their own child. That just makes me shutter

What I don't understand is why would a parent leave a 22 months old baby in the house alone with 4 pitbull dogs?....:eek2:
How did you find that? Thank you hon, yep that's the right one and is there any update to this story?...


I'm wondering if they did anything to those pitbulls? as I already know about the father being charge...

:D :D :D :D Welcome hehe :giggle: I just typed said " the owner 4 pitbulls dogs that killed his 22 month old son " that it and found it ! hehe before cant find till ah found it lol .. there have said update it said

created: 11/6/2006 12:18:00 PM
updated: 11/6/2006 12:42:04 PM
What I don't understand is why would a parent leave a 22 months old baby in the house alone with 4 pitbull dogs?....:eek2:

Yeah dont know why and the owner should have close the door when the baby is sleep.
Yeah dont know why and the owner should have close the door when the baby is sleep.

This remind me of a story that happened to a 12 years old boy which his mother put him in the basement to protect him from her pitbull dog...I suppose her dog was more important than her son, why would a parent lock a child up in a basement?..

here's the link, it happened last year Mother shut boy in basement to protect him from pit bull / 12-year-old was killed by family dog; owner sees death as tragic accident but defends the breed as loving pets
This remind me of a story that happened to a 12 years old boy which his mother put him in the basement to protect him from her pitbull dog...I suppose her dog was more important than her son, why would a parent lock a child up in a basement?..

here's the link, it happened last year Mother shut boy in basement to protect him from pit bull / 12-year-old was killed by family dog; owner sees death as tragic accident but defends the breed as loving pets

oh yeah I read and wow should put the dogs in the basement so it would be 12 yrs old boy alive :(
damn... i couldnt understand why the father didnt leave the dogs outside, not inside while the child in the house.

If I have pitbull, I refused to have pitbull in the house if I have a child in the house. I still refused to have that breed anyway!! Pitbull isnt a family dog. Not good idea to have it while u have children. Too dangerous. Doesnt matter if you train the pitbull good or treat them good. They still can attack children or ppl or animals.
No wonder, my state forbade American pitbull to breed nor will they allow them to be imported from outside Australia. So people can't have that kind of pitbull as pet.

It amazes me how careless both parents are with their kids when it comes to the pitbulls.

Locking Nicholas in the basement was a bad idea because it can be constituted as false imprisonment. She should have sent him to stay with someone for the day. Ideally, the family shouldn't have pitbulls as pets.

May the poor kids rest in peace.
OMG! Thats sad about the dogs killing a 22 mths old boy. The owner should have kept the dogs outside in the backyard where it is secured. I hope they have learnt from it now and they would have suffered for the rest of their life of the tragic death of their son. Its sad the boy's life is cut short by this horrid death by the dogs. :(
How did you find that? Thank you hon, yep that's the right one and is there any update to this story?...

I'm wondering if they did anything to those pitbulls? as I already know about the father being charge...

I hope they destroy these dangerous dogs already, if not, why not?

Pleased to say Pitbull is banned in my country.
That is sucks!....I never own pit bull dog reason I don't want burden on my shoulder to make sure everything don't bite or attack. My opinion that pit bull is not consider as family dog or pet. You are not alone that wonder why father left his baby in the bedroom without security. Come on Father!. Should know that pit bull can be going crazy mad or become attack in anytime.
When I watched Nancy Grace's show on CNN, I have to agree with her about almost everything she states, even regarding about pitbulls dogs are the most dangerous and aggressive dogs on the face of earth. Most states have banned breed pitbulls such in Colorados, Ontario, Canada, UK and Topeka, Kansas and some others I cannot remember, but I do know Ohio isn't one of them. I do hope Ohio banns breed pitbulls for the safely of everyone because they're not family dogs, they're really fighting dogs, even Nancy Grace states that when pitbulls smells blood they get aggressive, and that's the scarest thought.

I'm sorry I'm not going to be afraid to say that pitbulls are not my favorite, and I refused to even own one. And I do believe those type of dogs should be banned, they are the top one rate of the most dangerous dogs. They have over 300 cases of pitbulls attacks worldwide.
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