"Elite Member"?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
I've been reading the "Nudity Forum" thread for a while and came up with this idea. There are some members who are a bit offended due to people swarming in just for the nudity pictures. So, I propose this idea. How about if we add another status... "Elite Member"? We've got Administrator, Super Moderator, Moderator, and Member. It wouldn't hurt to add "Elite Member". Here are the suggested restrictions for this status:
  • Must be requested through Administrator
  • Can be removed any time
  • Grants access to specific forums determined by Administrator and Moderator Team
What do you think?
sounds good Vampy but it CAN be abused as well -- im sure the Administrator and the Moderator team would use their judgement -- see if there might be ways to reduce the abuse on wanting to be an elite member
Fly Free said:
sounds good Vampy but it CAN be abused as well -- im sure the Administrator and the Moderator team would use their judgement -- see if there might be ways to reduce the abuse on wanting to be an elite member
That's why I said in the other thread, members who sign up can't just request it immediately. They have to earn it. For instance, Alex already knows me. He's already met me in person. He definitely knows that I'm eligible to be an "Elite Member".
but I am the only one worthy of being an Elite Member
interesting thought. what standard would be decided on being an elite member? do we have to meet alex in person, too? lol
Liza said:
interesting thought. what standard would be decided on being an elite member? do we have to meet alex in person, too? lol
It doesn't have to be meeting Alex in person. It's a matter of how he and the rest of the moderators feel about those members. Alex already felt comfortable with me before he even met me. The same goes for a few other members as well.
its a nice idea, but like fly said, but i agree abusing, and playing 2 faced, or and last but not least, even tho he might know us for a certain amount of time, its still an EQAULITY type of thing theres NO need to call us ELITE just cuz we want to nosy into the nudity section. we re not ALL SPECIAL in all aspect we're all human being and i still DON T THINK we should have a nudity forum its a waste of space and time, if u wanna go have a little fun with ur wanker and or just check out the chicks Simple go to another forum, we re not pronos! Sorry to say this, but i strongly oppose it and not only that there's SO many kids runinng arounf and they can find a way to sneek RIGHT by our noses, what if for example my JP is online ( javapride) and the kid thats using my Sn is right inside my forums and sees something that's inapporatate. and what if that section i had already set the password for brief moment but hasn't gotten a chance to log out. So no thanks no way no how! im not risking any of the kids parents to wail on me!
Yes, you're right. That's the main point of being responsible for your kids actions. It's certainly a lot better than typing in "nude" in any search engine... which will result in a million links to porn websites. It's going to happen sooner or later... whether you're around or not. If you don't want to be an "Elite Member", simply don't request it. That way, if your kid ever did get on your account, he/she would still not be able to access that part of the forums. Me? I've already gotten my computer set up so that NO ONE ever touches it. No one has ever set hands on my computer in over two years. Why? Because I made sure of it. Maybe one or two people used my computer and that was while I was standing there watching their every move. Secondly, you're making assumptions about the point of "Elite Members". It's not just for pictures of naked chicks. It's for threads that Alex feels should not be shown to the public such as private parties/events, special concerns, etc. Not only nudity.
What about renaming Elite member to Nude member? lol

It's obvious now that some AD members don't think too much of the "superior" ring to Elite for AD'ers who don't mind nudity.
Liza said:
What about renaming Elite member to Nude member? lol

It's obvious now that some AD members don't think too much of the "superior" ring to Elite for AD'ers who don't mind nudity.
Which would you rather call these members? The main purpose is so these members can have access to specific parts of the forum. They have to earn their respect.
javapride said:
its a nice idea, but like fly said, but i agree abusing, and playing 2 faced, or and last but not least, even tho he might know us for a certain amount of time, its still an EQAULITY type of thing theres NO need to call us ELITE just cuz we want to nosy into the nudity section. we re not ALL SPECIAL in all aspect we're all human being and i still DON T THINK we should have a nudity forum its a waste of space and time, if u wanna go have a little fun with ur wanker and or just check out the chicks Simple go to another forum, we re not pronos! Sorry to say this, but i strongly oppose it and not only that there's SO many kids runinng arounf and they can find a way to sneek RIGHT by our noses, what if for example my JP is online ( javapride) and the kid thats using my Sn is right inside my forums and sees something that's inapporatate. and what if that section i had already set the password for brief moment but hasn't gotten a chance to log out. So no thanks no way no how! im not risking any of the kids parents to wail on me!
Everyone plays 2 faced. Being here in AllDeaf is like being out in the real world. You get a job working for a company. You work your ass off to get a special rank or position. Now, from there... it's up to you. You can decided to do something bad and get yourself fired or stay loyal and keep moving up. Here, you join AllDeaf and prove yourself to be a mature and loyal member. From there, you could possibly become an "Elite Member" and gain more access. After that, it's up to you to remain loyal or to get yourself banned.
It wouldn't hurt to add a little spice to AllDeaf, but in order to do that, the Moderators and I would have to "hand-pick" members that are worthy of having access to the special and private forum and/or thread which I plan to create and experiment soon. This is to prevent kids, pic leechers and anyone who are problematic from going in there.

