Do you have a writing problem?

When I was reviewing this thread, I was pleased to see that there are people trying to develop ASL as a language class. For many generations, we have develop our language by acquisitions from other deaf peers. There are no formal ASL class for deaf children, but there are formal English class for everyone.

This deaf tutor is a start of stronger language development for next deaf generation.

Once you complete full English and ASL ability, I would recommend learning 3rd language such as Spanish, Italian, German, French, and many more. I was told if I wanted to solidify my English skills in writing and reading, I should take Latin. A lot of root word comes from Latin and its a huge building block of all languages I mentioned above.

That is my 2 cent for the day.
No writing problems here. I did check out the link provided it looks like a lot of fun to learn English in sign language. Pretty cool !
Pinky, you didn't graduate from high school, did you? I saw in another thread where you said that you needed to get your GED.

Yeah, I need to get a GED. I have to learn English skill first. I want to be success and be proud when I pass GED. I want to forget about past. Good luck for me to study on English and get a GED. I am keeping positive and faith. I can do my best!
Yeah, I need to get a GED. I have to learn English skill first. I want to be success and be proud when I pass GED. I want to forget about past. Good luck for me to study on English and get a GED. I am keeping positive and faith. I can do my best!

Do your best!
That's true. Some deaf school has lousy education. Thank you for sharing with me of your experience when you're raised to mainstream and deaf school between. I am very skill at history, all kind of science, social studies, arts and other. My most weak is Algebra, some English. I am still learning more roots words. I had been frustrate to learn English. Don't mean I am DUMB. I don't like how hearing people think I am retard when I am not good at English grammar. It's embarrassing me as hell. I can see your English is very good! Because you're raised to mainstream school. I was at deaf school for 7 years. I was almost to transfer back to mainstream school but too late for me now. I had fail from ISTEP 5 times. I didn't make it because of my vision problem when I am read. My school asked me if I would stay at high school for 5th years. I told her NO! I wanted to done with high school. I was so bitter with teachers what they done to me. I moved on my life and look forward get a GED. I have to study on English first. When I am feel confidence and ready for get a GED. I am keeping positive and do my best.

Not all deaf school has lousy education, it depends on where are you from.

I had been raised at lousy hearing elementary school with special education when I was young child and not know how to communicate until late childhood, even teachers are treat me like retard child and we were in group with handicapped kids, it had been stopped in late 90's when start 6th grade at middle school and everything are start more hard as I got used with it, I haven't learn ASL until when start at 6th grade then became fluent in ASL in 2000 and my english level hasn't largely improve until when start in 9th grade at high school in 2002, after 10th grade then my parent forced me go to deaf school because they thought I will be super improve but it's not true and still enroll until end of 11th grade then transferred back to hearing school.
I crap bad english.

I bad write english...

Nah, that was full of bullshit. My excellent skills has come to an fact that I went to all mainstreamed school in my school years. As you have noticed my english writing and grammar :)

But you still have bad spelling.
Sounds like your experiance at the Deaf School really colored your experiance academicly..............The reason you write as you do, is b/c you approach English as a second language. Surely you've heard of ESL kids? You make the SAME grammartical/syntaxical errors as do ESL people! Ever seen the way foreigners use English sometimes? Such as "Are You Feel Better?" " The flattening with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid. Turn to her straightaway" etc.

This is true. On internet, someone thought I was a old woman from country of Russia due to my English. Heh. It's all because I always messed up past tense and articles. No matters how much I tried to remember the rules, I can't get it stuck in my mind.

It's like I had a mental block or something. It's so frustrating because I want to get better, but yet I can't. I guess everyone had a critical period of when they can truly become fluent in one language and I am already past mine. Feh.

Also, that it's weird that reading skill come easily to me rather than writing skill. Well, at least I think so...

No matter what, not being so fluent at English is not the end of the world, even though it would make people's life a lot easier, lol.
A lot of people have problems spelling. In the age of spell check, it is easily compensated for.

Agree! Maybe Jake is lazy to adjust the spelling on post. :giggle: I always use my spell checking before post it all the times. :) I wish it have grammar checking available in everywhere on computers. But Mircosoft Words do have check the spelling and grammars.
I am a speed reader, so I learned English as a kid by reading a series of books called "The Boxcar Children." I got them every 2 weeks or something like that. And at the end of the series, I read each book in 30 minutes or less. I don't credit my (mainstream) school for learning English, I credit reading. Because I did not take on harder book or have time to read as I got older due to doing homework and sports, my vocabulary is slightly on the low side, but not enough that it shows.
I love using the Thesaurus to try and fine-tune my writing style.

Reading more books or other reading material will certainly help to improve one's writing skill.
I am a speed reader, so I learned English as a kid by reading a series of books called "The Boxcar Children." I got them every 2 weeks or something like that. And at the end of the series, I read each book in 30 minutes or less. I don't credit my (mainstream) school for learning English, I credit reading. Because I did not take on harder book or have time to read as I got older due to doing homework and sports, my vocabulary is slightly on the low side, but not enough that it shows.

"The Boxcar Children" is a wonderful series of books!

And you are right to credit reading with improving your English skills. The mainstream generally does a poor job of teaching English skills to a deaf student. But reading provides a wonderful model of the language, and in a mode that is available to the deaf student.

I really don't notice any gaps in your vocabulary.
I love using the Thesaurus to try and fine-tune my writing style.

Reading more books or other reading material will certainly help to improve one's writing skill.

Isn't a Thesaurus a wonderful tool?
Isn't a Thesaurus a wonderful tool?

It sure is! ... My Thesaurus and Dictionaries are my fav books. Every time, I pass a book store, I have to resist buying more dictionaries/thesaurus. :giggle:

You know what my brother did years ago? Instead of reading the newspaper every day in the loo, he would read the encyclopedia ... starting at the very beginning and work his way through alphabetically. (I don't know what alphabet he is up to now). I think that's great! but not in the loo! Btw, those are his books. :giggle: He was born a bookworm and very academically minded.
I am a speed reader, so I learned English as a kid by reading a series of books called "The Boxcar Children." I got them every 2 weeks or something like that. And at the end of the series, I read each book in 30 minutes or less. I don't credit my (mainstream) school for learning English, I credit reading. Because I did not take on harder book or have time to read as I got older due to doing homework and sports, my vocabulary is slightly on the low side, but not enough that it shows.

That's the way to do it! ... I did, too. Starting with reading very simple books.

It was about 20 years ago, that I chose to read easy books then onto deeper materials that helped me. There are some which are too deep for me to comprehend.

You are doing very well! :)
Thanks for the excellent link, Pinky! ... not only Dictionary/Thesaurus but medical, legal, acronyms, idioms ... Wow! :thumb:

Me, too! :)

You're welcome. Or you can go to I like the free dictionary is better. It's good for my education. I want to improve with my roots word and long vocabulary word.