CPS teacher strike and Illinois area....

It's a trolling question. There is absolutely no reason to ask me such thing unless you have a source that disputes my claim.

The facts that you're deflecting my question and not disputing my statement are a clear sign of trolling and you're not even interested in having a mutual, intellectual discussion.

It's very simple - either you prove it wrong or you don't. period. you don't ask "are you sure about that?" if you can't prove it wrong.

Your statement did not seem accurate to me. Therefore,"are you sure?" is a legitimate question. Sorry this has touched such a nerve with you.
Your statement did not seem accurate to me. Therefore,"are you sure?" is a legitimate question.
If my statement did not seem accurate to you, then are you able to find a credible source that disputes my claim?

Sorry this has touched such a nerve with you.
not at all. I'm pressing on you to step up and come clean because this is your usual M.O. as seen in many threads by nitpicking people's post with a clear intention of trolling and not even coming up with a source to back your claim. very insidious and childish.

There's absolutely no reason to ask me if I'm absolutely sure of it. If I said it, then I said it. Period. No need to ask me if I'm sure of it. All you have to do is come up with a source that disputes my claim. It's that simple. It's a mature thing to do. Instead.... you clown around and poke around with childish questions and deflections with nothing to back your claim and repeating one-liner - "you're entitled to your opinion."
If my statement did not seem accurate to you, then are you able to find a credible source that disputes my claim?

not at all. I'm pressing on you to step up and come clean because this is your usual M.O. as seen in many threads by nitpicking people's post with a clear intention of trolling and not even coming up with a source to back your claim. very insidious and childish.

There's absolutely no reason to ask me if I'm absolutely sure of it. If I said it, then I said it. Period. No need to ask me if I'm sure of it. All you have to do is come up with a source that disputes my claim. It's that simple. It's a mature thing to do. Instead.... you clown around and poke around with childish questions and deflections with nothing to back your claim and repeating one-liner - "you're entitled to your opinion."

I didn't even look to verify. I asked you a question, if you don't want to answer that is perfectly ok.
I didn't even look to verify.
then don't even bother asking me if you're not going to bother to verify it in the first place. you shouldn't ask a question if you don't know the answer.... or if you are not willing to answer...

I asked you a question, if you don't want to answer that is perfectly ok.
If you find any error in my statement/claim, I will gladly accept it and apologize for my mistake.

All? Are you sure about that? :)

See that :) ? A clear sign of intention to troll.
then don't even bother asking me if you're not going to bother to verify it in the first place. you shouldn't ask a question if you don't know the answer.... or if you are not willing to answer...

If you find any error in my statement/claim, I will gladly accept it and apologize for my mistake.

See that :) ? A clear sign of intention to troll.

Or trying to note that I am asking in a friendly manner rather than an accusatory manner. Especially given that the thread had become argumentative. Sorry you misunderstood. In the future if you are unclear how or why I am using an emoticon please feel free to ask. Sometimes when words are in written form they give off the wrong meaning...ie sound confrontational. I often use emoticons to clarify the intent of the message. Again, if you are unsure how they are intended, please feel free to ask. That is much better than assuming. Thanks.
then don't even bother asking me if you're not going to bother to verify it in the first place.

Usually one would ask to discover if there was a need to verify.

you shouldn't ask a question if you don't know the answer.... or if you are not willing to answer...

Odd, I rarely ask questions when I know the answer already......seems pointless.
Usually one would ask to discover if there was a need to verify.

Odd, I rarely ask questions when I know the answer already......seems pointless.

oh... more quibbling... so much quibbling in short time...

FYI - it's a common etiquette that you should not ask a question you don't know the answer to.
1) How we fund schools (through property taxes) which result in significant differences between communities (low value property=less school money). Read Jonathon KozolSavage Inequalities to get a very sad view of this.
Could it also be how the school prepares their budget? Is it similar to how big businesses make money? Those big businesses make huge profits. Instead of giving everyone bigger raises or hiring more people, they give everyone tiny annual raises and keep the rest for themselves.

I don't know exactly how the budget is managed, but with the poor salary that these complaining teachers get and how the higher-ups don't complain about it... that makes me wonder who's getting paid what?
2) Parental involvement. This is a big one and really has more to do with available time. As long as we MUST have two working parents in a family to live and companies that do not give adequate personal time (see Europe for more family/school friendly working hours) parents will not have the ability to be involved at a level necessary.
I definitely agree with this one. Parents are the other half of the learning in our lives.

They don't have to be smart to help us do our homework, but they can ensure that we're doing our homework... while maintaining a close relationship with them to show that we're interested in what they're doing.

