Erase Relationship Memory?



Recently, I watched this movie with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. I am embarrased to admit that I already forgot the title of the film. I guess it was because the movie wasn't so brilliantly done. I fell asleep in the middle of the film, only to wake up to see the ending.

However, I was intrigued by the concept used in the film which is to erase relationship memories.

If you could, would you ever go far to have your brain delete all of memories from previous relationships or relationship that soured? Therefore, you go on as if it never literally existed?
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I prefer not. The memories teach me the valuable lessons about women. Like.. experience for instance, it will give me the tool to judge to see if one of women will be worth my time, my money and my commitment or not. Without bitter memories, I wouldn't have that tool or experience to judge or find a woman that I really want. My bitter experience with my last ex teached me lot about relationship, women and the most important, commitment.

Soured memories or not, I keep them all so I can use it to shape my future, to teach me a lesson, and other things.
I can be able to erase them from my heart, but, I will not ever completely erase the past memories.:)
I would be interesting in something like this because some relationships aren't worth to be remerbered as being in a relationship with someone who hurt you badly such as physically or emotional abuse, that something that alot of people don't want to remembered, those kind of memories are hard to let go, even when you tried so hard to let go the past but the memories will still be there in your mind and in your heart....

So, that's something some people will look up to ...
I just broke up with my first boyfriend in August. At first, while I was so angry, I wished a little that I could erase the memories, erase the experiences with someone who turned out to be rather abusive.

Now that I'm not angry anymore (I got to talk to him and get it all off my chest!) I realize that those memories are precious and like it or not the experience forms a part of me -- and that I can't be the same again, no matter how much I "forget". I might as well cherish the memories.

Plus, now I have all kinds of good notes for things to watch out for when I get into a relationship again.

The concept of what was shown in the movie. No, and it should be illegal to erase people's memories. Brains are not to be messed with, nor fooled. I can understand the temptation, but it's wrong.
The reason why I was intrigued by the concept of having a relationship erased or not was because my ex husband recently won an annulment through Roman Catholic Church. I gave up the fight because I didnt want to waste my time pursuing this case and going all the way to Rome to defend the marriage. It wasnt because I wanted to remain married to him but because it DID exist so why would a group of priests think they have power to decide that it can be literally wiped off from the records, without knowing what really took place behind closed doors? It angers me that a bunch of old men think they have higher power than God.

Thus, it is now official that our marriage NEVER existed and never will be recorded in Roman Catholic Church registry.

But it poses questions such as: Does it means our children are not recognized? Does it means our children are bastards? Does it mean I was never married in the first place?

Our marriage is legally acknowledged but also dissolved legally too but in spiritual aspect, it has never existed.
Meg said:
The reason why I was intrigued by the concept of having a relationship erased or not was because my ex husband recently won an annulment through Roman Catholic Church. I gave up the fight because I didnt want to waste my time pursuing this case and going all the way to Rome to defend the marriage. It wasnt because I wanted to remain married to him but because it DID exist so why would a group of priests think they have power to decide that it can be literally wiped off from the records, without knowing what really took place behind closed doors? It angers me that a bunch of old men think they have higher power than God.

Thus, it is now official that our marriage NEVER existed and never will be recorded in Roman Catholic Church registry.

But it poses questions such as: Does it means our children are not recognized? Does it means our children are bastards? Does it mean I was never married in the first place?

Our marriage is legally acknowledged but also dissolved legally too but in spiritual aspect, it has never existed.

I see what you mean. In my opinion, if a marriage has lasted for years. It shouldn't be entitled to an annulement, period. Nobody can deny that the marriage didn't exist. The church tend to push people to go for an annulement instead of a divorce. I know this for a fact, it has happened to some people I know.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? (name of movie)

I had just started talking with a friend about this movie,altho I've not seen the movie yet - but it was strange that my friend mentioning the movie as I clicked on this thread in here.