Hmm, guys, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. It is noted that the Moderators and I will be cautious when selecting these special members. If it doesn't work out well, we'll just have to forget the notion and move on.

Thanks Vampyrox for bringing that up. I think it's a good and practical idea.
In that case, I will refuse to accept the duty of handpicking members for the so-called "Elite Members Club." I do not agree with this concept, and if people wanted to see porno, they can go elsewhere.
When is everyone going to understand that this is NOT specifically for PORN!?
IT STILL DEGRADES IT THE WOMEN AND THE CONCEPT OF IT ! So why can't U give it up vampy? a moderator refused to do it, and some of the others disagree with that concept, therefore nudity= pornography and i wouldn't condone that in the first place and this ELITE being hand is just wrong and i KUDOS to kootchie for refusing the job, its VERY degrading to the women everywhere sorry to say that buts true!
LOL, let's do it ass-backwards and let everyone in and from there weed out the "undesirables" and then see who's left standing after the dust settles, whereupon Rev Dixie will make a dramatic entry and bless this mess! :laugh2:
None of you are understanding what I am trying to say. It's not required. If you don't want it, don't ask for it. Kuifje didn't ask to be one of the moderators on the selection team so he won't be one of the moderators on the selection team. If you don't want to be an "Elite Member", then you WON'T be an "Elite Member". That is very simple as it is said. I'm not going to post any more in here since I've already repeated myself too much. Thanks. :)
VamPyroX said:
Everyone plays 2 faced. Being here in AllDeaf is like being out in the real world. You get a job working for a company. You work your ass off to get a special rank or position. Now, from there... it's up to you. You can decided to do something bad and get yourself fired or stay loyal and keep moving up. Here, you join AllDeaf and prove yourself to be a mature and loyal member. From there, you could possibly become an "Elite Member" and gain more access. After that, it's up to you to remain loyal or to get yourself banned.
Do u relize what u are saying t us? Ur discriminating us and whats more, ur telling us STAY LOYAL to AD and u will be rewards Im already rewarded with just reading AD's events, general discussions, i get my laughter from BBNT, and all the jokes, I see theres a hotties sub forum and thats enuff there! and there is a XXX joke in the jokes section and yah it's funny, theres talks abt MANY things and it doesn't take me to be loyal to love AD i just LOVE AD for what it is THERE is NO NEED for it to be degrade on the elite speical club theres parents EVERYWHERE on this board some don't come in all the time and don't have much time to be surfing and then finding out that theres a speical section for nudity and u know what they will just leave like a bat out of hell and i wouldn't blame them !
Alex I need to explain clear one strict access, u will NEVER know the kid may have already be walking around and the parents MIGHT not relize the kid was right behind then or aside them therefore goes to show that having this isn't a great idea sure we can be careful and judge ourselves YES but look at it this way what if the kid woke up in the middle of the night and finds daddy or mommy looking at those nudity they will ( the kids) think its OK and look at it too! So concept will fail sorry to say u say u have passwords and blah and many will just hack the password i would RATHER not have that happening and being liable for a lawsuit....
uhmm -- Vampy has already specifically said it is NOT *only* for the porn -- there may be other posts that may be sexually oriented but in words as opposed to pics -- i uddy some of u feel that porn is a degradation to women but im sure the straight women would post porn of MALES as im sure there are male models for porn -- i dont think that this would be based solely on porn there may be other posts abt other things that are of adult content

as for the "hand-picking" decision -- i would go for it and hope that the Admin and the moderator team who are doing this hand picking uses their good judgement and discretion on choosing the members that can be part of the "elite members club" -- good luck Alex and the mod team
As for nudity forums, I don't mind a little nudity - it will be very nice for some people to get that in a private and closed forum without having to worry about others criticizing the postage of nudity. Heck, bullymom can post all the dick pix there and not make some of us endure 'em. LOL!! Just think of the poor "Elite" members.... I hope you won't leave AD because of a little private forum that you know you won't participate in, and you won't get to see the content that could be offensive to you. Better ask before before jumping into conclusions.. I have a few questions myself.

I don't see how a Nudity forum would constitute elitism though. hehehe Is it possible to think of another name for that? It really doesnt sit well with me. I know Alex and Vampy will handle things well with this private and hidden forum since they have assured us they will make sure things are done legally and in a responsible manner. Besides they have done a bit of cleaning up with this forum in the past! (hint: no animal zoo or child porn) How many places do you think have that kind of moderation? Besides, this is an experiment to see how it goes. :mrgreen:

As for being handpicked.... whoa, Vampy and Alex - I'm not sure what you mean by that... do you mean if members request for the Nudity forum, you just consider their requests based on their known history? What about those interested newbies you don't know? *grin* Or did you mean that you would automatically add members even if they don't show interest in nudity?