Some parents say that they don't know the material, so they don't bother helping. That's just a lazy excuse. What they should be doing is look at it as a learning experience for themselves as well. More and more things are being taught in schools that parents weren't taught when they were young. They should take that opportunity to "learn" with their kids as their kids learn.

Nowadays, a kid fails a test and parents just blame the teachers... then lets the kid play on his Xbox. Years ago, a kid fails a test and parents blame the kid... grounding him, making him study harder.

Nowadays, a kid gets an 'A' and parents say "Cool!" before walking away. Years ago, a kid gets an 'A' and parents say "That's great! We should celebrate!" and do something reasonable for their kid.

When I got good grades, my parents would make me my favorite dinner, take me to a movie, let me do what I wanted, etc... as long as it was reasonable. No, they didn't spoil me like buy me a car.
3) Lack of social norms and niceties of the past - respecting our elders, respecting authority, respecting ALL others, respecting ourselves, and respecting property (obviously a brief list).
Yep, it's all about RESPECT!

"Do unto others as you would want them to do to you."

NOT "An eye for an eye."

Yes, those elders are old. Yes, they are losing their minds. Yes, they are going senile. No, that doesn't mean we should hate them. They're just that way because they can't help it and we shouldn't take it out on them. It's better to take a moment to smile and say, "Hi!" than to just walk by them and say nothing.

Yes, that popular girl in school got pregnant. Yes, she's going to have a kid. No, getting pregnant too won't make you popular. (I blame 16 and Pregnant for this. ;) ) This is YOUR life, not that popular girl's.
4) Sustainable no tolerance policies. Public schools need the ability to remove anyone who negatively impacts the learning environment, permanently, if necessary. This needs to be supported by parents, teachers, administrators, and everyone else.
The term "no tolerance" is something that's already getting out of hand.

You're right, we should have no tolerance for troublemakers... but it should be the extreme troublemakers, not the minor ones.

Yes, they should suspend a 17-year-old boy from school for beating up a younger classmate. No, they should not suspend a 5-year-old boy from school for writing his name on his desk with a permanent marker.

Yes, they should suspend a 16-year-old girl from school for giving another boy a blow job in the school restroom. No, they should not suspend a 6-year-old girl for drawing what looks like a penis on a piece of paper in class.

The stories I hear from my friends... are the other way around.

They would suspend that 17-year-old boy for beating up a younger classmate, but they also suspend that younger classmate because he was "involved".

Some faculty members don't always follow the rules. Students see that... and they follow. My friends can't do anything because when they do, they have to explain why the teachers aren't following the rules.
5) Finally, year round schooling. This is not a popular stance, BUT, if teachers worked year round the public would more likely be able to view
Just my thoughts - Chicago kids may be back in school :applause: but the issue remains an elephant in the room..... :hmm:
If there's year round schooling, where would kids get their opportunity to make up for their mistakes that they made during the year?

I failed one class in high school. I was able to make up for it by taking summer school. That was my "punishment" for failing a class. I had to go to school, while everyone else stayed home and had their summer vacation. :)
oh... more quibbling... so much quibbling in short time...

FYI - it's a common etiquette that you should not ask a question you don't know the answer to.

No quibbling at all friend. As I said, your decision is perfectly ok. :)

depending on the context, of course....

He was not asking in the same manner as a kid asking mom - "why is the sky blue?". It's more like just asking for the sake of asking... which can be either a thinly disguised statement or a rhetoric question. or none at all.
depending on the context, of course....

He was not asking in the same manner as a kid asking mom - "why is the sky blue?". It's more like just asking for the sake of asking... which can be either a thinly disguised statement or a rhetoric question. or none at all.

Or an actual question, which I clarified it was. If you are ever confused as to whether or not I am asking an actual question, please free feel to ask. That is so much better than making assumptions.
Or an actual question, which I clarified it was. If you are ever confused as to whether or not I am asking an actual question, please free feel to ask. That is so much better than making assumptions.

Please feel free to ask? I just did.... and you clowned around...

is there a fact that disputes my claim?

waiting.... is my "statement" or "claim" incorrect or not?

Is there a reason to ask if I'm sure of it? You must be trolling around since you're not being very forthcoming from the beginning.

This reeks of.... backpedaling and covering your ass... uh-oh... I see animals scurrying away in fear... looks like a looming sign that Thor will be flying in with a vengeful Ban Hammer..... :Ohno:
Please feel free to ask? I just did.... and you clowned around...