IMO - I reckon it's best not to have memories modified because we learn from our past relationships and build onto better ones from the mistakes we made -- and ensure that we don't repeat them in the next relationship, etc.
This thread is making me think of TOTAL RECALL with Arnold Schwarznegger...:shudder:
that movie was one of my brother's top favorite films of the year so far since "fight club" was always his # 1 favorite of all time and now "fight club" is # 2 while "eternal sunshine of spotless minds" is his # 1 favorite because he thinks that the story was pure genesis and that Jim Carrey played a great role in a drama/romance film instead of a comedy film that he appears in most, anyway. I think he's great too but I actually think he's better at comedy movies than drama because he never stopped making me laugh my ass off on "bruce almighty" lol.
I never hear about your marriage 's requirements and rules
Why would you fight to save your marriage ? I don't see any rules pertains to the church 's law. However, it is interesting to know
Even if it were possible to do a memory-erase, I still don't think it to be a wise thing to ponder. We learn from each and every one of our experiences, whether they are good ones or bad ones. I have got plenty of nasty things tucked into the back of my mind, where I intend for them to stay. However, there are times where I can't help but think back and try to make sense out of what I might or might not have learned from the entire experience.

Embrace each and every one of your mistakes - and then the memory won't be so hard to deal with. You'll be able to say you learned from whatever mistake was involved, and be a stronger and happier person.
Meg said:
The reason why I was intrigued by the concept of having a relationship erased or not was because my ex husband recently won an annulment through Roman Catholic Church. I gave up the fight because I didnt want to waste my time pursuing this case and going all the way to Rome to defend the marriage. It wasnt because I wanted to remain married to him but because it DID exist so why would a group of priests think they have power to decide that it can be literally wiped off from the records, without knowing what really took place behind closed doors? It angers me that a bunch of old men think they have higher power than God.

Thus, it is now official that our marriage NEVER existed and never will be recorded in Roman Catholic Church registry.

But it poses questions such as: Does it means our children are not recognized? Does it means our children are bastards? Does it mean I was never married in the first place?

Our marriage is legally acknowledged but also dissolved legally too but in spiritual aspect, it has never existed.
Wow, they dare to do that. That is quite scary...
What about rape/abuse victims?

I was wondering, what about rape or abuse victims? Wouldn't it be better to let them erase those experiences from their minds if possible?

When I think about what they had to go through... being in a situation where they were completely helpless to prevent someone from forcing their will on the victims... it makes me shudder. Especially in the case of rape, where an experience that should be completely up left up to the person to choose to share that experience with another person or not, instead is forced against his/her will to go through that experience, having his/her body violated, the most intimate parts touched against their will.. I better stop, before I scare myself.

Anyway, what's your opinion on this?
Tympani said:
I was wondering, what about rape or abuse victims? Wouldn't it be better to let them erase those experiences from their minds if possible?

When I think about what they had to go through... being in a situation where they were completely helpless to prevent someone from forcing their will on the victims... it makes me shudder. Especially in the case of rape, where an experience that should be completely up left up to the person to choose to share that experience with another person or not, instead is forced against his/her will to go through that experience, having his/her body violated, the most intimate parts touched against their will.. I better stop, before I scare myself.

Anyway, what's your opinion on this?
I think it's usually best to leave memories alone. It's there to help us improve ourselves, learn about ourselves, and to move along as well.
Tympani said:
I was wondering, what about rape or abuse victims? Wouldn't it be better to let them erase those experiences from their minds if possible?

When I think about what they had to go through... being in a situation where they were completely helpless to prevent someone from forcing their will on the victims... it makes me shudder. Especially in the case of rape, where an experience that should be completely up left up to the person to choose to share that experience with another person or not, instead is forced against his/her will to go through that experience, having his/her body violated, the most intimate parts touched against their will.. I better stop, before I scare myself.

Anyway, what's your opinion on this?

Good question, Those who were rape learned to go past the horror and move forward with their life, Those who been rape are likey avoid places where it appear to happen during rape, because they may have flashbacks. They must use force to survive, I know the feeling of helplessness, the shame, guilt, self-doubt, self-blame, and fear. But, those who were raped or abused do not need to blame themsevles because they don't deserved any of it. All we could do is go past the horrible things that happen to us and move on. Life is too precious to go waste on past horrors.;)
If we forgot rape, we would forget the person who raped us and be at risk of being raped again because we don't remember it happening. It couldn't be partial because the thought of being raped would have us wondering how we were raped and that's even worse.