Deaf Horse for sale $$ 13,000.00 :):):)

Wow I wish that I have kind of money to buying him!! ;)

Paint Horse For Sale, Illinois, Island Lake

that lot of at 13,500 dollars. I was wonder why so much money for one horse. I was wonder that seem very rare see deaf horses?. Just curious. I take link to my sister cause she use to work vet clinic at rancher. I am sure my sister will surprise deaf horse...LOL
What a beautiful horse! $13,000 - I don't think that anyone want to pay that kind of money. The sale would be $3,000 or less - perhaps unless if it is a famous horse.
I think I know why it is expensive. The horse is deaf and very calm - this horse cannot hear other horses' wild voices that would stir up the troubles (not always). That's why they want a calm horse. Isn't that obvious?
Yes, that called Splash – The splash pattern looks like a horse has been dipped in white paint. there is a disinct line on the body, below that line the horse is white, above it is dark.The face is commonnly white. One or two blue eyes are common.Approxinmately 90% of horses that have the splash pattern are deaf. While that may seem at first to be a severe disaibility ((and in wild horses it would be)) in domestic horses it can actually be an advantage because deaf horses don’t spook at loud noises. Splash is a compartively rare pattern. Beautiful !!!

APHA.Com - The Genetic Equation
Wow, I'm sure that rich people from countryside are want one, also I'm against to left the horses, near to mansion in LA because smog can hurt or kill horses, also same goes to other animals.
Wow, I'm sure that rich people from countryside are want one, also I'm against to left the horses, near to mansion in LA because smog can hurt or kill horses, also same goes to other animals.

I am not sure what do you mean that you are against left?
What a beautiful horse...too bad my backyard is not big enough. LOL!
Dang I wish I had the money so I can have him in my yard. I do have big land for him to roam.
I am not sure what do you mean that you are against left?

I means that people who bought horses then left in backyard, when they are located in urban in entire of LA except for rural area that's too far to smog infested. Animals can get hurt or kill by smog infested, that what I'm against on people.

In last 20-25 years ago, some communities in southwest of San Bernardino County are used to okay for big animals to live in, then smog issue were not occured until big sprawl is started spread over community, now, it's not good for big animals to live in.
I means that people who bought horses then left in backyard, when they are located in urban in entire of LA except for rural area that's too far to smog infested. Animals can get hurt or kill by smog infested, that what I'm against on people.

In last 20-25 years ago, some communities in southwest of San Bernardino County are used to okay for big animals to live in, then smog issue were not occured until big sprawl is started spread over community, now, it's not good for big animals to live in.

Oh, I understand it now. Thanks.
Wow thats so BEAUTIFUL horse... I wish i could get that horse.. we have several horses right here in our backyard....too much i think for one horse... oh well..
Omg what i would give to buy that horse and turn him into the most spoiled show horse ever groomed everyday and massaged geez i'm jealous of whatever person buys that wonderful horse
wish have that kind of money to buy for my boys.. they will be feeling connected bec of their deafness.. and my older sons austic...