This reeks of.... backpedaling and covering your ass... uh-oh... I see animals scurrying away in fear... looks like a looming sign that Thor will be flying in with a vengeful Ban Hammer..... :Ohno:

I answered your question. I said, I :dunno: , I didn't look it up. I asked you instead. You have taken this simple question way to personally. And despite Reba's urging to move on, you decided to continue. You even told her you were going to continue. That is trolling. You will notice that I haven't pressed the issue. I said it was perfectly ok if you didn't want to answer. In fact, I have been quite friendly despite your personal attacks.
I answered your question. I said, I :dunno: , I didn't look it up. I asked you instead. You have taken this simple question way to personally.
I've already answered in Post #342 and again in Post #344.

And despite Reba's urging to move on, you decided to continue. You even told her you were going to continue. That is trolling. You will notice that I haven't pressed the issue. I said it was perfectly ok if you didn't want to answer. In fact, I have been quite friendly despite your personal attacks.
comical at best. pathetic too. Spinning this as "oh poor me! I'm a victim in here!" sob story in case thing goes wrong, I see. You can simply report my post and move on if you think I'm trolling you. Simple as that. But no.... you chose to continue this farce. and I chose to address this issue because this is getting tiresome to see your usual M.O. in all over threads.

Perhaps you should be more honest and forthcoming in the first place instead of jesting around with vague posts and one-liners.

Tell me the truth, TXGolfer. This whole "I've been quite friendly" charade is not working. You have been very deceitful and obtuse for quite some time now. Tell me the truth. Come clean now.
I've already answered in Post #342 and again in Post #344.

comical at best. pathetic too. Spinning this as "oh poor me! I'm a victim in here!" sob story in case thing goes wrong, I see. You can simply report my post and move on if you think I'm trolling you. Simple as that. But no.... you chose to continue this farce. and I chose to address this issue because this is getting tiresome to see your usual M.O. in all over threads.

Perhaps you should be more honest and forthcoming in the first place instead of jesting around with vague posts and one-liners.

Tell me the truth, TXGolfer. This whole "I've been quite friendly" charade is not working. You have been very deceitful and obtuse for quite some time now. Tell me the truth. Come clean now.

As everyone knows, you are friends with the site owner, so I don't see the benefit of reporting your posts. Besides, as I have told you many times, I consider you a friend. I pretty much shrug off personal attacks for friends and assume they must be having a bad day.

As for "continuing this farce" I think you will find my posts suggested moving on. I even stated that it was perfectly ok if you did not answer. Yet this continues.
As everyone knows, you are friends with the site owner, so I don't see the benefit of reporting your posts.
If I'm friend with the site owner... then why were I banned several times? No one is above the laws (rules).

Beside - a lot of people in here are friends with the site owner too so I don't understand what's up with this odd gossip. It sounds as if I hang out with him often and I crash at his place whenever I want when in fact I don't at all. Perhaps you should not listen to whatever Jiro-Haters are telling you :cool2:

Besides, as I have told you many times, I consider you a friend. I pretty much shrug off personal attacks for friends and assume they must be having a bad day.
I can't recall the last time I had a bad day. I think maybe when I realized I have been using a ketchup cup all wrong....

As for "continuing this farce" I think you will find my posts suggested moving on. I even stated that it was perfectly ok if you did not answer. Yet this continues.
Oh my.... still quibbling?

Post #355. and it should have ended right there.... well I hope this ends after this post...
If there's year round schooling, where would kids get their opportunity to make up for their mistakes that they made during the year?

I failed one class in high school. I was able to make up for it by taking summer school. That was my "punishment" for failing a class. I had to go to school, while everyone else stayed home and had their summer vacation. :)

The system would most likely be set up to tackle that issue. If a student is falling behind on certain subject, then he would probably have to take some kind of remedial course without having to miss a grade.

It may be a fluidic system tailored for his needs.
If I'm friend with the site owner... then why were I banned several times? No one is above the laws (rules).

Beside - a lot of people in here are friends with the site owner too so I don't understand what's up with this odd gossip. It sounds as if I hang out with him often and I crash at his place whenever I want when in fact I don't at all. Perhaps you should not listen to whatever Jiro-Haters are telling you :cool2:

I can't recall the last time I had a bad day. I think maybe when I realized I have been using a ketchup cup all wrong....

Oh my.... still quibbling?

Post #355. and it should have ended right there.... well I hope this ends after this post...

I don't know any Jiro haters, everyone I know seems to like you.

I am glad you have decided to drop this now. And given that this thread is about Chicago teacher and their strike, I am glad they have dropped it as well. That is good news for the children and parents of Chicago.