CPS teacher strike and Illinois area....

...For example - my high school (grade 9-12) currently has 1,402 students with 15.44 student/teacher ratio and has 97.13% graduation rate. NJ has 71.1% college participate rate as of 2008 and I believe my school has about 90% college participation rate judging from my grade and my brother's grade.

10% - some went into military. some go straight into family businesses or work. very few "gave up" in life.
I can give my high school's numbers, too, but they aren't relevant to when I graduated in 1969. :lol:

It now has 988 students and 73 faculty members and administration staff.

Graduation rate is 92.9 percent, and 88 percent go on to college.

Back in my day a lot of the guys went on to the military--it was called The Draft.
That is really amazing seeing that you claimed this earlier...

right. both statements are in complete agreement with each other. based on your response, you must be confused. I'll see if I can clarify for you -

Most of students entering accredited colleges came from accredited high schools. I've already shown you the fact that most high schools are not accredited. NJ has total of 2,481 public schools yet only 193 public high schools are accredited by MSCSS.
You are sure? Interesting.....but irrelevant. Whether or not a college accepts a certain accreditation does not change the fact that it is an accreditation.

Feel free to come up with facts that dispute my claim.
I discussed with my interpreter in dance class and she told me that she worked for K-12 schools for 20+ years. She shared with me about teacher jobs are hard and stressed. She interpreted between parent and teacher, it was extremely stressed for her to hear all argument between parent and teacher. Many parents called and harassed my interpreter rather than teacher so she wasn't responsible to solve the problems, but only teachers are. She said many young teachers don't work last longer and they quitted in few years, even one year because all issues with lazy parents and bad children.

The teacher unions are intended to protect teacher's jobs from getting fired because of lazy, crazy parents and bad children, without one, teachers can get fired so easily, even good teachers but lazy parents just ruin the good teacher's jobs. The teacher unions aren't bad thing, but it can be too beyond because it was originally to protect their jobs with some negotiate about pays and benefits. Rest of other stuffs are beyond and I don't know why unions want go further than that.

Based on inflation, the tax revenues goes up as tax rate remains same, but shaky economy caused tax revenues to be more loss. That's trouble for city, county or state to deal with budget problems.

Speaking about unions, it is North vs. South. It is nature for southerners to be anti-unions so they see unions as bad, thugs but northerners see unions as good, advocate the work rights. The argument about unions are more based on sociocultural so no win-lose game for you.
Most of students entering accredited colleges came from accredited high schools. I've already shown you the fact that most high schools are not accredited. NJ has total of 2,481 public schools yet only 193 public high schools are accredited by MSCSS.

That doesn't prove that "most high schools are non accredited". First you used the total amount of schools vs. accredited high. schools. Second this only speaks on New Jersey. Third this only accounts for one accrediting agency.
That doesn't prove that "most high schools are non accredited". First you used the total amount of schools vs. accredited high. schools. Second this only speaks on New Jersey. Third this only accounts for one accrediting agency.


Middle States Commission is one of the 6 biggest accreditation agencies.

According to MSCSS, only 193 public high schools, 101 private high schools and 251 "religious denomination high schools" are accredited in NJ. Those schools including mine that are accredited are typically on top 50-100 best schools in the state. As for rest.... they're not accredited.

You're still failing to prove your claim. All you do is jester around and poke a hole in any way you can without proving your own claim.

Another fact for you - there is no federal regulation or federally recognized list of accreditation agencies for secondary education.... only higher education. So each state has its own criteria for its own public schools and it's up to them to get accredited by regional accreditation agencies or not.

very simple. all you have to do is show me the facts that would dispute my claim. or you can tell me the names of other accrediting agencies and I will check for you.

very simple. all you have to do is show me the facts that would dispute my claim. or you can tell me the names of other accrediting agencies and I will check for you.

I am perfectly content to allow you to believe what you wish. :)
Pretty sure South Carolina public schools are accredited by the State DOE.
yes. there are total of 251 public high schools.... and according to Reba's link, only 197 public high schools are accredited. although I do not know if all 197 schools are also accredited by State DOE but chance is they are.

Some seek additional accreditation. I could be wrong.
incorrect. there's absolutely no point in having additional accreditation when being accredited by SACS and State DOE are more than enough.
yes. there are total of 251 public high schools.... and according to Reba's link, only 197 public high schools are accredited. although I do not know if all 197 schools are
accredited by State DOE but chance is they are.

incorrect. there's absolutely no point in having additional accreditation when being accredited by SACS and State DOE are more than enough.

Actually, you proved my statement to be correct. Note the "also" and "and" in your statement. And as Reba's link shows.....It is correct that South Carolina schools are accredited by the state.

There are also 2 very valid reasons that some schools seek accreditation beyond "state accreditation"

For example, Highland Park High School in Dallas has 2 accreditations....

HPHS is accredited by the Texas Education Agency and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Actually, you proved my statement to be correct. Note the "also" and "and" in your statement. And as Reba's link shows.....It is correct that South Carolina schools are accredited by the state.
um.... I just proved my own statement to be correct, not yours. and the fact still remains that 54 other high schools in South Carolina are not accredited.

There are also 2 very valid reasons that some schools seek accreditation beyond "state accreditation"

For example, Highland Park High School in Dallas has 2 accreditations....

right.... that's what I kept telling you for the whole time. You kept brushing it off. Highland Park High School is accredited by Texas DOE and one of the 6 regional accrediting agencies.

like below....
"Basically"? Only 6? :hmm:

That doesn't prove that "most high schools are non accredited". First you used the total amount of schools vs. accredited high. schools. Second this only speaks on New Jersey. Third this only accounts for one accrediting agency.
um.... I just proved my own statement to be correct, not yours. and the fact still remains that 54 other high schools in South Carolina are not accredited.

right.... that's what I kept telling you for the whole time. You kept brushing it off. Highland Park High School is accredited by Texas DOE and one of the 6 regional accrediting agencies.

like below....

:laugh2: Assuming numbers YOU provided.... 197/251 accredited would equal "most". It's almost 80% :lol: And that number doesn't even include schools that accredited by the state only, schools that are accredited through other agencies outside the "regional 6" or schools who are currently in the accreditation process.

On HP, they received accreditation from TEA and sought additional accreditation.....Exactly what I stated earlier....But you said that was incorrect.
right.... that's what I kept telling you for the whole time. You kept brushing it off. Highland Park High School is accredited by Texas DOE and one of the 6 regional accrediting agencies.

like below....

Originally Posted by TXgolfer
"Basically"? Only 6?

Absolutely....because I am aware, and I believe most people are, that school accreditation is not limited to these 6 agencies. :)
Absolutely....because I am aware, and I believe most people are, that school accreditation is not limited to these 6 agencies. :)

never said it's limited to 6 agencies. just that there are 6 major regional agencies recognized by all states and colleges.
:laugh2: Assuming numbers YOU provided.... 197/251 accredited would equal "most". It's almost 80% :lol: And that number doesn't even include schools that accredited by the state only, schools that are accredited through other agencies outside the "regional 6" or schools who are currently in the accreditation process.
there are 49 other states.....

as I said before - NJ has 2,481 public schools and only 219 are accredited by MSCSS....

On HP, they received accreditation from TEA and sought additional accreditation.....Exactly what I stated earlier....But you said that was incorrect.

this is what I said -
incorrect. there's absolutely no point in having additional accreditation when being accredited by SACS and State DOE are more than enough.